Does anyone have arthritis in their toes
and if so how did it manifest?
Does anyone have arthritis in their toes
and if so how did it manifest?
unable to bend them properly and shape of toes changes
My toes became `hammer toes' because of arthritis. I had them straightened some years ago. I was told that they may bend again, they have a bit, but not enough to stop me wearing nice flat shoes.
The gap between my big toe and the others is getting wider and I think there is a bunion forming on my left foot but not bad yet.
My toes are going every which way , nails are too thick to cut myself and have to be done by poditary. They are very stiff cannot move them without pain shooting into the rest of my foot.I also get pain across the base of toes it feels like a screw being turned . Some times when i get up and try to walk there is pain in the bottom of my feet not just instep.
Hope this helps sorry if its like mine as its painful.
yes I have it in my toes , they look like sausages' my nails are yellow thick , and my feet are always so cold , like to wear saddles , but a shamed of my feet !!! jo
Hi Mags ,,yes @ toes ,,my feet are terribly mishaped! ,,my big toes are starting to over lap my second toes & the smaller toes are all turning in ,,,,the middle toe on my right foot often gives me grief,,,while walking i often get a sharp pain with each step that sends a shouting pain up my leg,,,,also i dont have arches in my feet which does,nt help with my stability. ,,kind regards x