Do others with RA have a problem with toes curling and feeling like tight tendons going up the leg? If so what can be done about it? I did .mention it at last appontment. xray done but no follow up. Ideas welcome .
toes curling: Do others with RA have a problem with... - NRAS
toes curling

Yes to toes but no to leg pain. I had surgery to straighten foot and toes released and straightened and a bit shaved off. That sounds dramatic but it wasn’t so bad. It worked well.
Medway-Lady, question for you: All my non-big toes are hammertoes. I've thought about surgery if only to get my toes to touch the ground again and give me greater stability. After your surgery, are you able to bend your toes (deliberately curl them) or are they fused straight? Even though my hammertoes are always curled to some degree, I can curl them even further.
I have ankylosing spondylitis, and my feet and toes give me issues. My ligaments in my toes calcified, and caused my 2 of my toes to sublux , and have hammer toes, from tendons or ligaments calcifying. I had surgery on 2 toes to reconstruct ligaments and fuse the pip joints. I need to go in in September for further surgery. My rheumatologist was skeptical, and only did ultrasounds when my gp insisted it was a systemic issue, as it was bilateral and there had been no injury. He said only 5% of AS patients have for issues. I do have same problem in my knees, with both patella tendons shortened from calcification, resulting in both kneecaps subluxing. Currently in a flare, worsened by my shingles vaccine, so every muscle and joint hurts.
Yes my toes do that but it doesn't affect the leg
yes to tight, painful leg tendons that affects arch of foot as well with painful cramps… loads of gentler stretching daily in bed before getting up, when I’m waiting for the kettle to boil, in the swimming pool etc. a physio will advise re which stretches would ease your tendons if that’s possible… mine has been described as ‘over active hamstrings’ which affects everything else and contributes to knee pain if I don’t ease them out.
All the best
I have hammer toes and i have had surgery done on them though they still curl up a bit. xxx
My toe's go into spasm when they are cold. One toe feels as if it numb.
yes I do . I had orthotics made privately that help