Best Wishes for a Happy, Blessed Christmas, from Acro... - NRAS


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Best Wishes for a Happy, Blessed Christmas, from Across the Waves!

lorann profile image
19 Replies

To all my dear friends over there, on this site: You have all been such awesome, strong, helpful and compassionate people to each other. I have come to believe the very existence of RA and the other inflammatory diseases, actually affects the brain by stimulating the very compassion that is exhibited here. :) Maybe. Why not?

I know! I have promised you all a big blog, to tell you about my year of ups and downs, most especially the emotional roller-coaster of life in general.

I've had the experience of meeting a gentleman, seemingly very compatible with my own interests and philosphies, personality, sense of humor, all those criteria. Yet, he seemed not to be able to tolerate going out with me, with my walker. It seemed to really bother him to have to deal with putting it in the car, where to put it at a restaurant, or the theatre, etc. Maybe he felt it intruded on his image. I don't know. He just quit calling, or seemed rather distant, not so interested in conversation. So, I gave up too. Why bother? Another blow by the existence of RA! One more handicap.

That was back last Spring and early summer.

Ironically, my girlfriends insisted I sign up for :) I resisted, then thought, what the heck, maybe it's better that way. A computer will filter out the commonalities and match up ones more compatable. I gave that up after the free trial offer expired. Had several inquiries, just didn't feel interested enough to go to meet any one.

Then, in late August, I was contacted by a gentleman who had seen my profile months earlier and wondered if I could possibly be interested in writing back. He is an Electrical Engineer, had just been awarded a contract to set up an installation in London! He is there now, just about to wrap up in the next couple days, later this week and get home. We met before he had to leave, oh my, ladies.! He is French, born in Paris, though has been living in Canada until 15 years ago, when his wife died of breast cancer, and he moved to michigan, wanting to raise his son in the States. His son is now 24, working on his degree in Economics, in University in Scotland. He is intelligent, humerous, loves gardening, raises roses found around the world in different countries he has worked in. He cooks! Though he says, French quisine is too fatty, and he has become so Americanized, he really likes Taco Bell and Arby's roast beef :)

Before I agreed to meet, I told him of my RA, the surgeries and handicap, the walker, everything. I would not agree to meet him if I sensed he had any qualms about any of that part of my life. He said, Did I think he was the least bit concerned about how I walk?" That had nothing to do with the interests he had in my intelligence, personality, etc. He said at our age, everybody has something to deal with. We either accept it, or we don't.

Well, he has been my knight in shining armour! He loves my sons and grandchildren, loves the family gatherings, has never had much family, just being an only child himself, and having just one son. We plan to get his son and my crowd together over New Year's.

Then, back to August through October, my exhusband, the father of my 4 sons, was critically ill, in a coma for 29 days, with Shingles Encephalitis. He came out of that, but he has since passed away. I was with my sons to visit him all the while he was in hospitals, to be supportive of them and all they had to consider and deal with. During this time, I had explained to my friend what was going on and he too, was very supportive and understanding of my situation.

It has been a trip! Have had one major flare, affecting my left shoulder, left hip, right foot and ankle and left wrist. Took a Medrol dose pak, ie Prednisone, and things have quieted pretty much.

Now I will have part of my family here for Christmas dinner tomorrow, and am really looking forward to that. I get to use my china and silverware from my Grandmother, have decorated virtually every visible corner and am ready!

Merry Christmas to all over there! You get to have Christmas 5 hours before we do here :)

May we all have a less painful New Year! Much love, Loret

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lorann profile image
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19 Replies
sylvi profile image

Oh Lovely Loretta i am so pleased for you. You deserve someone nice.You have a lovely christmas and new year.xx

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to sylvi

Thank you Sylvi,

One of the things he asked where I wanted to go, and I immediately said, England, Scotland and Ireland. Wouldn't it be so terrific to get all of us from here together in one place? Could that be possible?

I have been reading blogs and keeping up with you. You know I sincerely want you to have a far better year in 2013! Take care, remember to PACE, especially outdoors this Spring! Lorettaxx

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to lorann

you know me so well lovely loretta. I will try and do as you ask. i would really love to see you if you did make it over here. Love

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to sylvi

Certainly, you will be the first!!

Josie2 profile image

Aw that brought tears to my eyes. There is someone out there for everyone and im glad you found him!

Happy Christmas & Happy New Year.



lorann profile image
lorann in reply to Josie2

That's so sweet, Josie.

He tells me I am an answer to his prayers. OHMYGOSH, I never imagained being any such thing! But we do seem to be very compatible and when he gets back from London, we hope to spend time with the family and his son, then take a trip somewhere warm.

We have a severe Winter Storm warning out for tomorrow (Weds) beginning at 10am here. Only 6-8 inches, but high winds and drifting snow and roads closed, all that kind of stuff. So if the winds carry it all the way across the Atlantic, beware! Stay well and better this New Year! Loret xx

How wonderful Loret! That's the nicest bit of news I've had today and a lovely thing to settle down to Christmas Eve with. You do deserve this new relationship, especially after the earlier chap let you down so by his negative attitude towards your essential getting about stuff.

A lovely moment is happening now in our living room. Fred the dog is sleeping on one of my feet and Ruby the puppy has snuggled up beside him. They are both gazing at each other quite peaceably - so that's my nice story of the night - not a patch on yours but still...!

A very Happy Christmas to you and yours. Tilda xxx

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to

Aw Tilda, that sounds like such a lovely sight! It is terrific that Fred and Ruby have become friends and playmates. Maybe you could get them to listen to you read them a story every night :)

I have been reading blogs, even though I haven't commented as much, but it is usually late at night and I am in that "need to get horizontal" phase!

I am so proud of you for how you have taken charge of your own destiny, as it relates to RA anyways. Well done, you :)

My frenchman has been in London for nearly 3 months, and is picking up some of the vernacular. Amusing to me, a Frenchman, trying to master American English, goes to England and relearns English LOL.

What a cheering story Loret. I was wondering what was happening stateside with you as we hadn't heard from you for a while. Lovely to hear your news and all the best for your new relationship.

Happy Christmas to you


lorann profile image
lorann in reply to

Thank you Carolyn, It has been a trip! But delightful.

I have been reading the blogs as best I can, often late at night for all of you. I've made some comments, especially to newbies!

But, what about you? I have lost track of some of you and what is happening, or at what point in therapy you are, and are things working OK, etc.

Now that this holiday is over, my dinner guests have just gone home, and frankly, I need to get horizontal. It has been too much for me, but I really wanted to do the dinner. There were just my oldest son and his wife , and her mom. My daughter-in-law lost her dad just 2 days beforre my son's dad died. In October. That was an unbelievable week, full of hopes and then losses and so much emotional upheaval. Two funerals, just 2 days apart also. This next year must be better! Loret xx

in reply to lorann

Hi, better late than never! I'm actually doing quite well on Sulfasalazine and Hydroxycloroquine, since being taken off MTX. Still have a little pain and tiredness but on the whole not too bad.(Long may it continue!)

I've just become a granny for the second time,and the poor little scrap had to go into hospital at two weeks old with bronchiolitis, but all better now, thank goodness.

All the best to you and yours and hope that man of yours takes you into a Happy New Year.


Carolyn x

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to

Thanks Carolyn...and I have had my computer in the hospital for 9 days...a terrible thing, not being intouch with anybody for so long! So I am just now getting your message.Hope the new little one is getting along alright, that is hard on one so little!

Happy New Year for you too! I'm going to let my man take me somewhere WARM! Love, Loretta

nanypat profile image

OOh LaLa Loret,

He sounds Wonderful,Be Happy Lloret and have a Great Christmas.

Hope your wrist is back to normal now.

Best Wishes from back across the waves.


lorann profile image
lorann in reply to nanypat

Thanks Pat. My wrist is virtually back to normal. No pain whatsoever! Slight outward bend to the hand, but no problem.

My knight in shining armour is indeed a gallant gentleman! I have to sometimes wonder, why me? Though he hasn't lived in France for nearly 30 years. He was in French Canadian territory before moving down to the States 14 years ago.. His grammar is amusing, many verbs end up at the end of a sentence when he is in a hurry to say something. lol He definelty has an accent :)

helixhelix profile image

I'm so glad that there's been some fun stuff in your year, after all the trauma you had with your surgery and then your ex (I don't even want to mention the miserable gentleman not-so-friend who doesn't deserve a second's thought). And the French man sounds just great, all my favourite things - France, food, gardening and so on, so he may well be worthy of you. But I think French food might have moved on since he last lives there, it's delicious and healthy too! And far tastier than Taco Bell, which I would struggle to eat these days.

Hope he brings you back something nice from London...... you do so deserve some good things so I wish you all the best for the festive season. I'm baking your cookies later this week....

have a wonderful end of year, and all good wishes for 2013. Pollyx

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to helixhelix

Polly, such a sweet note! Believe, me, he is a gem. The email Christmas card he sent was lovely this morning, the sentiments were so truly French! He does have a way with words! Thanks for you good wishes, and all good wishes for you in 2013.

Loret xx

Pleased for you well done x

allanah profile image

Lovely Loret, If anyone in the world deserves happiness and good fortune it is you my love, as my mum says what you give you receive back, and all you have given with your wise words and support here is being returned to you. Tres tres bien pour vous!!!

I am recovering well now and starting to move around better and very strangely my joints arent too bad at the moment, so all good and if you are near York, Newcastle ,North Yorkshire you must come and stay. Have a fabulous new year and sending all the love that is possible Axx

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to allanah

Allanah, Thank you for such kind words! I have followed your recent updates also, have been pleased to know you are coming along nicely. It is a slow process, but better that way than rushing into things too soon and then interrupting the healing process.

You know when and if we make that trip, we will make sure we stop at one or all those places so we can meet. What an exciting thought! In the meantime stay well, know you are loved and admired :) Loret xx

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