Same ol same ol, new name:lorann: Hi everyone! It's... - NRAS


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Same ol same ol, new name:lorann

lorann profile image
24 Replies

Hi everyone! It's Loret. Had to get new email address after my computer was hijacked last week. Lost all the email, old and new. Pirates confiscated my address book and used it to send email with virus attached as if it was from me. Wasn't!

Several things I have wanted to tell you about all Summer, but got interrupted by the critical illness of my exhusband and father of my 4 sons.

He developed Encephalitis from the virus that causes Shingles, Herpes Zoster. It infected the brain and shut down everything in the course of about 24 hours. For 30 days he was totally unresponsive, could not even react to pain inflicted, like a pinch. Then one afternoon, late in August, one of our grandaughters visited him in the ICU, touched his hand and said "Hi, Grampa" and he opened his eyes!! She said it scared her, but she talked to him, he couldn't answer her, and then shut his eyes again.

Over the next 2 weeks, he gradually became more alert, could respond by shaking his head yes or no. The Head Neurologist told us he felt it was unlikley he could ever come back much further, he had been "gone" for too long. That was on a Tues. On Weds, the doctors decided his vital signs were stable enough to transfer him from University Hospital to our local hospital the next day. He arrived here at 9:00 that evening, and my oldest son and his wife and I wqent to see him and join our son, Dr. Doug. We heard talking as we approached his room, and saw it was Doug and his Dad, talking! It was like a switch had just been turned on! None of the doctors could explain how or why he was suddenly able to converse, when 2 days before they were telling my sons they were going to have to make a decision about finding a long-term care facility. It has been an incredible recovery, and he is going to go to his home for a trial home visit, with OT to assess what things may need to be adapted for him. He is presently walking with a walker, but insists that is just temporary.

My sons were all at the hospital every day, alternating for their work schedules, along with their wives. My oldest son and his wife would pick me up to go with them for the hour or so trip couple times a week. Seeing this man, who was my mate for 29 years, being totally unresponsive, was very disturbing and stressful for all of us. I was the anchor for the boys, as they had to face the possiblity of disconnecting the ventilator, placing their dad in Hospice care, or letting nature take its course, no matter what. They all consulted me and discussed what dad would want. We knew he would never want to be the way he was.

But something allowed the doctors to hang on and keep treating him instead of giving up, and slowly he showed potential comeback. Many term it nothing less than a very real miracle. Three different churches in our family were all praying for him. The Lord must have been bombarded with petitions to help him, and so he is well. The doctors say there is no explanation for his recovery, but they are studying his case, as it is very rare.

I have another situation to tell you about, but will be enough for tonight.

I need to get caught up on the past week's blogs, just have prayed all have been no worse, and hopefully, with less pain. Much love to all, Loret aka Lorann

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lorann profile image
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24 Replies
Judi profile image

Hi Lorann, good to hear from you.

Sorry that your ex has been through so much but what a great outcome so far and hopefully he continues to improve.

It must have been very upsetting for you so you make sure that you take real good care of yourself. These things can really pull us down if we are not careful.

Judi xxxxxxx

Thanks for letting us know Loret I have been wondering where you had gone. Wow that is Ab amazing story regarding your ex husband! So glad you can all put it down to history now. I'm intrigued to hear your other story. Isn't it strange the way these awful things often go in pairs? When my mum suddenly dropped down dead a few years ago (almost three now) a rogue phone company had stolen our Internet and phone accounts - we are fairly sure who did it but couldn't prove it - it's called Slamming. This meant that when my mum was breathing her last breath she was panicking trying to tell them my number but remembering it had just changed to a temporary one which if course she couldn't recall bless? So her friend called my uncle who had to give me the news on my little old mobile and then I had to break it to my sisters by text. What a nightmare!

Sorry hadn't meant to turn it all onto one of my stories but I really know what you mean about everything coming together in a great wave. But you haven't said how you are with the RA?

That's a lovely photo of you!

Tilda Xxxx

sylvi profile image

Lovely Loretta, what a time you have had my friend. I will say it is nice to have you back. I look forward to hearing more from you on here. Love to you Loretta.

Praise the Lord, and Thanks for all the prayers that have taken place for the father of your sons. Good to hear that he is on the mend after your scare. I hope you are not having any after effects. I wondered why we had not heard from you in a while. Take care. xx

sciqueen profile image

Lovely to hear from you again Loretta.

You, ex & family have been through alot and I am glad that all seems to be getting better.

Wishing you all well and hopefully your exhusband will continue to improve.

Joanne aka Sci

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to sciqueen

Many thanks to all" my best buds" for all your well wishes for our family. Ironically, though we were divorced 22 years ago, my ex and I have been congenial, for the sake of our sons and grandchildren.. Just makes family get-togethers much nicer.

I will get to another blog later, must go get lab work done now.

I am doing well with the MTX, Arava and Simponi combo. Cannot possibly fathom any more chemicals! Till later, Loret aka, Lorann :)

helixhelix profile image

Great that you've resurfaced,and so sorry to hear of your troubles. Having just had your hand done I'm sure you could have appreciated a tranquil patch, but sadly life is never much like that. But truly marvellous that your family have had such a good outcome, and let's hope that's it as far as bad news goes for quite a long while.

It's going to take me a while to get used to the name change, and I miss the little orange identifier you had, even tho' I could never work out if it was a flower or just the corner of a bigger picture. However, nice to have you back under whatever guise! And I'm just on top form right now, with not a twinge. Pollyx

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to helixhelix

Bless you Polly! I always enjoy getting messages from you , glad you have no twinges just now.

That profile emblem was the corner of a flower :) Tried to send the whole thing, it came out that way so I left it, knowing it would be easy to spot! Will try to find it again, that way you can still find me.

That picture on this blog is from a day three of my friends had gone to lunch and returned to Jan's for her pie and got to talking about the hats we used to have, and she brought out a box of many of her hats, so we all tried on several and took pictures of each other. Pretty crazy. Stay on top! L.xx

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to lorann

But it's not a purple hat! Px

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to helixhelix

HAHAHA! Nor will it ever be!!

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to lorann

Of course, you're no way old enough.....

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to helixhelix

Yeah, right! lol

watson3 profile image

Hi Lorann

Glad to see you back again. Sorry to hear that you have had such devastating time at you ex hubbys bedside.

Strange tho it is. I had encephalitis at the age of 39 when my children were very small 7+9. Like your husband I recovered following a long time in hospital. I woke up, but. I did not know my husband nor my children. My short term memory was non existant. The cognitive part of my brain had been put under such pressure that it needed time to recover.

I never imagine that I would nurse again nor see my children grow up. I have done both. I am now 55 and like yourself have been set another challenge OF RA. I now believe I am a survivor and life is set for you to live to the best of your ability.

I wish your husband a speedy recovery and I am sure he will do well.

It will be good to catch up with all your other news.

Love and light to you and your family.


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to watson3

Amazing story Carole, so glad u got through all that, u must be a real fighter, A xx

watson3 profile image
watson3 in reply to allanah

Must be the celt. in me.....always flowed like a fast flowing burn (brook). Wild and free....Carole

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to watson3

Ha ha , Freedom!!! Axx

lorann profile image

Bless you, Carole, thank you for the nice message, and encouraging words.

I believe we RA fighters have to be survivors, the will to live a useful life is strong enough to allow us to take any or all of those chemicals if there is a chance they will help!

My bones were put to the test this past week, from Weds to Monday night, as I went with my eldest son and his wife to visit my brother in Kentucky. In the mountains, up one hill and down two and up higher and down again! Beautiful countryside, horse-raising country, near where the Kentucky Derby is run every year. The Estates and southern-style mansions were awesome! My brothers place is pretty nice too, they have a little ranch, no horses, on a terraced hillside above the river.

We tried to do as much as we could together, while the guys went to the Nascar races at the Kentucky Speedway, us girls went to a movie and shopping at a huge craft store called the "Hobby Lobby". It was the getting in and out of the van that was testing my endurance!

I will write another blog soon. Right now I need to get some material together and compose the Arthritis Newsletter I write for the local newspaper. Deadline is Monday!

Peace and love to you and yours, keep on keeping on :) Loretxx

allanah profile image

Hello! Missed you so much when u have been busy, so Glad things on that front have improved. I have been two steps forward and one step back, so I am glad you might have time to give us all your wonderful advice and laughers. Hugs A xxx

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to allanah

Aw, thanks Allanah, This has been overly busy with gardening, harvesting and drying or freezing Herbs! Thinl I'm done with tomatoes, but still have some sweet chili peppers to do something with. Just wish I could keep them the way they are right now, Beautiful, long red peppers with a fruity flavor, great in salads or served with a dip:) Not bad at all in omelets too! This is earlier am than usual for me, because my daughter-in-law and I are going shopping this morning and I need to be back by noon so I can be ready to leave with another friend to go visit our dear friend in Hospice. She has lung cancer. I really must take the time to write a blog, might be a long one (you know me) woman of many words! Back l;ater, L.

allanah profile image

Real sorry to hear your friends news, hope She is not too uncomfortable. Ye things tend to appear together don't they?

I have just harvested a load of tomatoes but the weather this year has been so bad they haven't ripened, so I am trying the "put them in a warm dark place with a banana! One week now and still green, have u any tips (when u get time of course) love A xxxxx

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to allanah

same problem! They say here the intense, dry heat we had this summer caused alot of problems with the crops. I picked some large green ones the other day, put them in the recommended brown paper bag, with a ripe apple, looked in there this am, very ripe apple, very green tomatoes. Here we have a traditional Southeren recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes. OH! the very finest treat! I don't usually fry anything, but the tomatoes will be the exception! If you aren't familiar with them, I will gladly tell you the simple recipe. There are also other recipes for using green tomatoesm like green tomatoe pickle relish, and green tomato fake apple pie. Such fun! Catch you again soon. Love, L...

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to lorann

Yes pleasee, i have a brown banana and green tomatoes!!! Would love recipes, can u message but only when u have time and feel well? xxxxA

lorann profile image
lorann in reply to allanah

I'm feelin fine kiddo! It is 1:27am, Have no idea why I am still up and awake, but I will send the Fried Green Tomatoe recipe tomorrow. Not so sure about the brown banana! Put it in a plastic baggie and throw it in the freezer. When you get 2 or 3 of them, bake banana bread :)

Later, lov, L.

lorann profile image


Slice tomatoes, make a blend of flour, salt, pepper and herbs

Heat Corn oil or veg. oil in skillet

coat each tomatoe slice with the flour mixture and place them in the hot skillet.

Brown about 2-3 mins on each side, place on a cookie sheet and hold in warm, not hot, oven and continue frying tomatoes.

Serve with Tomatoe Pasta sauce, ketchup or Ranch style dressing (Mayo and Buttermilk, herbs)

Hope this not too late, I am being blessed with more green tomatoes than I had ripe ones!! Frost predicted tonight here, so my harvesting is done! Enjoy! Loretxx

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