It has been a month today! Already! "Time flies when your having fun" Even when your not!
For the benefit of those facing possible wrist surgery, I have been wanting to write an outline of what happens and what to expect.
First of all, not all wrist surgeries are for the same reason, and I have learned, mine was pretty extensive. So maybe most will not have to experience the same level of pain and inconvenience.
There were three surgeries done, one was a Synovectomy, a corporeal row "bone-"ectomy. forgot the actual term and then the ulnar bone excision, where 2.5 inches of the top of the ulnar was removed.
All of this due to RA destroying all the cartilage that holds these bones in place. The ulnar had drifted away from the joint area, the disc shaped bones that lie in a row across the base of the hand were overlapping each other and rubbing\, so every movement was causing pain. the Synovectomy was done because the tissue was so swollen. The whole wrist and hand werre deformed.
Now, Post-operatively, I can't believe the difference in appearance already. Still some swelling of the hand and fingers, but the incision area on the top of the forearm is much improved. I think it will eventually look very normal.
One unexpected problem is I have had a problem moving my fingers, to open the hand straight out. Well, lovely surgeon was not surprised, he assured me it would all work out.
I wish I had a picture to show you of the contraption he ordered the OT to make, piece by piece. It was another splint, goes over the forearm to meet the one underneath, to the top splint was affixed 4 long rods, picture fishing poles, with nylon lines, each ending in a little "swing" for each finger, then the tension is tightened, to raise the fingers up. Had to keep that on 5 hours a day, one hour at a time. Long story shortened, I'm done with that thing! I have been working my fingers on my own, to raise and staighten them and they are almost as straight as the left hand.
I am typing this with all fingers, though it is a strain, and sometimes I revert back mto just one middle finger on the right hand. but I will continue to make them all work!
This week, I got behind your blogs, though I read through them it was later in the day, and wasn't up to typing again.
I had my newspaper column to write, and get emailed to the paper, got that done Monday, Tuesday, I had my monthly Arthritis/Fibromyalgia Support Group to conduct, yesterday, had my grandaughter Ellen's softball game to go to, sitting in the warm sun was pretty nice. These bunch of girls are still unbeaten, and are projected to be the League winners again this year. Unfortunately Ellen will be going on to college in Sept, and I will miss her ball games. However, her brother's baseball games begin Sunday.
So, busy week. and back to Rehab. I was allowed to start bending the wrist on April 2, be allowed and being able are two very different things!! The OT measures the angle of the bend, so he can tell if we are making progress.
This week, I started using a big machine that could duplicate all the motions normally used, so he set it for the lowest tension, to mimic opening a jar lid and closing, also the motion of a screw driver, and squeezing a set of tongs. It all is recorded on a graft on the screen so he can compare each time to the previous ones.
That is pretty much where I am at. Can't lift a coffee cup just yet, or much of anything else, just beginning to hold a newspaper, but it keeps slipping! Not enough grasp yet.
I hadn't thought about having the hand impaired so much after the wrist surgery, but I am told we are doing well, and accomplishing things all the time.
I was in touch with Rheumatoidymommy before and after her surgery, so maybe she will bring us up to date here soon! She has two little ones to look after, so she has her own set of situations to deal with.
I'm making alot of corrections here, so probably need to stop. Will try to stay in touch, Polly, Sylvie, Tilda, Lavenderlady, Paula, Mary, Sciqueen, all you dear friends. It's wonderful to be thought of by so many nice folks! I think of each of you and wonder how it's going! Love and hugs, Loretxxx