Went for rheumy appointment this morning and no wiser. Still raised RF but anti CCP and ANA negative from last visit 5 weeks ago. ESR and CRP also normal dont know if this is relevant as I had started to improve over the week prior to last appointment.
Ultrasound did not demonstrate any active inflammation but had steroid injection on 5th Nov so that may have masked things.
So got a diagnosis of undifferntiated inflammatory arthritis. taking part in the IACON research study still and had a gallon of blood taken, had to fast for 12 hours and missed a meal yesterday so was starving by lunchtime. Consultant said they could start me on DMARDS but as no symptoms at present and steroids still in system not starting yet but are seeing me in 4 weeks and will review then. Will then be seen in another 3 months ( there are advantages to being involved in research ) He also said it may be because I was caught early.
so just carry on and see what Jan brings at least I can imbibe over the festive period.
Lost 5kg in 5 weeks since last appointment so happy with that
Hope you all have a happy and painfree xmas crisxx