Update.: Hi everyone,just to update you all as ur seem... - NRAS


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Shell1967 profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone,just to update you all as ur seem so very caring on here and reassured me immensely,my rheumo nurse rung me yesterday,my bloods are fine so I start 15 mg methotrexate Monday morning,followed by folic acid Tuesday.i am very anxious about taking it but will do as I want my life back.could anyone tell me about repeat prescriptions as she said she is sending me my next one by post,how many tablets do I get on each prescription?im going to be taking 15 mg a week.ive got to have fortnightly blood tests for 6 weeks then monthly after if all goes well.my pain has subsided from may/June time and I now only take2 zapain and 1 ibuprofen in the morning where before it was 3 times a day.i feel positive about this too.lets hoping the methotrexate does thebest part and eases my stiffness and pain totally !! Have a lovely weekend all of you xx

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Shell1967 profile image
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17 Replies

That is great news Shell. The only thing that concerns me is that you are starting at 15mg which is quite high (what I'm on now after 10 months). I started at 7.5 and after about 6 weeks went up to 15mg and my liver played up so I had to come back down to 10mg and then work up to 12.5 over many weeks and then onto 15mg. I did go up to 17.5 and the rheumy wanted me on 20mg ideally but I just couldn't hack the extra tablets so am now back down with another DMARD thrown in too. If you can request to go up slowly I would recommend that as it gives your body a chance to adjust to this drug and then they can monitor your blood frequently to check you are someone who tolerates it well. I think most people start at a lower dose and work their way up in this way.

I don't know abut repeat prescriptions because all my monitoring and prescriptions come through my GP surgery and I'm in Scotland so they are free. I'm sure others will advise on that. RE taking it on Monday - do you work full time? If so it might be better to go for Friday nights as it can make you feel pretty hungover the next day - especially at the beginning. Good luck - this may be the end to serious pain for you as it has been for me - I do hope so! Tilda xxx

Shell1967 profile image

Hi tilda I work part time,I don't want to interfere with my children's and family time at weekends so though Monday morning as I only work 2 hours and I have tues off,I did ask about starting slowly to the nurse,and she said no at this hospital we like to treat it quickly and aggressively straight away,if it starts to help we can reduce it,and if u start at a lower dose it just takes longer and longer to get it under control.could anyone else lighten me on this?thankyou tilda x

CaroleHe profile image

Hi Shell

Glad to hear that you are starting on MTX as it works very well for most people. It sometimes takes a while to work fully, so be patient. Like you, I was started on 15mg straight away and suffered no ill effects at all. My rheumy nurse told me that this starting dose was fine because my base bloods showed excellent liver function. I took mine at bedtime on a Sunday and felt fine on Monday mornings, even when I had to get up at 6am for work. I didn't take them on a Friday because, working all week, I wanted to enjoy my weekends.

Good luck, hope all goes well and you feel better soon.

Carole x

Shell1967 profile image

Hi Carole,yes exactly the same as me ,I wan to enjoy my weekends,tho fully understand if people work full time,Fridays would be better.im so pleased to hear you started on 15 mg a week as I was starting to worry its too much.every hospital is different I suppose.all my bloods were fine so maybe thats why too,but the nurse said we like to start everyone at 15mg.how long have you been on meth for?how long was you on it before you noticed a difference ?thanks caroline for putting my mind at ease.any idea on prescriptions too ? Michelle x

Shell1967 profile image

Sorry Carole after reading your advice again are you not on meth now and on something else? Thanks Michelle x

CaroleHe profile image
CaroleHe in reply to Shell1967

Hi Shell

I was on MTX for 7 months at 15mg with no problems. When my Rheumy increased the dose to 20mg I developed an intolerance and my liver function became very high. I tried sulfasalzine but that disagreed with me too. I have had a break for 8 weeks, just taking hydroxychloraquine, and am now ready to re-introduce MTX. However, this time at a lower dose of 10mg. Hopefully I will be able to tolerate it now because I'm not feeling too great. Pain is returning in my feet and knees affecting my mobility. Last time it was difficult to say how long it took me to notice the effect because I had a Depo-medrone injection first, which tided me over until the MTX kicked in. I get repeat prescriptions every 4 weeks from my GP surgery. I just have to order it over the phone. I have bloods every 2 weeks at the moment at my GP surgery and my phlebotomist records the results on my shared care card. If there are any problems my GP contacts my Rheumy for advice.

Hope this helps and good luck!

Carole x

Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to CaroleHe

Oh I see,were you still experiencing pain on 15 mg that's why he wanted to up it?its such a shame ur feet and knees are feeling pain again,I'm sorry to hear that.thankyou for all your help.i have to have 2 weekly blood tests for 6 weeks then if all ok monthly.i pray to god this works for me as by Christmas I could be feeling loads better.i am not in as much pain as I was may/ June time and I see this as positive as only taking tablets in mornings which see me through.my right knee is so much worse than the left.do u get any pain in upper arms and shoulders? I find this is the one area that keeps me awake at night,enjoy ur Sunday Carole.i will keep in touch with you xx

CaroleHe profile image
CaroleHe in reply to Shell1967

Yes, I was in pain on 15mg and I had a flare. My Rheumy wanted to try and lower my CRP so decided it increase the dose but I just couldn't tolerate it. I am sorry to hea that your upper arm and sholuder pain keep you awake. Let's hope te MTX helps this improve. I don't get any pain in my olders or upper arms. Just feet , knees, hands, wrists and that's enough!

Hope all goes well,

Carole x

Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to CaroleHe

Ok thanku,do u know what your crp is,mine was 21.5,I'm not sure really how high this is,my shoulders are better but upper arms still give me grief !!and my right knee,my right wrist is tender and fingers stiff in mornings,I have been out all afternoon taking my son to a football match,thoroughly enjoyed myself for 3 hours and soon as I got home dreading the thought of starting meth tomo.!!! but I will give it a go xx

helixhelix profile image

Hi there,

As you say the hospitals differ about how they like to start you and chances are that you won't have any problems. Take them an hour or so after you've eaten so that you don't have completely empty stomach.

If you're in England what usually happens is the consultant tells your GP what has been prescribed, and then you get repeat prescriptions from your GP. It does sometimes take a few weeks to get this sorted. Again GP surgeries are different and mine will never give me more than 4 weeks at a time of MTX which is a huge nuisance. You should also be given a monitoring booklet from hospital, GP or chemist where you get to write down your blood test results. If not you can download one from the net. It's useful as sometimes the chemist wants to check that you have had a recent blood test before they'll hand over the drugs - but mine only does this about once every 6 months.

And it took me just over 2 months before they started working, but when they did it was great. Polly

swapshop profile image

Hi – I have started with 7.5mg MTX with 2.5mg increase each week till 15mg. I suppose different areas have their preferred methods of starting? I have thought that as we all have our individual symptoms and tolerances, there is no definitive right or wrong about starting (within NHS/NICE guidance :-) )..But some may be a preferred option that the consultants have found anecdotally works for them?

Like you I was wondering about prescriptions because I am toying with the idea of a prepayment prescription – (which can be back dated to my first prescription)

Shell1967 profile image
Shell1967 in reply to swapshop

Hi there,I got 2 months supply yday and if this is going to be the case in every prescription I'm going to see if it's cheaper to do a pre prescription,especially as folic acid has to be taken too,so at the min I've paid over £ 15 on one prescription,and it's for 2 months.will let u know when I look up on it.thankyou x

Shell1967 profile image

Thankyou I will take them after brekky now,I hav got my 1st prescription with 2 months supply,do you take anything else with it?my nurse said I will just have this to begin with and fingers crossed they will work,but if not they can add something to it.thankyou polly xx

claireyj profile image

hiya I got myself a prescription card it costs about £100 a year I pay by d/debit . it works out so much cheaper than £7.65 each prescription as at the moment I'm on monthly methx prescriptions and also take lansaprazole and folic....you just show your card at the chemist ! Am sure you'll be ok with the Methx I'm on my 4th lot today and not as many side effects as I was dreading....I got myself in a right pickle! Claire xx

Shell1967 profile image

I was thinking of taking it on a Sunday Claire but is it too late now?as I only work 2 hours on a Monday and I'm off tues,maybe I should have started taking it today ! X

claireyj profile image

No you should be fine I have read on here that quite a few people on here take it Sunday evening then go to bed .....you choose what is best for you ...we always have a quiet veggie day Sunday with the kids so that's why I do Sunday but still all new to me so I really understand how you feel Hun! Don't worry you rest and have a good nights sleep C xx

Shell1967 profile image

Thankyou Claire,I have sent you a private message.i will take it tomo morning xx

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