I currently take mtx, sulpha & hydroxy and have noticed for a while that my memory hasn't been as good as it was. I'm only 38 and I'm a bit concerned. Anyone else had these issues on the med's.
Memory Issues/ Forgetfulness Anyone????: I currently... - NRAS
Memory Issues/ Forgetfulness Anyone????

yes i do get the brain fog.I can't remember what i have said five minutes ago. It gets very frustrating isn't it. I don't have an answer as to how to cure it though. sylvi.xx
I know the foggy feeling - certainly finding it at the mo. Like you on mtx which I inject weekly and have been doing so for years, also on sulpha - again years. My issue is since being treated for GCA and now on 2nd week of 60mg pred along with co-codomol, and still my head hurts... keep getting break through pain in temple and radiating down to my jaw. Feeling pretty fed up, tired, but can't sleep, no energy, no appetite - lost 9lbs in about 10 days.. Yuk, and it's raining!!! Still must keep smiling - don't even fancy a glass of wine!!
Hazel x
it can be the meds you are not alone, but do check with your gp at your next app't.
regards, sandra.
I am beginning to notice my memory being affected. I am on Methotrexate, Hydrox and various other meds. Spoke to GP who said that he didn't think there was anything to worry about. My mother and grandmother both had dementia, so was really quite frightened, but he re-assured me saying that there he is not seeing anything that would cause him to worry. I am 54. Hope this helps.
I too get forgetful ........ I can't put it all down to meds. though ....... I'm 62 so the brain is not quite so quick (I seem to get more forgetful when my Husband tells me something ...... he takes so long telling me that I switch off !!) Then he gets cross because I say 'Oh I dont remember' when he brings it up at a later date (he's been saying that he doesn't remember for years) In his eyes it's a defiinite case of 'do as I say, not as I do'. He's lovely really.
Seriously now, sorry you are having problems with your memory, pain and meds have a lot to answer for.
Hope you get some answers.
Judi xxxxxxxxx
Widget, your not alone.
I am 46 and have been on an increasing dosage of MTX since 2006 and now on 25mg wkly.
Started noticing memory impairment from the outset but at tje tome it was mild... Now it got to the point I can no longer work (I used to be in the property law business).
It unofficially known as Chemo Fog and apparently caused by the drug crossing the blood/braon barrier I think... Look up "Lost in the Fog" Understanding Chemo Brain.
Take things easy and Aide Memoirs will help, I have a small scratch pad with me always and slow things down.
All the best
I think the full on chemo brain that Farjer refers to is much more likely for people who are suffering from cancer and take much higher doses of the drugs that we do, I had a friend who suffered from it while being treated and could hardly hold a thought for more than a minute, and even simple things like watching TV was too much to take in. But the combination of the RA drugs, painkillers, and sometimes steroids, plus the anxiety, depression, fatigue and inflammation that we have to deal with can have a similar sort of impact even if not quite as extreme. I used to be a whizz at multi-tasking, and now trying to do one thing at a time is an achievement. I've also noticed that I read much more slowly, and forget things very easily. I never used to need lists, and now they follow me everywhere. So you're not alone..... Polly
Fatigue and brain-fog are what have kept me off work and had the biggest impact on me since diagnosis. Can't do much joined up thinking, and my memory is shot. In the research I have read, fatigue and fog are at the top of people's lists of symptoms which affect them, and yet they are low priority for many rheumatologists.
What was the question again? ha ha .....
But on a serious note the brain fog is awful, my kids get a bit fed up because i keep repeating myself, i forget appointments, say i will do things with friends or family and forget, have to be reminded about everything on the actual day.
People see the arthritis but the fog is invisible therefore it cant exist! I do think the fatigue has a lot to do with it, people think im lazy, im not and i would love to have some get up and go but it got up and went a long time ago...snooze in the afternoon? how dare i!! x
My daughter-in-law tells me that she thought that i was going senile when I was on the methotrexate, but now she thinks I'm just odd as usual, now I'm off it.
I certainly think I can think more clearly since coming off the MTX.
I was told by my new rheumy that apparently forgetfulness can be a side effect of methotrexate, which I have experienced myself; stupid mundane things like paying a weekly bill i know need reminders for.