Hi folks, can anyone recommend a certain make of memory foam insoles, my rheumy nurse says I should get some. Like a lot of people have said it is like walking on a pebble beach bare foot. I also have peripheral neuropathy. I am now struggling to go anywhere without being in a lot of pain, I am so fed up of staying indoors when my hubby is at his day care centre. I am getting really down now. X
Memory foam insoles.: Hi folks, can anyone recommend a... - NRAS
Memory foam insoles.

Get your dr to refer you to the podiatry dept as they will be able to sort you out.xxxx
Thanks Sylvi, my consultant has referred me, but the nurse said as there is quite a long waiting list I should get some in the meantime. X
When you see the podiatrist s/he will refer on to orthotics (or the rheumy department may be able to refer straight to orthotics) and they will make you up some insoles. I’ve had mine for 3 years now and they’re the best thing ever. They have a dip where my big toe joint goes and thus these joints don’t bear so much weight. Whilst waiting for orthotics appointment you might visit a Shuropody foot clinic (usually based in a garden centre of all places) and they will make up moulded insoles at not too expensive a price - they won’t be as good as the ones the orthotics dept will make up but they may help in the meantime and also be a second pair if you want for indoor slippers or something.
All the best
Thanks Ali I don't think I have seen a foot clinic in a garden centre, are you in the uk? X
You can buy foot wear with memory foam in. Sketchers is one company. I have a few pairs of trainers and they are really comfortable. The last pair I bought on Groupon for£20 I didn’t realise they were not lace up and had difficulty getting them in but I used a shoe horn and they went on with ease
I'd request you're referred to Podiatry DD, I don't see why you should have to pay for anything such as that or other things foot related when it's the disease that's determining you need extra comfort. The ones you can be fitted for will be far better than any off the shelf memory insoles, especially as like me you also have peripheral neuropathy.
I can recommend Fly Flots if in the meantime you want to have ultra comfortable shoes, they're fitted with memory footbeds. A Podiatrist will also be able to recommend what type of shoe you should be wearing, you may be like me & have more issues than your Rheumy nurse is aware of.
Thanks for your reply NMH I will ring the advice line to see if I have an appt with the podiatrist soon. Yes like you I have lots of issues. I am soon starting on abatacept so I am hoping to feel some benefit from that drug. Xx
So are you on a Podietrists list already? If so do call & ask if you can be seen asap, that's your better option. I hope you do see general improvement on abatacept but you'll still need the help of a Podiatrist I would think won't you, damage already incurred to feet can't be remedied by starting new treatment.
Also might be work telling podiatrist dept that you will take a cancellation and thus short notice appointment. And yes I am U.K. based!
I've never been able to get the memory foam things on in my shoes .. Far too big. The foam pushed my feet up into the top of the shoe and rubbed it raw. Hopefully you get a quick response and custom orthotics. I use Sole Control semi and full orthotics whilst I'm having this very loooooooong wait for my custom orthotics and shoes. Also Carnation chiropody felt under specific sore areas.
Clarks Unstructured ranges have semi orthotics in them. I've got/had loads of their shoes and wearing them now! The majority of their supportive inner soles/semi orthotics are removable and can be hand washed regularly. I couldn't live without these. Been waiting a very long time for my orthotics and shoes making from hospital. Good luck.
I hadn't realised how very lucky I am in attending my hospital. Lovely rheumy seems to have time to listen, lovely rheumy nurse all chatty and helpful and my referral to the RA podiatry department so quick. My insoles needed a few adjustments when I was there on Tuesday so the podiatrist said she would do it for me and I have another appointment with her on 14th November. She also said if I take in my slippers or the shoes I wear most regularly she would give me insoles for those too! Spoilt or what?
Good for you Gnarli! Always nice to hear that someone has a success story!
Certainly I am not badly done to in terms of rheumatology. Anything but .. I wouldn't stand for it either. My current rheumatologist is top notch and so is my main biologics sister. My rheumatology physio is excellent so I'm not complaining about those! There have been a few people I'd rather not have dealt with I had to see along the way, including the orthotist who tore my knee ligament, but the rheumy lot are doing all they can for me. Sadly orthotics is very poor in my hospital so I've had to go to a larger less local one for that. The new orthotist is very good and gave me a box of assorted general lighter duty orthotics to try with various shoes to keep me going. Referred me to a podiatrist there to check sore tendons. When I collect my shoes and orthotics next month she will let me choose another pair of shoes to be made. She has made every effort. I'm very sure if it had been a case of just needing orthotics they'd have been done within a couple of months. It's too long winded to explain all that has gone wrong before I switched to the current department. Just glad I did. It's always worth pursuing any foot problems as it makes life so much easier to walk pain free.
Although these are not memory foam DASCO Gel insoles have been very helpful with my walking on pebbles feet. They can be cut to size available in ladies and gents one size and can be washed, used them for years and they do help.
I had some insoles made for me some years ago which have been wonderful, but last year I was introduced to Vionic shoes. What a revelation. I bought a pair of sandals in the sale and wore them every day last summer and again this summer. I then bought some Vionic trainers this year and have lived in them. Absolutely wonderful. I also have a pair of sketchers which are comfortable too but not as shaped for the foot as the Vionics.