My eye's are driving me mad,over the last few weeks they have become harder to see out off.Not vision problems but dry and blurry.I keep having to blink to focus and my eye sockets hurt like mad.Its just one thing after even struggling to see this screen!!
Dry eyes!: My eye's are driving me mad,over the last... - NRAS
Dry eyes!

Hi Sara68. Do you have Rheumatoid Arthritis? If so, dry eyes is par for the course. You can get eye drops from the chemist called Viscotears - no prescription needed. Once opened, they have to be used within 28 days and then discarded. they are very helpful. Might be worth seeing your optician just to check there is nothing causing problems anyway. Or try something like Optrex which you can use as well. If not RA, get your GP to check there is no underlying health problem but try the viscotears anyway. They can even be used with contact lenses. LavendarLady
Oh Sara, I think you need to see your Consultant could be any number of things? are you on plaquinil or steroids? maybe side effect, at least go see your GP.
go to optician ./ gp asap!! could be a number of things vision being affected of GREAT concern recommend boots opticians..very thorough.. if they see something they dont like will refer you on / write to eye consultant for you
As lavender says if dry eyes only viscotears/ sno tears good choices, think unfortunately could be something more serious? cant take chances with eyes,hence I WONT personally take hydroxychloroquine.. I have retinal pigmentation. not worth my risk with anti malarials. cos of possible retinal damage.. my area is close to the macualar.. if it moves courtesy of hydorxychloroquine its curtains!!, eye site currently 6/5 and 6/6 .. down from 6/6 and 6/6 i had yearly check and retinal photo at boots because I KNOW steroids put me at risk ...o
Hi there, like others say dry eye is part of ra it's known as sjogren's Syndrome I believe.
Either way you should visit the optician with anything concerning your eyes as they are the ones trained to spot any problems you may have or may get regarding your eyes/vision.
Good luck
mandy xx
Yep Mand. Thats right about sjogrens.
I have sjogrens anti body to tear glands and saliva. As your eyes are so dry it does sound a bit like srogrens. which is associated with RA. I have RA, Sjogrens and suspected lupus as of yesterday. The consultant can diagnose from a simple tear test. I had a stick of what looked like blotting paper stuck into my eye.
I produced like no where enough tears and my consultant said right there and then. Yes you have sjogrens. Can be primary or secondary. Otrhers have it on this site too. Easy to get it checked by consultant. Important to know because Sjogrens are at risk of lymphoma. My dentists screens each appointment for lumps !!!!
All the best

Hi Fiona,
Have you been tested for Lupus? They suspected that initially when my RA factor was positive & ordered further bloods which proved neg for lupus, as far as I can remember. Are you ok after your Consultation, you prob blogged news and I missed it.
Nite nite. Gina.
Thanx Gina
I am ok. Messaged mand and she was a darling re advice and support for Rituximab yesterday. Think maybe I need the lupus thing. My consultant thinks I am border line for Lupus which is why they wouldnt give me Enbrel or Humira ( boo Hoo ) I am now full of mice antibodies!! My friends have started calling me minnie mouse ( honestly !!!!) I dont know what they are talking about
Squeak ! squeak!
Ps as soon as I said my eyes were dry to the consultant that was it , before I knew where I was I had a peice of paper in my eye! wierd or what. Smarts abit but not too bad.
Re my answer to GIna- just thought maybe the mice moved from Chatsi chest to visit me ???? I think I should go to bed now. Im really losing the plot.
the strips are used to look at tear production.. have vague. mem of checking cupboard in eye out patients dept and there being no strips!!. lost that after current sick leave as its in two locations on site at the secret location of one of the govs lrge
shireanon "super hospitals">>>?? purely in size only super generic name for large hospital.
I used to be responsible for eye out patients before current bad attack.. couldnt move fingers this morn or wrap round tooth brush. Im back to bad as before first diagnosis. plus more joints affected and lack of mobility. so no ward at moment unless mobility improves can any suggest how thats going to hapen without anti tnf... so whoopie do we have no funding fact... does that help me selfish me no!!.
I get mhra(medicences health authority review advice stuff to read all pharmacies get one) know there are difficult choices to make financially .. but saw a drug lenalinomide.. used for bone cancers causes secondary cancers. metasis.. we are still using that drug at £4,000 a month per patient.. from the medical information.. is that a good use of money,,, more angst for the patient,,another cancer!!
amazing good use of money,,,,,
and by the way lost two young friends to cancer one to secondary breast cancer and
one to a brain tumour If you watch the pain and suffering and deteriotaion involved I feel if nor cure what is the point!!, pointed out the risk./ medicenes review doc to my boss oh well they may get a couple of extra mnoths he said... I agree but with risk of secondary tumour!!!!>, told him if it was me I would euthanias my self!!.think cancer pain may well be the same as v bad ra pin or worse... by gp has been eying up morphine for me!
Just a though about the toothbrush problem, I found using an electric one much better as the handle is very chunk to hold. It's just a case of holding it in your mouth as the vibration does the work!
If not some foam is good, the sort they wrap around pipes for insulation it slips over the toothbrush handle making gripping much easier.
Mandy xx
Hi Sarah
Always worth a visit to your GP where eyes are concerned before buying/using any over the counter preparations. As others have said there is a possibility that you may have associated Sjorgrens Syndrome overlapping with RA and this needs to be checked. I'm assuming you have ruled out rhinitis (hay fever)?
Lyn x
Hi Sarah,
As others have said - get it checked out. I have secondary Sjogruns - according to my rheumy around 40% of RA patients develop it. Artificial tears really do make a difference - sugar free gum is good if it affects your salivary glands too Did have an oral spray but it was unpleasant!
Best wishes,
Cece x
Hi everyone,Yes I do have RA and Secondary Sjogrens.My eyes havent really caused me much trouble so far.I have Ritiximab and steroids plus tramadol.I have booked myself into the Doctors on Tuesday and have been out today and bought some Fake tears.I have just put them in so will "see" what happens!!
Hi Sara, glad you booked an appointment for the doctors you should always get new symptoms checked out.
I find the spray mist that you spray on closed eyes works well for me and you dont have to use within 28 days and end up throwing half tub in the bin. Hope all is well and it is just dry eyes.
Alison, I totally understand your frustration about the lack off drugs in your case, however as you say you feel no point in cancer medications if no cure, there is no cure for RA.
As you know my best friend has terminal cancer and her only medications appart from the ocasional chemo and radiotherapy treatments are just pain relief and steriods, I do agree at the start off her cancer she was suffering similar to my RA pain or so she told me, however even though things are getting much worse for her she dosent want to give up and still has life in her even though some days are so painfull she feels she dont want to go on, but then I have days even weeks like that also.
Euthanasia is a complety personal thing and in no way would I want my friend to give up her life even though its horrid to see her suffer in such a way (maybe I am selfish) however my friend has been very open with me and told me even though like me many days she wants to give up and be pain free, the happy times and even just a giggle on the phone when she feels like crying with the pain make living worth while.
Dont wish to upset you with this I just feel very strongly and even though I suffer in pain everyday I would give up all my medication and suffer with worse disablility than now if it meant a cure or less pain for a cancer sufferer after all our condition maybe painfull, disabling and depressing but it wont kill us.
Sorry for all my waffle but I suppose you can see my reason for being so concered about cancer treatment not only with my best friend but also as many will know also my mum suffering along with many other friends and family, however I can also see how frustrated you are with your lack off treatment for your RA, is there any way you could change hospitals?
Again sorry for the rant just needed to vent my opinion also, hope Ive not upset anyone xx
Take care
Julie <3
ps my dad is having a 8cm growth. tumour being investigated in his bladder in the day surgey unit.. cytoscopy. in the day surgery unit directty above were I work !! on tuesday
the blog also was re one drug that is used for bone cancer but it causes secondary tumours so therefore more pain and suffering for the patient that was my point!!
my two young friends fought to the end In terrible pain. If I could have taken their pain and suffering away I would have!, out of sympathy not callousness, and trust I found it hard to even euthanais my last cat,,pets via their owners have the choice. it broke my heart but it relieved my cats suffering
Hope your dad is ok Alison, as I said I just needed to put my point across too. If I could take my friends pain and suffering away I would xx