Blue Badge Assesment: Has anyone had an assesment for a... - NRAS


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Blue Badge Assesment

11 Replies

Has anyone had an assesment for a blue badge? I applied for my first one 8 weeks ago, and i got a telephone call today asking me to go for an assesment on 23 April. What are they like? Should I take someone with me?

11 Replies
chrispe profile image

Kent only started them in Feb mar time very new.I thought they were only for go referrals but maybe wrong

chrispe profile image

I meant gp referrals sorry fingers on strike

I have and i went by myself, which regretted the minute i discovered the parking situation was horrendous unless you had a blue badge - which i didn't as i was there for an assessment! Check out where it is and do whatever you are comfortable with, sometimes you can put on a brave face with a friend there so might be better to go alone if you are able.

I went along to the hospital and a doctor asked me a few questions about my mobility and examples of how far I could walk. He then examined me but not intrusively so wasn't anything to worry about. I also had to do a walking assessment which thank goodness wasn't far! Just try to think about when you are at your worst, I felt really bad as it was not all the time but was a lot of the time. I was still able to go to work but things like going shopping I had just stopped doing so I found I was forgetting what I could not do as it just became normal not to do the things I used to do - if that makes sense!

Don't lie but at the same time don't pretend to be superwoman! Just be realistic and think about what you could do if you did not have to walk so far etc...

Hope it all goes ok x

gallini profile image

I had my assessment 2 years ago, they are not as tough as the ESA one. They ask about your illness, how long you have had it, how it effects you, but my lady came out to call me in, so seen how much difficulty i have walking. Mine was i think informal she was really nice, and supportive to, so dont worry just be yourself tell them about, ALL your problems with your mobility.

Good Luck.



I have had a badge for years, and assessments have changed a lot, if you are applying with RA, it is really a very good idea to tell your GP, Consultant and the occupational therapist at your hospital, in case you need their support in this. Don't ger disheartened if you are turned down (things are getting pretty difficult theses days) with their help all is possible. Take care and lots of luck.

Beth58 profile image


I've never had to have an assessment for my blue badge as I get high rate mobility which means automatic entitlement. I do wish you good luck and please try not to worry, just tell it like it is good and bad.

Sadly like ESA medicals, these assessments are being introduced in local authority areas because of widespread fraudulent use (moving the goalposts for disabled people again).

Personally I think if they put traffic wardens/community officers in supermarket car parks to check the picture on blue badges they'd confiscate loads being used fraudulently.

When I was working I wouldn't have been able to work if it wasn't for my motability car and blue badge.

Once again good luck

Beth x

Thank you for all your replies.

It is going to be at the main town Council Gateway offices, so has a lift and an escalator to get in. I actually work in the town and use the park and ride scheme as it gets me the closest to my work. As you say, some days I can manage, but most days I seem to take an age to get anywhere and the pain during and after the walk is horrendous. My mum has 3 crushed discs in her back and a semi-paralysed leg and she walks faster than me pushing her mobility tri-walker!

I had to put on the form the names and address of my GP, consultant, physio team etc so presumably they have already written to them?? It was my GP who told me to apply for all the help I could get and she told me that they no longer are involved in the claim process as they were being seen as been too unbiased in the proceedings - isn't it the case that your GP knows you better??

My father in law lives in London and he has had his badge for years and was called in for an assesment recently when he had to renew - still waiting for the decision on that. I have filled in an online assesment for OT to help, and once I have this sorted out then I am going to apply for DLA. I didn't want the stress of applying for everything and dealing with the worry of it all. I don't go supermarket shopping as I can't move the trolly around; the whole shopping thing is so exhausting so I don't do it - my OH does.

I will let you know how it goes and if I could x my fingers I would!

Have a good day.


allanah profile image

Hi angie,

I had an assessment in February ish and was one of the first to get it. There was a specialist physiotherapist and a assistant. She was very nice and told me that the system had changed.I said my Doctor had included a letter of my problems and she more or less said it did not make any difference as you had to be assessed. I took my daughter and was holding onto her arm and only had to walk from a very lucky spare spot in the car park. She asked me how far I had come, how i got there and where i parked. I have been told since you should only be able to walk less than a bus length and the bus stop was a long way away. She then gave me a "telling off " for holding onto my daughters arm, but I explained I was seeing the OT next day and was getting my crutches.She asked me about how is my walking, how far did i walk without being in pain, and i honestly said " every step is painful".

She then said that I would normally be asked to walk around the hall but it was obvious that i couldnt, she looked at my feet and knees and saw the swelling and said I'm not going to ask you to do that today. She advised me if I didnt get the crutches via the physio to call her and she would arrange it for me!! So I thought that was very nice. She said I wouldnt hear the results for a few weeks but a few days later I got the badge.

So for all the worry and stress of going through the assessment, Since I got it I found it is of very little help and would love NRAS to campaign on this for us. Every time i go for a spot it is taken by in general a young, mobile guy with kids in the car, or there is no badge up in the car, or the people getting out have no obvious mobility problems I think. I totally agree with Beth that wardens should be able to verify the badge holder is in the car as I think they are abused. I also think supermarkets should have the areas monitored for misuse and let the people that really need the badges have the space. Its very rare i get a spot at our Morrisons. I did ask customer services who said theres nothing they can do about it cos its not the law. Also I got a RADAR badge for use of disabled toilets which was helpful, cos I was in Sunderland Empire the other week and had to stand in a huge queue for the disabled toilets by people who were young and fit!!! I also have had couples coming out of disabled toilets and was tole they are used for couples having sex ...yeuch!( i didn't go in!!)

It has been helpful on occasions such as Edinburgh zoo where u get free parking if you have a badge. So hope it goes well and phew I feel better after my rant!! lol


Dear Kentishlady

I am so sorry that you (and others) have to go through an assessment for a blue badge. I applied successfully for one at the end of last summer and, boy, has it made a difference to my life. I was supported by my RA consultant (I think Council contacted him twice) and although was told verbally I had not got one, the Council wrote to my Rheumy again and I obviously got the badge on the strength of his reply. I must admit that sometimes I feel guilty when I step out of my car so relatively (to an onlooker) easily, but within such a stupidly short time I find it difficult to walk, my joints stiffen up and hurt and I get awful fatigue which literally stops me in my tracks I tend to panic if I can't see a chair to sit on. Sometimes, it all goes pear-shaped as I am actually trying to get out of my car, and I don't think these are things you can either re-produce or properly tell an assessor about unless they have actually seen it. If there are a lot of people around when I park up, I must admit that I use a stick to help me, even if at first I don't need it. I know full well that within a horribly short time, I will need it to lean on and to push myself forward on .. and that is on a good day! I sincerely wish you good luck with your application. If you are refused, please don't give up - appeal, as it sometimes helps.

A tip - when you use a normal sized parking space you are generally unable to fully open your car door - I find that I need to open my door to its full extent in order to heave myself out whether I am having a good or a bad day. I wonder if so called small things like this would make a difference to an assessor?

My RA consultant did say that he did not think that the Council actually appreciated that with RA we have good and bad days - he obviously stressed the bad times for me - perhaps you could ask one of your medical team to write in support of your application.


pottypam profile image

Hi , I would be totally lost without my badge , I have had it for about 10 years and without it would prob not go out . This one runs out at the end of the year and do wonder what will happen then , will I have to have an assesment I wonder . I do get highest rate DLA mobility so not really sure.

I have actually had the best few days in regards to walking for years, but thats because have not done anything else , house work , bed making ,all been left as would be in agony if did it and would not be able to go out .Oh and have had to increase my morphine to cover my back pain, so its always swings and roundabouts . But am getting tired of thinking of all the hoops we have jump through too . we should be acrobats lol,


LavendarLady profile image

I would be lost without mine as well and I do resent having to pay parking charges which our council have introduced. As if we didn't have enough to put up with. I have never been for an assessment as I also have higher rate mobility component with the DLA so automatically get a blue badge. I have just renewed mine for another 3/4 years I think it is, and only had to send a copy of the DLA letter confirming I had the higher rate.

I get days when I can walk a little further but other days I am lucky to get from the sitting room to the kitchen! Good luck with the assessment. Suggest you also take any medical reports you have along with you. Lavendar Lady x

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