BLUE badge: Well that is a suprise, I got an email... - NRAS


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BLUE badge

medway-lady profile image
57 Replies

Well that is a suprise, I got an email saying my application for a blue badge has been succesfull. I only took 10 minutes to fill form in and told the truth so thought I'll not be approved !

So I'm pleased to have it as it'll make life so much easier but sad that I need it. I never dreamt that in a year life would change so much, but its not down to the RA but my kidney failure. Oh well just remember to takr it with me now....

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medway-lady profile image
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57 Replies
KittyJ profile image

That’s good news 😊 Should make life a teeny bit easier.

Hurrah!!!! Finally a stress free easy system.😁😁 it will make life easier

sylvi profile image

You need this badge so don't be upset because of it. I am sure you have worked all your life and paid your taxes. So you enjoy your new found freedom.xxxx

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to sylvi

I unfortunately do still pay tax on private pension ! LOL xxxx

Mmrr profile image

I have one and it makes a huge difference. Enjoy.

PinkLamb profile image

Hi medway-lady,

I applied online for a badge at the beginning of the month to my council WDC, and I have to go for an assessment!! I was told to take ID, OK!! And also any medical letters, so I said to my husband, they want letters they can see the lot, so along with my bulging PIP file that's got everything in it, as I photocopied everything, I will also take with me all my hospital letters, I can't believe that even though I do get PIP I have to yet go through another bloody assessment!! 😥 Still it can't be as bad can it as PIP?? anyone!!

I am very pleased that you have got your badge it will make a difference for you, however it's a shame that you need one, as we all understand!!


medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to PinkLamb

The only benefit I get is Old Age Pension but I do have a large private pension so no experiance of applying only working with benefits. I did email a copy of last consultants letter and put down distances accurately too. It did ask why it was needed and the benefit to me if I got one and I put down the truth that it helps me keep my independance. Our Council do the form online and it really was simple to fill in and to also email list of medicationd too. I'm gratefull but sad too, my son came up with lots of posatives and made me laugh too. I hope you get yours its a shame these forms are not universal.

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to medway-lady

Aw thank you for that


in reply to PinkLamb

you dont need to be in receipt of PIP to get blue badge,section 3 of the form is based on conditions-thats the part i completed to get mine-with gp,letter.

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to


I am well aware of that... Thanks for your reply though!!!

PinkLamb profile image

Hi Ajay575,

No didn't get the enhanced mobility rate, just standard


PinkLamb profile image

Hi Ajay

So are you thinking, that I shouldn't be having assessment if I get standard pip?? That's why I thought I'd take all my paraphinalia in and chuck it on the desk 😂 haha getting so bloody pissed off with this bloody desease!!

Thank you though, I am gonna tele WDC on Monday


PinkLamb profile image

Hi Ajay,

I will check out on Monday!!

What, Even though I only get standard pip, and not enhanced mobility??

Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention!!

I will let you know how I get on

Thanks again


PinkLamb profile image



KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to PinkLamb

This is what it says on my local authorities website. I assume it’s the same everywhere.

Automatic criteria-

Receive 8 points or more under the 'moving around' descriptor for the mobility component of the Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to KittyJ

I was only awarded standard rate, no points for mobility!! So that's probably why I guess??

Thank you Kitty


KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to PinkLamb

Discretionary criteria-

If you do not automatically qualify, or if you wish to be assessed under the discretionary criteria, the council will need to assess your eligibility for a Blue Badge.

I’d check your local authority website although I don’t think they would all have different criteria but you never know.

Good luck. 🤞🏻

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to KittyJ

Aw thankyou for that info!! You and Ajay have been a great help!!

I wiil


KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to PinkLamb

You’re welcome 😊

HappykindaGal profile image

I was approved too. I don’t claim any disability type allowances. First time I applied, I was turned down. Second time, I added biologics to the meds list and it was approved.

I try not to use it and in, Norwich spaces are few and far between anyway so end up getting a taxi. When I’ve needed it though, like this week as I have flare in my knee and can barely put my foot on the ground, it’s been priceless. I wonder if criteria differs by postcode.

JanetMaryBishop profile image

Good news! I also applied in February and got it with no assessment, and it has made an enormous difference - such a little thing but shopping and park and ride suddenly became do-able. People do look, as I probably used to do - but it makes us all more aware that disability isn’t always visible. Enjoy your new-found freedom!

HappykindaGal profile image

The daft thing was, before I was prescribed biologics, I could barely walk anywhere - it was miserable. Adding biologics obviously is on the 'list' as a tick box criteria - but generally, I'm much better now (except for right now in a flare, haha!) Strange old system.

cathie profile image

When I went for mine after years of resistance, I was told being on biologics was the clincher. So if you are, make sure they know

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to cathie

It was for me. When I really needed, the two years prior to biologics, I was turned down. When I added biologics, I received one. It's a bit skewed really!

cathie profile image

I was told that it indicated the severity of my RA. Big relief and a psychological leap for me.

Pasjc profile image

I've had one for a short time so far had 3 tickets for forgetting to put it in the window oh dear cheaper to pay for parking

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to Pasjc

Did you have to have an assessment??

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to PinkLamb

No I did'nt. x Not on Biologics yet either.

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to medway-lady

I'm wondering if different council's have different guidelines?? I'm gonna go for the assessment anyway, it can't be anything as bad as the PIP assessment, I'm not going to worry about it anyway!!

Thank you for your response


KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to PinkLamb

All these replies have made me seriously consider applying. My husband is always on at me to but I thought I was too mobile.

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to KittyJ

Hi Kitty

It's not only how mobile you feel you are, think 🤔 outside the box, ie:feet/ankles/hips/hands/wrists/fingers, when somebody has parked too close to you, how you struggle because you can't fully open your door, and the difficulties using those pay machines!!

You should seriously consider it Kitty, I agree with your husband


KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to PinkLamb

Thanks Pinklamb, that’s helpful, all of those!! I’ll start making some notes and sort out my xrays and letters. Let us know how you get on at the assessment x

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to KittyJ

That's OK Kitty!!

I will let you know, I go on the 4th next month

I wish you 🍀 luck with your application


KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to PinkLamb

Thank you, you too. X

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to PinkLamb

I did not put that down, it was not necessary if its not being asked. Nothing to do with parking but mobility so as its not what was asked be careful guilding the lilly as it were. I simply wrote in response to the questions how far I could walk and that if I took a break I could walk further but it took time. I get short of breath and it is true but no xrays, no swellling as hands in my case do not affect me walking; I do that with my feet .lol

They asked about medical conditions as expected and that was listed on last hospital letter along with medications. My local authority had a very simple form and you don't pay the £10 until they let you know your approved. So its a win win situation but now to find a blue badge spot to park in...... it'll be like finding hens teeth here even in local hospital car park.

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to medway-lady

I haven’t checked what they ask yet. I will answer whatever they ask 😊

Evaflo10s profile image

I got an email on Thursday saying my application had been approved without assessment . I can’t have any biologics so they must have just gone with my medical records .

I don’t even drive , I only wanted one so I could get a bus pass :)

RA2002 profile image
RA2002 in reply to Evaflo10s

Are blue-badge holders entitled to bus passes, or is it dependent upon postcode?

Evaflo10s profile image
Evaflo10s in reply to RA2002

I had a bus pass for a year through the form being signed by my nurse .The bus pass people really didn’t like that and only begrudgingly accepted it as evidence. I’m on the borders east/West Sussex . The blue badge is accepted as evidence of lack of mobility along with medical letter confirming diagnosis of substantial and long term disability .

Presume it’s similar elsewhere .

RA2002 profile image

I applied for a badge and was successful. I am on biologics, along with a wide cocktail of other meds, so it was interesting to read others' comments where this may be part of the criteria for approval. It's the little bonuses it brings, getting in an out of a car in a tight space is painful, walking long distances with shopping, etc., etc. People often blatantly 'check' that I am displaying a badge - as we all know on here, disability is definitely not always visible but I have no intention of explaining myself to nosey passers-by!

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to RA2002

Well done you!!!!

Cheeky 😝 buggers aren't some people

RA2002 profile image
RA2002 in reply to PinkLamb

Yes, it beggars belief! We would all trade in our blue badges for a better state of health wouldn't we?

PinkLamb profile image
PinkLamb in reply to RA2002


Some people don't have a clue do they?


PinkLamb profile image

Hi Ajay

Haha 😂 thankyou

I'm gonna give them what for on my assessment, nicely though!!

embroy profile image

Congratulations you got one finally.

annie1954 profile image

Great news, so pleased for you. Don’t feel guilty, if you have a disability you should have one. Daily tasks can be difficult , so I’m sure this will be. Great help to you. X

SlimJacqui profile image

Congratulations on your Blue Badge.

Just a minder for renewal, Medway Council no longer send reminders.

Apply six weeks before expiry.

medway-lady profile image

Thank you will put a reminder in diary. They made it so simple so grateful. I'm not moaning about the CTax bill I am one of their pensioners and life despite all the problems is looking up.

Just need to loose the extra pounds put on with steriods now. Walked away from a M&S bit of chocolate cake this morning. That was hard......

PinkLamb profile image

Thankyou for your replies,

Yes that's what I said to kitty, you do need to think 🤔 outside the box, we have a disability even though we don't like to think about it like that, and our condition affects us in so many ways both physical and emotionally, and as a result it massively impacts on all aspects of our lives......


Jan64 profile image

Make sure you list all your meds, not just your RA meds, apparently each medication scores a point.

14penny profile image

Hi, So glad you got the blue badge I have not tried same as I have not filled in DLA form because I think it will be a lot of hassle but I know it would make life a lot easier. Enjoy not having to walk to far especially when things are heavy. Good Luck! 14penny

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to 14penny

I do not get any disabilty payments or any sort of state benefit except my oap so my advice to you would be to apply for the badge, if they say no then its cost nothing and if asked to go for an interview then thats ok (I was'nt asked to do anything) but as it'll make life easier it has to be worth it. I've read medications score points I'm not sure about that as kidney issues like mine are not medicated. Its a wait and see approach.

What I think is its best to be frank and I did not go into opening car doors etc just answered the questions about distance I can walk and I had to give details on a point to point distance. That was easy as this is a private road and I know how long or short it is , so I walked it and noted how I stopped to get breath back. Put on form and sent it off. I'm so looking forward to being enabled to keep my independance with it. xx

Eiram50 profile image

Brilliant news, I’m sure it will make a significant difference.

Can I ask, how long did it take to come once you’d submitted your application online?

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Eiram50

three weeks. xx

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to medway-lady

Thank you

My council are a waste of time. My first application took 14 weeks then got asked to attend an assessment which I could not make due to a chest infection, informed them so they said they would send me another date which I did not receive. Then got a phone call to say that I missed my appointment and will have reapply again. There have been a lot of issues with the blue badge system from our council . Ps I have copd with emphysema, pulmonary sarcoidosis. Pernicious anemia. I get the higher rate attendance allowance and my wife gets Carer’s allowance and I have been told I probably won’t qualify. Awaiting the next chapter, but not holding my breath.

I got one too. I said ( to myself)I wouldn’t use it very much . But I have had so many bad days since I got it I have had to use it more often than I would like.🥺🥺🥺

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