Well, I went to see the consultant yesterday…it’s official…Yuflyma has not worked and it’s time to try again. As my DAS 28 is still over 6 he didn’t think that the ‘brothers and sisters’ of Yuflyma would be much better for me so he’s suggested Rituximab. I’m not looking forward to the infusions as I really didn’t like the sensation when I had a blood transfusion several years ago but as it will hopefully only be a couple of times a year I am more than willing to give it a go. So I will put my big girl pants on, pull them up high, cross my fingers and hope once again that this is “the one”.
Let’s try again! : Well, I went to see the consultant... - NRAS
Let’s try again!

in my desperate way of keeping my glass half full, I’d try and look at the positives. The fact that they are going straight to Rituximab is great.
Yuflyma wasn’t working for me either and I started inflimax on Monday. Honestly, the infusion wasn’t bad. Comfy chair, cup of tea brought to you and a biscuit and a good book. I was nervous the day before, especially going on my own and dealing with this all on my own. But honestly, I over thought it. I’ve got to the point I’ll do anything to feel better than this.
Good luck!
Thanks TB, that's reassuring. I think I've been lucky with my NHS treatment, some people have to wait for much longer to get drug changes. I've only been ill for two years and, although it's been devastating and feels a long time to me, I appreciate that's not long compared to many on this forum. I do believe that I'll find a drug that works and I hope that this is the one. Hopefully you and I will be giving everyone some good news in the months to come. Good luck 🤞
Very good attitude. Be positive and believe in better to come. I really hope that will be the one for you!!!!
Hi I reckon I have been on rituximab or equivalent for more that 10 years. Very little in the way of side effects. A headache on infusion day probably due to steroids. I take a picnic and some cold drinks and crosswords etc. Enjoy permission to stop. Hope it works well for you. I currently have one infusion annually.
Thanks Gillian that sounds amazing! So nice to hear a success story. 🤞 I'll follow in your footsteps.
Hi I have been on Rituxmab for 6 years. And it really been incredible for me for. I take the infusion twice a year . It gave me back my life. All the best to you.