Mosquitos : I am on holiday in Turkey, due home... - NRAS


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Fenti profile image
20 Replies

I am on holiday in Turkey, due home tomorrow . I started on methotrexate 4 weeks ago and am slowly reducing steroids currently on 5mg daily. I've never had to give mozzies a thought because I only ever got bitten a couple of times but this year I have been eaten alive and am covered in bites . Hubby counted 25 on my upper back alone 😔 does anyone have any thoughts, should I be concerned or is it just one if those things that I need to prepare for next time Im abroad .

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Fenti profile image
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20 Replies
Neonkittie17 profile image

Ouch. 😩 I’m being bitten daily by midges as I do every July and August. (Hasn’t anyone told them it’s time to go yet?!) but haven’t had the mozzies get me as not been abroad for a few years. The bites get very red and sore and last for weeks. This link below might be an interesting read on mosquito bites for you. I always read in the past it was your carbon dioxide exhale they liked. Wasn’t sure if RA makes you exhale it more? Doesn’t cover that in the article but it’s interesting anyhow. I use Aloe Vera gel to soothe those nasty insect bites. I’ve also seen some bracelets on Amazon that look like Fitbit’s which are mozzie repellers but not sure of their efficacy.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Neonkittie17

Ouch! You have my sympathy. I’ve used those bracelets in the past when we’ve been in France even though I hardly ever get bitten.

My husband is a real target for mozzies, midges, anything that flies and bites goes for him which is probably why they ignore me. We’ve always bought the bracelets and after bite soother and sprays etc in the local supermarkets, everything in the Marie Rose range according to my other half is really good. He also likes Incognito insect repellent roll on that he buys in Tesco.

We also like these things but you need to use them when you realise you have been bitten

Just watch them in case you end up needing an antibiotic or something more if they go septic

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Ah, thank you for the recommendations. Always good to know of different, useful products. 🩷 I’m not suffering like poor Fenti and her 25 mozzie back bites. 😢 Not sure if the things you recommend work on all bites or just mozzies, which aren’t a problem for me as I’m not travelling aboard atm. I use Anthisan then aloe gel. Not at the same time! Thankfully I don’t get infected bites. They are small but very red. They tickle for at least a week and take 1-3 to fade but that’s my strange skin!

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Neonkittie17

I thought it was interesting that Bootoo uses what the Turkish locals use - pretty much what we did in France. I read something somewhere about after you have been in a region for a certain period of time the local mozzies don’t appear to bite you. Not much good if you’re on a tour8ng holiday that though. I t(ink the little electronic thing works for all sorts of insect bites.

Last time we were in Scotland (Skye) the midges were everywhere great clouds of them. I bought my other half one of those nets you put over your hat, they didn’t seem to bite me but when they got on my hair they made me itchy.

Husband uses Anthisan too - he has quite a collections of mozzie related potions - poor thing.

Bootoo profile image

We go to Turkey every year and the mosquito's are lined up at the airport waiting for me 😠. Use what the locals use, and in Turkey it is called 'OFF', you can get it in most shops or supermarkets and it doesn't cost much. The aerosol is better than the pump spray. but slightly dearer, probably £3 or there about.

You can get a plug in for the room as well again they don't cost much.

MTX or any other drugs I take doesn't deter the little buggers, they just like my blood!!

Oshgosh profile image
Oshgosh in reply to Bootoo

off is great.we bought it every time we went to Turkey.

We found that it was better than what we bought in Britain

Jackie1947 profile image

I always carry antihistamines with me

Blackberrywine profile image

Poor you. I got bitten by the dreaded blandford fly spring time. It actually blistered! I too have suddenly become attractive to biting insects. I was stung by a sleepy wasp yesterday. I was sitting under my pear tree and it fell down my top! 😆😳 I carry antihistamines.

TheMarfs profile image

I’m currently in Turkey, too! And back today. Minimal bites though. That said, i’m on Sulfasalazine… but they are both DMARDS…! Ps Where have you been staying?

Fenti profile image
Fenti in reply to TheMarfs

Dalyan, we usually go to kalkan but fancied a change ..lovely place but think it'll be kalkan again next year not so many mozzies lol

Lizard28 profile image

Hi, I’m also in Turkey and react very badly to the wee blighters. I always use either the sprays with DEET in them, only thing that keeps them away. Put it on morning and night and no bites yet. I’m using the Boots roll on repellent just now with DEET, it’s more expensive but works. Also the Jungle one is good. If I get bitten I carry the boots hydrocortisone insect bite cream, I’ve handed it out to loads of friends if they get bitten. So far so good, (touch wood).

Runrig01 profile image

I have a biteaway pen, it doesn’t stop you getting bitten. However, if used immediately after the bite, it removes the itching, pain & prevents swelling. It works by applying heat to the bite, and us very effective

Kati66 profile image

Nice you are on holiday but horrid you have so many bites 😮😮. It’s strange how certain people get covered in bites and others get off without any!! I’m one of the mosquito magnets too and bought some soothing cream in the canaries from a pharmacist. It really helped reduce the itch and I still use it here when I have a neuropathic itch, normally on my feet.

I agree with what others have said, your best bet is see a local pharmacy and get their advice. Keep them clean to reduce the risk of infection. Hope you enjoy your holiday despite the pesky bites! I’ve never been to turkey but I know it’s very popular xxx

Otto11 profile image

Hi there seems to be an issue with Mosquitoes this year. I hope it hasn’t spoilt your holiday too much they are so terribly uncomfortable. 30 years ago I used to get eaten alive I would be covered in bites. We go to Cyprus. Gradually they decreased. I asked locals who never seemed to get bitten. They told me they did but didn’t have the reaction due to building up antibodies. I learnt to take Vit B1 which helps me a lot. I also have a little clicker device. It’s tiny but you click the end onto the bite which causes small pins to prick you. This makes blood rush to the area of damage to repair it then that extra blood takes the itch away with it. Sounds weird but it helps a lot. I think I got it at Boots years ago. Anyway I havnt been bitten much for years but in June in Cyprus it was like the old days & I was bitten repeatedly. So were locals. There’s definitely something going on this year. Not that that helps you much but try Vit B1 tabs prior to & during holidays

Happy5 profile image

Took my mozzie spray to put on me when I went to Greek island with family. Did the trick.

For some reason decided not to bring it with me to Southern Spain and bitten several times, did bring bite cream to put on after that's helped. Now bought a mozzie spray to use in our rooms which is helping.

Apart from being a nasty itchy annoyance , not aware of other problems, main one is keep an eye on any appearing to become infected, expect a pharmacist could help.

Maeve31 profile image

I used to get bitten a lot too and research suggested taking Vit B1. Since I started taking it a week before & during my holidays my bites have thankfully hugely reduced.

pammi2 profile image

yes mosquitoes are on the increase, not sure how they have tripled in output?? i made my own natural antibotic cream and i think it actually helped me while away

pammi2 profile image

and never mind abroad been bit three times since coming back home??? in the uK ??

Fenti profile image

Thank you everyone that replied much appreciated ...lots of advice and recommendations. Forewarned is forearmed so next year I'll prepare for the worst lol 😆 and hopefully keep the little blighters at bay 🤣

Angels54 profile image

you can take antihistamine biut check with pharmacist , use E45 cream , if they infe cited or yellow see GP 👍

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