Good morning
For the past few weeks I have been getting tingling sensations in my toes .
I dont have diabetes
I’m not particularly cold either.
wondered if anyone knows anything about tingling toes 🤍
Good morning
For the past few weeks I have been getting tingling sensations in my toes .
I dont have diabetes
I’m not particularly cold either.
wondered if anyone knows anything about tingling toes 🤍
Hi .I get it cause fibromyalgia
It could be lots of thngs
Your ra as well
Reynauds ,diabetes, disc ,spinal cord .ms,thyroid etc
Id make an appointment with doc to get the cause and diagnosis
It took me a good while and things ruled out by gp
Thank you 🪻
Google Stocking Neuropathy..l.might ring some bells.
Well, may or may not not be the same thing, but my toes (two on each foot) tingled for a few weeks then went numb and bent. Still frozen like this many months later. It’s not painful, but unpleasant. Seems to just be an outcome of RA in my case.
I would have it checked out. Nerve damage associated with RA is possible ( notsure what health issues you have) .
For me tingling means either a chilblain coming on, or a fungal infection!
I had tingling toes which morfed into several chillblaines which I haven’t had since I was a child. Once the chillblaines broke out they drove me mad with itching only lasted a few weeks thank goodness. If the tingling lasts longer than a couple of weeks I would go and see your GP or if you have a forthcoming appointment with your rheumy mention it to them.
Thanks to all who replied. Have a Dr appointment so should get sorted soon x.