Has anyone suffered with painful lower legs at night? I am waking up 3-4 times with a pain down the front on my leg from my knee to my foot. It feels like it’s my actual bones. I’ve had an X-ray on my knees and been told they have moderate wear. I’m going for a steroid into my knee next month to see if that helps.
sore legs at night : Has anyone suffered with painful... - NRAS
sore legs at night

Try putting a bar of soap between the bottom sheet and your mattress. xxxx
Sounds intriguing Sylvi. Where? Bottom of the bed or under the legs ?
Yes you will be surprised. A friend from our village was telling me about how her legs hurt and i told her what to do. Well i saw her a few weeks later and she told me she couldn't believe it would work but it does and she was so pleased about it. Give it a go and make sure the covering is taken off the soap. I am only going off my experience and it works for me as well. I am not saying it will work for everyone. All i say is try it.xxxxx
Another old fashioned idea is to put a cork from a wine bottle in the bed…
Thats a new one on me darling does it work? xxxxx
Sounds like shin splints
I get the same thing but only in my right leg. I also had it when I was out walking . I spoke to my rheumy, had my knees x rayed - moderate osteoarthritis in left, very slight in right. He suggested it might be restless leg syndrome as I've also started getting a strange prickly, crawling feeling in my thigh- only at night .I saw vascular specialist this week who has ruled out peripheral vascular disease.
As its only one leg , I find that sleeping on the opposite side , with a cushion between my knees helps.
Thanks MadBunny
You're welcome. I'm going to speak to a GP about the sensation in my thighs in case its nerve related. Hey ho always something new to contend with 🥴🐰
Maybe it’s your back, sciatica pain from the nerve in your back would travel down your legs. Or at least one leg. I get it. See your doctor soon.
yes! I injured my right knee several years ago now and have since been told I have ‘moderate Osteo Arthritis’ in that knee, but the pain I get now is both legs, mostly below the knees and not every night. Legs feel very heavy too. Will be mentioning it at rheumatoid clinic this week
I have a similar problem and was diagnosed as Neuropathy, Rumy consultant prescribed 10mg Amitriptyline at night which has helped with my symptoms.
Hey Spin1959,
I hurt all over and have done for a long time now, but find things are much better if I do my hatha yoga everyday.. even if only a couple of stretches... I had insane shin splinters(?) when I walked further and up a hill for the first time in a while.. you must stretch out your tendons and ligaments every day... and get the blood moving every day, even if a sitter only.. ie do it in your chair, there are lots of exercises on the web. My favourite position is the Reed in Hatha Yoga.. but also the next position is great for the back (and mine is in a v bad way sadly). I have done these all my life, so luckily it's not such a shock to my system every day... and whilst it hurts a lot, it's preferable to the deteriorating mobility and feeling even more (sorry) geriatric, unless unable due to ops or ill health or v bad flare... but even when in the latter, I do as much as I can, as it is essential for my mobility, mood and sleep.. although the latter is dreadful as up and down all night in pain.
Also I get very bad cramp ie extreme, my whole shins and feet and toes go, with the outside side of my feet curling inwards and the toes pulling right apart (do you get that?) so have to take quinine now.. at 60yrs old, 61 next month! I held off taking it for as long as I could with my usual magnesium, excellent diet, and supreme hydration.. (3litres a day as I have Sjogrens and am a crisp inside and out), plus have osteoporosis and widespread inflammatory arthritis...
Have you had your bone density test done recently - A DEXA? Please ask for one, although if not taking steroids (and I cannot as sends my heart even more out of arrhythmia, and I cannot sleep either, so that's not why I have osteo), and not felt to be at risk for any other reason, they may not agree.
I have been offered steroid injections in my hips etc but they don't last, and are excruciating I hear... Are you on the anti inflammatory diet? This will help... I am all about you are what you eat as was brought up that way, and I know it works as I really wouldn't be here if not for that.., and supreme hydration.
That was a lot of information .. but hoped some resonated.
All the best to you
DEXA scans are not just advisory for people on steroids - I have one every two years as a matter of course
also they put me on amytriptiline in the past and I felt like I was drugged, not for me thanks. Ditto I finally gave in and tried Gabapentin... horrid.. felt like cosh, put tons of weight on and my legs swelled up.. and I'm a slim person.. I was not in a good place on those so came off them too. I take codeine am and pm and if I need to another in the middle of the night, plus 1g of paracetamol.
Haven’t had my bone density done for years now. I do aqua 5 times a week so maybe the pounding on the pool floor doesn’t help.
I have this at times. I have been told its related to my spinal stenosis
I have problem with weak legs recent scan has showed stress fracture in my bones , which was a bit of a shock.