SO SORE - AGAIN!!!: Following on from my last post... - NRAS


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Following on from my last post about a week ago, I am still suffering with my knee in particular, as well as painful shoulders, elbows, wrist and fingers.

My Rheumy Nurse rang me back last week after I left her a message, She just advised me to rest and keep taking co-codamol every three hours. She has no appointments available so I have to wait until I see her on 16th April and then she may add in another drug, I take Sulfasalazine 4 tablets per day as I can't tolerate more and had to reduce back down. My problem is how can I rest when I need to work and I can't take co-codamol every three hours when I am working because it makes me so tired and unable to concentrate. I have only recently returned to work after having two months off so don't feel I should go off sick again.

I drove to the supermarket on Saturday morning as my knee didn't feel so bad, but oh my, when it came to getting back in the car to drive home I don't know how I managed to get in, the pain at the back of my knee was so bad. I sat in the car for about 10 minutes until the pain eased and it was so painful just lifting my leg enough to operate the clutch. I got home safely and the rest of the weekend I was just so lethargic, totally wiped out, has anyone else had this with their knee. I tried to make an appointment with the Doctor today, just to see about my knee, but nothing until after Easter,

Can anyone offer any advice as to what may help until I see the Nurse. I have tried warm and cold packs but not helping.

Hope you are all coping well and as pain free as you can be.

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9 Replies
Mall profile image

Hello Happy Granny. When I first started with RA in 1992 it was very similar to your experience and sulhasalasine was an early drug prescribed. My knees left one in particular and lots of my other joints shoulders elbows hands feet made life very difficult. Let me reassure you now, things will improve considerably. Be patient it takes time for the right drugs and right combination to be found for you. In terms of your knee , you seem to be trying most things. For myself resting it was best. This can be difficult if working but you work needs to know your difficulties and try to make adaptions and accommodate you.

Occasionally when I really struggled to walk I used a stick but in way was this an answer as it just caused my hand and arm joints to swell.I had a few steroid injections and fluid drained from my knee a couple of times. This made for dramatic improvement within a day or two. A procedure that can only be done at fairly lengthy intervals but is useful to consider having whist a drug regime that suits you is sorted out. You may eventually think about replacing your car with an automatic one but you may find this isn't necessary fairly soon. The frustrating thing about our illness is the time it takes to sort out the best drug regime. When the best regime for me was identified and kicked in I have lived a very full and active life with pain kept at bay for the most part. I was on methotrexate and sulhasalasine along with a daily anti inflammatory folic acid and a drug to protect my stomach. More recently an anti tnf has been added in. You may be referred to a physio who will give you some excercises to strengthen the muscles which support you knee joint. These are important to keep up to protect your joints for the future.

You will have a lot of information to take in and things to consider. All drugs affect people differently and most can have serious side effects. You will see lots of scary stories on this site and others about the various drugs but there are also lots of good stories too like mine. Methotrexate for instance was life changing for me and really hit the disease into remission and I have had over 15 good years on it.

At the moment I am not in a good place as I fell and broke my shoulder last week; (so I may have to consider an auto matic car after all. ) I have had lots of support and good advice from the forum for my current crisis.

Lots of gentle hugs and remember things will improve with a little time.


in reply to Mall

Thanks for your advice Mall. I have been using a stick at times but when my wrist and fingers hurt it's not good. I am doing exercises for my knee but the physio wants to speak with the nurse and consultant before she tries anything else. Have had injections into the knee and fluid drained off before so hope they will try that again, it did help, but as you say can only do it at intervals. I am not worried about what medication I try as I have a consultant who I really trust to get me sorted. I will stay positive and see what happens at my next appointment. Hope you're not in pain with your shoulder and it heals quickly, you could do without that. Take care. Sending a very gentle hug back to you.

bingochristine profile image

Hi Happygranny, Sorry to hear your in so much pain. Have you every tried Aloe Heat Lotion by a company called Foreverliving. I find this stuff brilliant and have used it for years. I usually get it from ebay as you get deals. I use it all over knees, hands, wrists and elbows. It is a little more expensive that the rest but I wouldn't use anything else now. Hopefully if you decide to buy some then you'll get some relief. Last year I started taking Glucosamine Sulphate and have found a improvement in my knees and I can still take with you all my other medication (Sulphazaline, hydroxyclorquine and methotrexate. Hope you feeling better very soon.


in reply to bingochristine

Thank you I may try the lotion. Do you know if it contains perfume at all as I am allergic to a lot of them so have to be careful what I use. Hope you are doing well.

bingochristine profile image
bingochristine in reply to

Hi happygranny, I don't think it contains perfume but here is a product description Aloe vera heat lotion Luxury massage lotion providing blissful relief from everyday stress and strains. Excellent warming lotion, ideal for maintaining healthy joints and muscles, especially good for sports people. This aloe vera heat lotion is a must to any one with aches & pains, as so as it is applied you feel a warmth in the area, then your pain lessens. Contains lanolin.

I cannot recommend this high enough. When I get the pain in my knees I massage it in and relax for a while, even better if you can go to bed for a while :-)

cathie profile image

I have really painful knees but a physio has kept them stable for the past year with massage and exercises. She recommended a floor pedal which has really helped with movement. I can't rec medication although methotrexate did hold back the oa in my knees. So I'd recommend that if the rheumy suggests that you should be aware of the positives.

in reply to cathie

Thanks Cathie, I will try anything. I have a brilliant medical team and trust them to find the right meds for me. Nice to hear the positives too, there will be something for us all we just have to remember that. Keep well.

abbey12 profile image

Hi Happy Granny i was told to try two tablespoons of honey manuka being the best and a teaspoon of cinamon powder it has to be from sri lanka though its cheap off market mix it with hot water and drink it works within 30 mins to take pain away its brill i was constantley on beechams hot lemon but this works just aswell and its takes swelling down ive read if take every day it can even help you so that can come off meds altogether im also looking into having cupping and accupunture down coz im sick of being made ill of medication for rhuemy so im trying the herbal and chinese way il let you know how it goes. hope you start to feel better soon hun x

Thanks abbey12, unfortunately I can't take cinnamon as this is another of my allergies, but if it works for you that's brilliant. It can be hard with the side effects of medication so good to have other choices. Good luck. Let us know how you get on with it, really hope it works for you.

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