After 6 vacinations I now have covid again! Got it this time last year. Couldn't have come at a worse time just now. My 92 year old Mum was admitted to hospital with jaunice and a blockage in bile duct, unfortunately this was terminal pancreatic cancer. Now unable to visit her neither is my brother and sister in law as we all got within 2 days of each other,only my husband that doesn't have it. Thought as it being the 6th day I would have been negative today but no im still testing positive. It never rains but it pours! Thankfull her Grandchildren have been visiting. I feel so useless not being able to visit crossing finger for tomorrow's test.Wish me look
Bloody Covid: After 6 vacinations I now have covid... - NRAS
Bloody Covid

I'm sorry to hear about your Mum, that really is upsetting and I can understand how you're feeling about it. I'm also sorry to hear you have covid and I agree, it really couldn't have come at a worse time! Good luck for the test tomorrow, I really hope it's negative and that you'll be able to visit your mum. x
Oh I’m sorry you’ve caught covid again - so frustrating especially after all of those injections and just not what you want right now with your mum. Thank goodness for the grandkids.
Will cross my fingers that you test negative tomorrow and your life can get back to normal x
I'm so sorry to hear your news 😢 Sending a virtual hug 🫂
sorry to hear this. It is doing the rounds i recently caught it for the second time too. It took us around 9-11 days to get a negative result. Good luck
What horrible news and what awful timing. Fingers crossed for a negative test result and being able to visit your poor Mum
Good luck darling and i hope you are clear of it this morning. xxxx
So sorry your mum is in hospital and so poorly. I hope you test negative soon so you can go to be with her.
What a rotten time for this to happen to you but glad other family members can visit your Mum. Please be kind to yourself too as stress increases pain and generally does not help with your own wellbeing. You need to keep well and strong.
I am so sorry to hear this and hope it wont be long before you can see your mum. Bless both of you xx
Sorry to read this.I certainly do wish you luck and send you my best wishes that all goes as smoothly as it can at this difficult time.
Hope you recover very soon. Good luck!
I personally don’t think jabs work at all. How many do you have to have for an effect. Just my opinion
Oh that is terrible timing. You must be a bit stressed about it. Sorry to hear about your mum, hope you have a quick recovery and test negative today 🤞. I was unfortunate to test negative for 5 days and then test positive again with a rebound infection which is reasonably common apparently, so watch out for a reoccurrence of symptoms within the first 10 days after a negative result.
Sending all good wishes that you test negative very soon, and also that your covid recovery is good.
Love to you, your mum, and your family ❤
Truly frustrating for you. As you have had it before are your symptoms the same?
Yes I wore a mask at all times as recommend ,I cant use any other nasal spray as I'm on a steroid one. Besides when I saw boots had to withdraw their advertisement guaranting it stopped covid I didn't want to buy it because of fls advertising. Plus the nose isn't the only entry point for covid. So I presume people would have wear gloves ect too
sorry to hear that. I thought I was bad with three infections and am only getting on my feet after what feels like 5 months of being ill and sore.
I ve had 6 jabs as well and won’t be having anymore. If I can get the right travel insurance am gonna go to get some heat in Spain.
Hope you are better soon.
What awful timing, hopefully a negative test tomorrow 🤞
I’m still wearing my mask and using hand deodoriser hopefully I won’t get it . I think I’m a bit paranoid to be honest it still worries me I won’t go to crowded places hope your feeling better soon 🤞
I do that and have had nothing
So sorry to hear about your Mum. Sending you lots of get well soon wishes and a big hug 🤗
This is from the government site about how covid can be caughtWhen someone with a respiratory viral infection such as COVID-19 breathes, speaks, coughs or sneezes, they release small particles that contain the virus which causes the infection. These particles can be breathed in or can come into contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth. The particles can also land on surfaces and be passed from person to person via touch.
Hope you recover soon god bless to your mum🌺
So sorry! Hope you recover soon and can visit your mum. Take care x
How frustrating! Hope you get a negative test soon and get to see your mum. Great the grandchildren could keep visiting though.
Not arguing just informing like you did to me about about the spray, I m glad you have never had covid.but I'd rather rely on the advice given than just nose spray that was wrongly advertisered in the first place and which I can't use anyway.but happy it works for you ,Maybe its because I'm immumosuppressed or you have a natural immunity that I got covid and you didn't and yes any virus or any germ can be transferred by touch its a proven fact. Why else do medical.people wear gloves. Thanks for alll the advice .
Thanks for all your good wishes and kind words they helped..