Jim was taken to hospital a week today with blood clots and peeing blood again luckily he was quickly transferred to castle hill in hull a specialist hospital. He is very poorly and he has stopped eating since he had radiotherapy. The consultant said he wants to operate and take out the dead kidney. My fear is on his notes it has no CPR on it and if in the operation something goes wrong he could potentially die on the table without anyone trying to save him! Do you know if that is true? Thanks for listening
Jim is back in hospital : Jim was taken to hospital a... - NRAS
Jim is back in hospital

I'm really sorry to hear that Carol, the poor man really is going through it isn't he, as are you with all the worry of it. I can't advise on the CPR but I'm sure someone will be able to eventually. All the best to you both. x
It's true in the u.s. why don't you ask the nurses/dr?
I’m really sorry to hear that Carol. You’re all having a dreadful time. I think it depends on who put the no CPR on his notes. Does Jim know it is there and if so how does he feel about it?
The whole thing is just awful for you and you’re in a situation no one would want to be in. All I can offer is to send good wishes your way.
I found this - it might help explain it all for you. which.co.uk/money/wills-and...
No .. I am sure that is not the case- a surgeon will always fight to save his/her patient.
Try not to worry ….people can live well with one kidney, & I’m sure if it’s a specialist hospital that surgeon knows what he is doing.
I hope things start to resolve very soon.
Is the No CPR at his request as that would influence how you might feel differently because its what he wants. I do feel its such a sad situation but having one kidney working isn't really any problem as hundreds do after a transplant and why would they do it, if it's not felt to be of benefit to him. I do know that many people don't even know they have only one kidney working because the measurement is an overall one. Please can you get him to eat as he needs to be well enough to operate on and can you ask why the dead kidney needs removing as if it improves his outcome its great but as to do so without it doing that seems to subjecting him to an operation that could prove to be painful and of no value to him. I'm hopeful it will help him and improve his quality of life.
The one that is getting removed is dead and has masses of cancer.the other one is not working properly as it also has Cancer in it. The consultant talked Jim into putting no CPR on his care plan as he explained it to Jim what they do and he said no. But I will ask about that when I see him again. Thanks guys for getting back. Take care c
I've been thinking of you and Jim and hoping things are going well with you both. I sincerely wish you all the best and send hugs and healing thoughts.
So sorry to hear this Carol. Sending you both some comforting wishes and a hug xx
I am so sorry that you and Jim are going through this Carol. I can't answer for all, but my experience with the DNR was that while mum could still respond, she was offered the chance to change her mind, but she didn't and we as a family had to respect that. We considered all that mum had been through, diabetes, kidney failure, hypertension, an enlarged heart etc and I personally felt that if this was what she wanted, then I, as her daughter, as awful as it sounds, had to put my feelings to one side. I would never say to anyone that's what you have to do as all cases and people different, I can only relate to you the experience that I had and sent my best wishes to you both.
A DNR does not mean they won’t do their utmost to safe his life, they will still administer medication, IV fluids and undertake procedures required. However in the event his heart stopped they would not administer CPR. CPR is a brutal procedure with not a great success rate, and even those who do pull through, often don’t have the quality of life they had before. The surgeon wouldn’t be suggesting the surgery unless he felt it would benefit Jim, they don’t generally take unnecessary risks. I would have a discussion as to what the benefits are, and whether this changes his prognosis, and gives him quality time afterwards. I do feel for you, and it’s such a stressful situation to be in. I would try and get him eating to keep his strength up for surgery. There are lots of meal replacement drinks if he can’t tolerate eating. Sounds like he’s being well looked after and hopefully being kept comfortable. Take care 🤗
Sorry to hear this Carol. Best wishes to you and your husband.
So sorry to hear Jim’s condition has worsened again Carol. Sending love and strength your way 🤗
This is a decision only Jim can make. I appreciate it is a very difficult time. He needs someone to talk though his options with, re DNR and CPR. Presumably they wouldn't operate if a risk/ benefit analysis hadn’t been done.
Sorry if this seems cold. Detachment is easy for me, as I am not emotionally involved. It must be a terrible time for all of you. X xx