Tocilizumab was a miserable failure and resulted in me having to take statins. I am about to start sarilumab and as this is a IL-6 med (whatever that means) I am worried that if I get the same side effects I will need to stop that too. Is there a medication that is routinely given after trying sarilumab?
I am really trying to be positive that it will work, but the little voice is whispering to me that the bloods will be unacceptable and I will have to stop again. I have been without any RA treatment for 3 months now and I can feel the inflammation racing around my body. Each day I get a new pain somewhere and the only thing that takes the edge off is ibuprofen but I am worried about the long term effects.
I don't want to be on/off with meds anymore. I have been trying all the usual ones since being diagnosed 3 years ago. It's beginning to get me down.
Any advice would be much appreciated.