Hi, just wondered if anyone else gets this or if it’s something to be worried about - the last couple of injections I’ve done I’ve had quite a bit of bleeding from the injection site. Like a big blob of blood comes out as soon as I take the pen off my leg and it takes a while to stop bleeding. And then I get a bruise about the size of a 20p for a week or so. I dont usually have this issue (I’m on my 10th week of them), my partner suggested I may be accidentally moving the pen while pressing the inject button but it’s just happened again even though I was trying to keep extra still! I’m probably worrying over nothing, it’s just that I previously didn’t get any bleeding at all.
Bleeding after Methotrexate injection : Hi, just... - NRAS
Bleeding after Methotrexate injection

You’re probably just hitting a capillary, I do that sometimes. In fact I still have a bruise from last week. It happens sometimes. You could check with your rheumy nurse for reassurance if you’re worried.
Yes, it happens. Before you inject stretch the skin a bit to see if you see a blue thread and try to avoid it. But even so I can’t always. I guess it happens 1 in 20 times with me, so you are being unlucky.
Yes it’s happened a few times to me and nasty bruises to follow. I find it difficult to avoid on my legs so stick to stomach
It just happens sometimes, I did the same yesterday injecting my abatacept, today I have a bruise about 4cm in diameter.
I always injected my legs thinking it would be alot less painful. I was left with brusing so i thought id try my stomach. Did it about 2 inches from belly button and didn't feel a thing! Just pinch the slin slightly first. X
Thank you for answering one of my long awaited questions lol. I'm starting injections this week and was thinking one of my queries for the nurse was will I bleed out (bleed out - so dramatic but true thought LOL) and how do I avoid veins!! Love this site. Thanks guys
Hi I was told to inject only my thigh or stomach I wasn’t told leg ?? Hope you get it sorted as you shouldn’t bleed take care
I do that too. I put pressure on it with a tissue which usually stops the bleeding.
Hi I inject methotrexate and also adalimumab
Methotrexate in my tummy and adalimumab in thigh
My nurse told me definitely thigh as it is a more fleshy area but i find it much more comfortable to inject tummy so I would give that a try.
When you bleed do you dab with tissue ? I first used wipe and nurse told me wouldn’t help stop bleeding as they are astringent advised to use a tissue
If I had a choice I would go for tummy every time not as a scary as it sounds if you are not sure of the correct area speak to your nurse
We went through IVF years ago and I had to use my thigh then. Really didn't fancy it this time. I find my tummy easy in comparison. Again, the odd week with a bruise, not always following a bleed, but I do bruise very easily and it can take a couple of weeks to go.
'Pinch an inch' and off you go . . . along with the 5cm plus from your tummy button of course.
Use 4 sites thighs and stomach. They can be difficult if like me your hands lose strength sometimes. So yes it happens, I re-put the wipe on it & press down, stops the bleeding, still bruises. It heals up & I try to do better next time. I hate the smell of the wipes for some reason, & sometimes it stings after when done in the stomach.
Hate doing them but think of children going through worse so take a deep breath & keep doing them each week.
Chins up eh?
I sometimes get that when I hit a capillary.Like others have said it can be difficult to avoid in the thighs .Mine are quite fleshy but so is my stomach😊So I tend to use that more.My rheum nurse told me I have to be extra careful as Im on an anticoagulant.
This only happens when I hit a vein.
Abbi, I get bleeding with blood tests. Sometimes worse than others. They usually have me put pressure on it with a cotton ball and then they put a bandage on it tightly. I remove it when the I get home And it’s absorbed into the cotton. I don’t think it’s a cause for worry, but check with a medical professional.
I’m the exact same as you The past few months especially I thought maybe it’s because I have been on them for a while I’m left with quite a lot of faded bruising x
Bruising?!? Me every other jab! I just bruise easily and keep nicking wee veins! Look like a spotty dog at the moment! Lol M x
Hi, i inject mtx once a week, was told by the nurse to alternate legs each week and as you take the pen away put a piece of cotton wool on press down on it and secure it with tape. Stops a lot of bruising and bleeding. Now only get it now and again. Can't inject in my tum, always make me feel very sick for days.
This is not unusual; only a problem if the bleeding is excessive and takes a while to stop - in which case phone the rheumy advice line. This happens to me from time to time - and always followed by a bruise. KittyJ mentions hitting a capillary - that's it.
Only had one spot of blood once, never any bruising. I alternate thighs and sides of stomach.