Just a moan really. Took my lovely dog to the vet this morning which she really enjoyed. Surgery is so small that you cannot go in and have to wait outside. Walk from car very short but after standing outside for a few minutes talking to the vet, found myself rooted to the spot with stiff knees and hips that would not move. Eventually managed to hobble back to the car but it really brought home to me how much I have deteriorated during lockdown. Think it is time for a steroid injection?
Deterioration during lockdown: Just a moan really. Took... - NRAS
Deterioration during lockdown

Hi Wobbies. I don't know why you took your dog to the vets but I hope all is well there. I was wondering if you were a bit tense about it and maybe that's why your knees and hips started playing up. Probably sounds a bit daft but these things can happen if you are worried about something. xx
Could be although I always find standing still a real challenge. Am always worried when I take Lulu to the vet. She will be 12 next month and has been on steroids and immunosuppressants for 11 years! She has had cancer once and always has loads of benign lumps but now has a suspicious one which has to be removed from her foot. Sorry for long reply but I guess that is an indication of my concern.
I didn't find it a long reply Wobbies. I know what you mean, each time I took any of our dogs to the vets, my insides were screwed up whether it was a problem or even annual injections. I'm sorry to hear about Lulu and I sincerely hope that all will be well, I know how you feel as I've been there many times. All the best. 🙏 xx
I hope your dog is ok 👌
I am exactly the same, when my children went back to school after lockdown just getting up and taking them to school got all kinds of things aching 😩
I find my muscles ache like crazy when I'm in bed at night but the good thing is the more I exercise the less I eventually ache (well muscles).
Sitting on the sofa is a necessity sometimes but not all the time, it does me no good of i do it too long!
Hope you feel a bit better now you are home ? Maybe being a bit more active around the house might oil things up a bit ? It's hard though when your medication isn't doing what it should isn't it. X
Yes sitting down for long is a no no I find, so try to keep moving no matter how difficult as the alternative is worse. Can't understand though why joints and muscles are more painful at night as you would think the opposite. Best time of day for me is between 2pm and 5pm. Seems to be the least stiff and least painful. Can't understand it. xx
Hello Wobblies,I must just tell you one of my poodles is called Lulu too.
I do hope that you and Lulu are ok this afternoon .
It’s happened to me too when attacks of stiff pain stop me in my tracks . Especially if the joints get into a fraught.
It’s about time vets started opening their doors to us instead of keeping us standing in their draughty car parks waiting to be seen .
Good luck to you
From Penny
Oh poodles, how lovely - very intelligent breed. My Lulu is a shih-tzu rescue, and I love her to bits. Yes a trip to the vet, which unfortunately is frequent for Lulu is a nightmare now. Just cannot stand for any length of time. Here's hoping vets open their doors soon.
hi wobbies how are your knees and hips today, and how is your lovely doggie?😉
Hi, Penny, thanks for asking. Had my MTX yesterday, so feel slightly better today. Lulu has to have a lump removed from her foot. She is such a good girl, they can do it by local anaesthetic. Vet does not think it is sinister (she has had cancer before) but it is getting so big that it will drag on the ground and ulcerate. She is covered in lumps and already has to wear a babygro so have today sewed a baby sock on the leg of some of her babygros so that I can keep the foot covered after her op. Her lumps are a genetic thing that poodles are prone to so you may know about it. Hope you are feeling well and that your dogs are ok. How many do you have? Lost my other shih-tzu x chihuahua last year so Lulu has been particularly important to me during lockdown. 🙂
you replied to me by mistake perhaps not sure as I'm not Penny but I did ask how you are today😂whoops and sadly I don't have any doggies now, I used to have a black lab and a springer spaniel. I know all too well going to the vet's with mine, love dogs but unable to have one at the moment x
I'm glad you are both doing okay and Lulu continues to do well after removal of lump🐕💗
Hi I hope your dog will be alright. 🙏🏻💗. I think so many of us .. RD or not have lost so much physical fitness.😢 I’ve got nowhere near the level of strength or muscle I had and I’m hoping once I’ve had Rtx next week and the IV steroid that goes with it I can move better and shed some midriff blubber and get stronger! Walk more.. not big walks .. I can’t do those .. but regular little strolls. I make sure I get up and down and keep active inside and in the garden and not on my derrière too much. Hope you can get your steroid injection. 🤞🏻
Thank you for that. Yes I try to keep moving too as it is so painful if you sit down for too long. Will be heartbroken if my Lulu is not OK. Have had dogs all my life but she will be my last one and so losing her will be all the more painful. Still, we have to keep going and always hope for better. My mun used to say "You can live in hope if you die in despair." 😀