What a week- allergic reaction : Monday was a scary... - NRAS


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What a week- allergic reaction

24 Replies

Monday was a scary anaphylaxis reaction moment (previous post Tuesday penicillin & ibuprofen) However the onslaught since this happened has been an emotional wrecking ball and anxiety over drugs and what to take etc.

However after 2 nights of feeling I was going to be sick at night and sleeping badly about 8pm last night I got hot again and arms and chest very hot and red and head itchy. We rang 111 and was put through to a nurse very quickly and we talked through my symptoms and luckily after 30mins things calmed down. Husband dispatched for antihistamines and a GP call came through 40mins later.

I knew last night was different to Monday but I knew I was feeling anxious and bloody hot, dehydrated and going to the loo at lot.

So today I have received a whirl of calls from my local GPs surgery making sure I have anti-histamine always, discussion on never taking penicillin and ibuprofen and also medic alert bracelet. Then call from RA clinic to check on me and they felt I needed to come off MTX, till I speak to the consultant next week and to use Pred on lower dose when completed the high dose put on Monday night after the reaction.

I then had another nurse from my local surgery call to discuss how I was feeling and discussed my anxiety (which is apparently very normal after the reaction I had) and how to be kind to myself this week. It was a great chat and made me realise again how lucky we are to have the NHS.

Sleep is being my friend this week and I don't care how much I get during the day I just want to sleep! As Tues and Wed was fighting it so today being kind a sleep if needed.

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24 Replies
Fruitandnutcase profile image

Good heavens what a horrible week you’ve had! You have certainly had amazing treatment haven’t you.

Think you need to do as little as you can and get as much sleep as possible. Do you have a family at home to look after or can you just leave everything to your other half to take care of? Although even if you have a family you could still do that.

Look after yourself and hopefully you will be back to your old self soon.

(((Virtual hug))) and 💐💐💐 virtual bouquet of flowers to cheer you up. 😉

in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Thank you yes hubby been a real trooper and like a rabbit caught in the headlights on Monday. All family aware and sleeping as much as I can and watching good and bad dramas.

Boxerlady profile image

What a week indeed - poor you. You definitely need to let yourself sleep as much as possible; your whole system has suffered a huge shock and needs a chance to recover. I'm sure that anyone would feel anxious after that experience; take the nurse's advice and be kind to yourself 💐

in reply to Boxerlady

Yes created an unexpected whirl but reading up on it and understanding it. x

rab1874 profile image

You really have been through the mill,but at least the treatment was spot on and great their all calling to see that your alright.take things easy and do as your told haha,take care xxx

springcross profile image

Goodness Dee, it's really going on at your place isn't it, poor you. It's really brilliant the attention you have had from your local surgery etc though, thank goodness for that. Take care now and rest, that was a nasty couple of shocks you've had and your body needs to recuperate. xx

Pippy25 profile image

Wow Dee talk about everything happening all at once....really hope that you begin to feel better soon. Take care and sleep when you are able to x

Summerrain14 profile image

What a week it had been for you for sure Dee! I am so pleased to hear what good care you are getting too. We are so lucky to have our NHS for sure and I feel just the same way. Working in the NHS now also makes me appreciate it from both sides too even more.

Yes please do be kind to yourself and do and just go with what you need. Thinking of you. x

medway-lady profile image

Terrible and I am also allergic to Penicillin so have a lot of sympathy. I never take NSAIDS though. I think its so serious but fortunately a lot of alternatives now. I've known since childhood and don't remember being hospitalised as was only 3 when the allergy was discovered. As a child it never caused any anxiety as it was not made a big thing of. Mind you with my mum unless you were pouring blood from a wound or it was actually a broken limb it was a case of get on with it. All things were fixed with a plaster or spit on a hanky. Not a house with much sympathy lol.

in reply to medway-lady

We grew up that way too but been battling a few issues and this broke the camels back this week for me. Will get my positive vibe back soon but realised after talking to nurse it left me low on trusting all meds which we need for RA. Onwards and upwards

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to

I forgot to say put the allergy into the ICE bit on your phone. That is really important as first place a paramedic will look if you're in an accident and can't talk.

After the AKI from a medication I found that being anxious was very normal for a while but the Renal Hospital offered counselling and I did that, I had to overcome it as it could become crippling. So it early days yet for you but try to be positive and yes onward and upwards.

Sad but it was explained to me about risk v benefit and to be honest I try never to think too much about things like allergy as I've a few. Its hard enough when you know a mistake with a medication can kill you but worse when its one that nearly did but is supposed to be one of the safest prescribed in the world. But it wasn't for me !so I think I just have used another of my nine lives and boy when I go to the GP's does the screen flash red! And I've met some nice doctors who say this is really interesting, an AKI is unusual when caused by a medication.

So tomorrow take it easy I know what it feels like and watch some decent TV with chocolate of course.

in reply to medway-lady

Thanks for phone ICE will do in morning and ordered a medic tag too 😺

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to

I don't have one I admit probably should do, but they are so ugly. I do carry alert card as also take Riveroxaban so clotting factor can't be measured by blood test in the normal way. I'd like the NHS to offer allergy tattoo's.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to medway-lady

Same here,,,I was found to be allergic to Penicillin when I was 19 & in hospital with Encephalitis....indeed I & all the medics were relieved that was all it was.....as it is the one of the most easily diagnosed & treated AB allergies.

I have had many similar allergic reactions since....but now just swallow antihistamine & hope it goes away.

The strangest allergy I ever experienced was from drinking from a plastic glass when I was nursing....my mouth & tongue swelled up like a balloon..... that took a bit more than antihistamine to calm down...but strangely enough that very luckily also happened in a hospital.

Maybe it’s hospitals I’m allergic to?

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to AgedCrone

yup could be. ! xx lol

Mmrr profile image

What a time you are having Deeb, be kind to yourself.

Long live the NHS.

If you can't go out to a party make your own I said!

Sheila_G profile image

You definitely do need to rest after your awful week. I hope you have a good consultation next week and correct meds are sorted out for you soon. x

bubblyalex profile image

What a time you are having. Not great to read but thank goodness you are being taken seriously and getting help. 👍🏻

Plumcrumble profile image

Hope you had feel better soon 💐 💕💕

Pulfs profile image

What a week you've had,but after care was great lots of people looking out for you. Hope the sleep and rest help. Take care and gentle hugs x

Leics profile image

Oh crikey that brings back memories. I’m sure you’re going to feel like you’ve been hit by a truck for at least a week. Definitely need to be kind to yourself and sleep off the fatigue if that’s possible. I had a five hour febrile convulsion fit after being prescribed an antibiotic which I was allergic to it’s a good idea when you’re feeling better to definitely make sure you know which penicillin you were allergic to and even though they’ve arranged for a medic alert bracelet for you occasionally it’s difficult to remember to wear it all the time. Got to say you had better treatment than I did the ingredient I’m allergic to has been prescribed for me on other occasions even though it’s on my notes so I definitely have learned the hard way what I can and can’t take. I see you mention that ibuprofen has been added to reaction list unfortunately that means you won’t be prescribed most anti inflammatory meds because they’re like ibuprofen aspirin based but there are ways around it. Hope you feel better soon and your GP surgery etc keep an eye on you I was told it was the infection that caused my fit but I know damn well it was the antibiotics even though I’d told the doc that I was allergic she still prescribed me one with more of the ingredient in than the first one which only gave me a rash from head to toe and the shakes like you wouldn’t believe. I know the signs now but yeah paracetamol and antihistamines usually help with some of the reaction. Mine was swept under the carpet and it still took me many years to convince them that they have to be careful. I suppose I’m lucky penicillin is my go to drug and although they make me feel a bit rough at least they work and are suitable for most infections.

I am wary and now have a plan in place and review Thursday. Also ice tag done on phone too. Once bitten by this you know never want again

BonnieG123 profile image

Glad you’re feeling better! My mom used to say “sleep is healing!” So sweet dreams dear Deeb!

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