Got the go ahead for biological meds which is brilliant but my bloods came back and they think I may have latent TB so another blood test just to make sure ,because it was borderline and they think it may of been a mistake in the lab . If I have it’s 6 month of antibiotics then I can start the biological meds , They have also started me on steroids just to keep me moving until the results come in . But I now feel like things are moving in the right direction.
Got the go ahead , (but ): Got the go ahead for... - NRAS
Got the go ahead , (but )

🤞bloods come back good. I’ve had dodgy blood tests and the second test comes back ok. Here’s hoping you start your biological soon I’ve had good results with mine after 5 weeks.. gotta chest infection atm can’t wait to get the all clear so i can restart .
I started on biologics after a month or so on the Anti-TB drugs, so it may not be that long to wait.
They told me 6 months of antibiotics, is TB common ?
I’ve just had exactly same thing , had retest Wednesday ... nurse said it’s usually only few weeks delay before starting biologics.... which one are you going on?
Latent TB does seem to crop up surprising often, given that most people will have had the BCG vaccination as a teen. I have had TB so will always test positive, so there was no point even testing me but they decided that I needed to take the antibiotics just in case. I think they generally err on the side of caution.
I was on 2 TB antibiotics for 3 months. And they were pretty horrid I’m afraid, but maybe taking one for 6 months will be easier.
Think it’s humira I’m having
I had a borderline result for the first TB test but second was ok. It’s good that you have got the go ahead for a biologic otherwise and the steroids will help until it takes effect. 🤞🏻
Like you I had to have 2 tests for TB before they would let me start on Imraldi. Both tests were ‘inconclusive’ so my Rheumy talked to the Respiratory Team at the same hospital who said in their opinion I was low risk and could start Imraldi. I started Imraldi in September (while continuing with Sulphasalazine and MTX) good results almost straightaway - had a chest infection in Nov which needed antibiotics but it cleared up ok and then I was given a pneumonia jab which cleared everything up. The difference Imraldi has made to my PsA has been miraculous so definitely worth the initial apprehension and worry about the TB result - I hope your hospital decide you are considered at low risk of TB too
Hi Buckybri, It looks like I had your journey last year. Ihave strong doubts about the credibility of this so called TB test! I believe it’s so great number for a lot of us to be told we had/have latent TB. We are from different backgrounds, if the case was that we lived close by or in countries that share border ,it would of made sense. Having said that we still have to go on those awful antibiotics because if they are right, it would be very dangerous to go on rheumatoid drugs! I hope all the best for you while I’m still in my way to find the most suitable treatment for me. First medication didn’t work and I’m on steroids till those testes have done. Finished my antibiotics last year. Again I hope you find yours soon.
I’ve just done some reading on this as was curious. Apparently about 30% of people across the world will test positive, as the disease is so widespread. But the actual risk of this developing into active TB is low, so normally adults aren’t treated unless they show symptoms. Except for us, where they have to be more cautious.
But 9,000 new cases of TB in the UK every year, so it’s not a disease that’s gone away.
Morning. I was diagnosed with latent tb im december 2018 and started on rifinah which was horrible but was stopped as only latent. However i started back on isoniazid in november as was diagnosed with seronegative arthritis. Im seeing a respitory specialist on wednesday to niw decide which biologic to take. Hope you feel better soon but i think you need to be on tb meds for a few months. Could be wrong. X
Hi! Like Helixhelix , I was tested ( actually 3 blood tests in the end.... one result never made it’s way to my Rheumatologist) plus a chest x-ray and was diagnosed with Latent TB. I also went on Rifinah for 3 months ( I didn’t really have any side effects apart from the orange wee) but could also start Benepali 6 weeks into the TB treatment. The Benepali has given me my body back ( albeit not quite like my old body but certainly ability to do things again). I hope you can get a conclusive result soon and start your new medication path and look forward to improved health with no side effects!
The same thing happened to me and I had antibiotics, but I chose to have the three month course of them and I would advice to choose that option. as I wanted to get it over and done with. Good luck. xxx
Hi which drug are you starting? I have just had the go ahead to start biological waiting in blood and xray results it's called Enberl I think etancerpt anyone have any details on this drug please?
Did your rheumy not give you info netball?
Why would you have latent TB, if you don’t mind me asking? Weren’t you vaccinated as a child? How do you get that?
Who knows , I had the jab when I was young . But my wife’s grandad had TB before he died and all the people close to him had to be tested and to be honest I can’t remember if they were all treated to . But as I didn’t really spend much time around him I didn’t have to be tested , maybe he passed it to me , but as someone said before loads of people have it and it only takes them to cough by u and u digest it and then u have it . Well that’s why the rhumy nurse said anyway . And maybe I don’t have latent TB as it was borderline , so I’m crossing everything that it was a mistake in the lab bug even if it isn’t it’s just a little hic up before the new drugs .
I tested positive for latent TB too prior to starting Biologics in 2003 & had to have 6 months of triple therapy antibiotics delaying starting Enbrel in 2004. After 4 months my Rheumatologist decided I could stop them as he said he made the guidelines (Proff Emery) & I definitely didn’t have TB. He thought I may have been vaccinated twice giving me more antibodies. Once at school then again when I started nurse training.
Hello I was thought to be at risk of latent TB based on X-Rays. Apparently I had extensive "calcification" on my lungs which showed up on routine x-ray as part of RA monitoring. I knew I had "bad lungs" as a child in the 1940s/1950s and my birth father and grandfather were dead before the age of 35 due to TB so unfortunately all my RA medicines were reviewed and I was put on TB medicines for 6 months. I then started Rituximab and have had no problems at all. However my consultant is alert to any medicine which might affect the lungs (certain antibiotics I understand) and prescribes a substitute if needed. I cannot remember if I had any blood tests I suppose I must have done but it was a bit of a blur due to shock of discovering I had white calcium scars all over my lungs (on the x-ray it looked like someone had dipped their finger in white powder and dotted it all over my lungs). But have been able to have whatever treatment was necessary so all was resolved in the end.