My GP has advised me to tell my Rheumatologist and Respiratory Consultant on Thursday that I am not prepared to live like I am living due to my RA and to tell them that i am willing to try Biological Agents knowing that this could make my lungs worse and unless they come up with an alternative they should listen to me, The last six weeks have been a total nightmare constant flare ups unbelievable pain 24/7 and the worse part is watching the ones that matter to me are suffering with me, mattcass
GP says Biological Agents the way to go.: My GP has... - NRAS
GP says Biological Agents the way to go.

Oh, bless. I do hope someone can get you the treatment you need and quickly. You shouldn't be suffering like this, and your family must be in bits. Can you get an urgent call through to your consultant? Please let us know how you get on. I'm sure we are all thinking of you Matt. Angela.
Hi Matt
Channel some warriors and stick to your guns and don;t take any prisoners. I have been similar re flares and no pain relief 24/7 since I started almost 3 years ago and in between that having adverse reactions to drugs. I so hope they listen and do something to help you relieve some of the effects of the disease. Keeping positive thoughts for you.
Sounds like the best idea to me. You're obviously not doing well on DMARDS. I think it's worth taking a chance. xx
Poor you. These are tough decisions. I suffer from asthma, so was nervous about taking the biologic, Enbrel, but am very glad I did.They will do chest X-rays and special blood tests before you start. I also had my flu and pneumonia jabs and am well monitored by my GP, between appointments at Rheumatology. I'm on a low dose Prednisilone (6mg), so that will be suppressing the asthma ( which is only mild, in any case). Interestingly, over Christmas two of my closest went down with flu and a horrid cough. I escaped it, to my amazement! I hope that helps. J
Hi Matt. It might be worth writing to your consultant ahead of your next consultation. I had a letter after my last consult telling me they had advised my GP to stop giving me the one thing I have found to be of some use as they'd changed my diagnosis, despite the consultant telling me it was OK to keep taking it as there was evidence it was effective for what they now think I might have. My GP, sadly, is pretty spineless so I wrote to the consultant. I found it much easier formulating a measured argument than when face to face and received a lovely reply confirming I could continue with the medication. It also ensures all the information you need the rheumy team to have is on file, not just what you manage to shoe-horn into the conversation during your allotted 10/15 minutes. Good luck with your quest - I hope you get the response you need. Pat xx
Thank You NK will keep you all updated.Matt
Hiya Matt, how did your appointment go??? Any luck on the biological front?