Hello and Happy New Year!
I had two Rituximab infusions in December, these were my 5th cycles.
I’ve been feeling a bit more blurgh than usual after these infusions and just put it down to the Christmas rush prep etc, I’ve just pulled out my alert card and it says I was treated with Truxima (Rituximab) when I used to receive Mabthera (Rituximab). A quick search and I’m thinking my medication has been changed to the cheaper alternative but no one has told me or did I even need to be told..I can’t get hold of anyone until next week at my Rheumatology Department but i guess I could ring Medical Daycare tomorrow.
Has anyone else had experience of this and did they notice feeling a bit more off than usual after having it? I’m taking it that the NHS are using a cheaper alternative which is fine but I would have liked to have been informed?!
Thanks for reading and wishing everyone a very healthy and pain free New Year!