Abnormal blood test: I’ve just had a call from my GP to... - NRAS


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Abnormal blood test

barbieg profile image
20 Replies

I’ve just had a call from my GP to say my recent blood test was abnormal. Think it is the Serum Protein that was high. Is this the liverand would that account for my tickly cough? Unfortunately my consultants secretary is away so I’ve had to use another email address as I don’t have a phone number. Was on 7.5 to start and have only had 3 doses of 10mg so I’m a bit surprised as it seems to me I’m not going to be able to keep on this dose. What usually happens please? I’m a bit worried.

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barbieg profile image
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20 Replies

If I was you I would call the GP back and ask these questions of them. They have your results and are qualified to give you the answers whereas we are not. Try not to worry, the reason we have these tests is to catch problems early 😊

oldtimer profile image

Often all they do is wait for the next result. It is the trend of the tests, not a one off result (unless it is widely off the normal range). And quite often you find that the next test is OK.

I've had a GP ring me up and ask 'Are you feeling OK?' and my reply has been 'Feeling much the same as usual. Why?'

'Can you come in for another blood test please as the results of your last one were a little unusual?' Frightens you to pieces the first time, but after a few alarms you get used to it.

barbieg profile image
barbieg in reply to oldtimer

It’s a first for me and unfortunately my consultants secretary is away so had to use another email address as I don’t have a phone number. My GP said it was high but referred me to my Rheumatologist. I’m only worried by the thought that I’m only on a small dose so did that mean I would have to stop it and try something else. I didn’t hear back from my consultant today so will have to wait till Monday now. Must say I’m pleased how quickly my surgery picked it up (I have my blood tests there) but shocked the Rheumatologist didn’t ring me.

in reply to barbieg

Ah you didn’t say that in your first post so my post doesn’t really apply now 😊

barbieg profile image
barbieg in reply to

I did reply to you earlier but not sure what’s happened to it. It was just to say I’ve got so much going on at the moment that I probably didn’t explain myself very well.

in reply to barbieg

No problem barbieg, hope things get easier for you soon x

BonnieT profile image
BonnieT in reply to barbieg

Hang in there. I feel like I live in a state of anxiety over every symptom I experience.

Kalimera57 profile image

I had a scary phone call from a GP, worried about my anaemia. He said it could be a sign , ‘that you have a small cancerous tumour on the lower right of your colon. Have you lost weight? Is there anyone in your family with bowel cancer? I suggest a colonoscopy. How do you feel about that?’ Shocked and scared, that’s how I felt with some anger at how he’d fired all of this at me. Fortunately , the bowel cancer kit had come that very day. I sent it off and it came back negative and the next blood test my anaemia was stable although that time my cholesterol was up.

I made an appointment to see a GP and he agreed that the anaemia was related to the awful flare I’d had for 6 months. I emphasised how worrying it is being told things like that on the phone. So barbeig I would make an appointment to talk over the results with your GP. To see someone face to face is much better. Hope things improve for you.

in reply to Kalimera57

When I get anaemia, they always suggest I might have internal bleeding but never suggest a colonoscopy. Good job really, as I was meant to have one last year as a result of bowel screening result. Couldn't do the prep as I struggle to reach the toilet in time under normal circumstances. With rampant diarrhea I would be in a right mess.

Kalimera57 profile image
Kalimera57 in reply to

Poor you! How did they check that you were ok after your result?

in reply to Kalimera57

They didn't.

NeonkittyUK profile image

A GP should not worry anyone like that on the phone. I once had a call about raised LFT result whilst on Mtx and the GP was almost shrieking and I phoned my rheumy who said it isn't so raised for your meds and we will monitor it again next week but leave the Mtx this week! It returned to normal week after and was the anti inflammatory I was taking so I stopped those.

helixhelix profile image

I had a high serum protein one month. Turned out that I was slightly dehydrated...... Keet track of your own results and over time you will learn what's normal for you, as a certain amount of fluctuation can just be the way you are.

I also don't worry much if a reading is less than 10% above or below normal. So if the normal level goes up to 100, I don't really worry if it's 109.

barbieg profile image
barbieg in reply to helixhelix

Dehydration rings a bell with me. I know I don’t drink enough. I tell myself every morning to fill a water bottle that I bought especially, I fill it but don’t drink it.

BonnieT profile image
BonnieT in reply to barbieg

Keep sipping all day. I hate water but it’s necessary. I do four bottles everyday. Flavor it with lemon or lime. Skip the sugar. Try to keep it cold. It makes it easier to drink. Tell yourself your liver needs it. :)

barbieg profile image
barbieg in reply to BonnieT

I’ve just filled my water bottle up and am sipping it, thank you. I told my Dr last year that I was sure I wasn’t drinking enough, she asked me if I felt thirsty? I said no and was told not to worry then! Not helpful to someone like me.

BonnieT profile image
BonnieT in reply to barbieg

I never feel thirsty either but the meds filter through the liver and the water will dilute. Also, I’ve had a couple of kidney stones (long before RA) and the water helps keep those from forming as well.

Mmrr profile image

I received a letter, from my GP saying they had tried to call me with blood results and could not get through. (I had no missed calls on my phone ? )

The letter stated my blood results were abnormal and could I arrange an other blood test. This was whilst I was still waiting to see a rheumatologist, pre diagnosis and RA not even thought of.

It turned out I had a slightly low WCC.

A shocking ill thought through letter, which I spoke to my practice about, I got a shrug , that was 2 years ago. When I finally got to rheumatology they were not concerned about the bloods.

cariad68 profile image

After my last bloodtest GP phoned and asked to come and see them. He said I am anaemic and wants to prescribe iron. I said I have RA and on MTX. Then he said oh, in that case you don't need iron it is quite normal to be anaemic. He said sorry for calling me in.

And he writes the repeat for MTX every four weeks.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to cariad68

It's normal to be anaemic ?!

I absolutely despair at GPs.

Did you ask for clarification, what is your haemoglobin level ? How anaemic are you ?

I take floradix, a gentle natural iron and Vit B complex liquid that I buy from the chemist.

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