So I went to see the rheumatologist this week for a 6 month check! All my bloods were good except my wbc was low! Now I’m not taking my methotrexate injections or my Sulfasalazine . (I’ve been on Methotrexate since 2013 !) Has anyone else had this issue?
Ra blood test: So I went to see the rheumatologist this... - NRAS
Ra blood test

Although I am on different meds I can regularly run low WBC and Neuts but as my body does not like many meds they have allowed me to continue (I am 30 years in and many meds tried) as it does not seem to affect me too much although if it happens to you a lot they may review meds. If really low it is a week off meds and another blood test after a week and if that is OK restart meds. Mine usually bounces back with a week off. I usually inject on a Thursday so get my blood done on a Tuesday.
Hi, I have had RA for fourteen years and my WBC has been low throughout, either borderline or below, not sure it's ever been normal. My Rheumatologist decided years ago that is going to be my normal. He told me how millions of people will be walking around with questionable blood results which in time may correct themselves before they dip and rise again, but because they don't show the need for blood tests they would never know. Just keep an eye on it and be aware of even the slightest infection.
I have low WBC at the moment, but my GP has marked my results "satisfactory" as opposed to "normal". I've had RA 47 years and taken MTX over 30 years. I haven't been told to stop taking it because of low WBC, but in the past I have stopped due to neutropenia.
I also have this problem. I’m on Humira, methotrexate and Leflunomide. Have had to come off my meds for 2 weeks as have had a few infections over the last 3 months. my bloods have come right up since being off them, and no doubt will go back to ‘low’ again pretty soon. My Rheumy would prefer me to have infections than flare ups! Good monitoring is the way forward. I have felt quite lethargic for a while now, so hoping I start to feel a bit more with it soon. Take care
It’s one of those things I’m afraid. To keep the flares down, your immune system suffers. A never ending balancing act !
Have you been on the meds for a long time?
I have had RA for 38 years , so been through the whole gamut of meds. These particular ones only a few years. Had to change from Enbrel to a Humira two years ago, ( because of Uveitis). I seem to have had mist of my blood problems since. How about you?
Well I haven’t really had any problems! My wbc was at 2.6 so that kind of shocked me! Like I said I was diagnosed in 2013 and I think I’ve had it a lot longer! I’m very anxious and hopefully my count will go up ! Everything else is fine! I’ve googled way too much and have every disease imaginable!
Dr google is very useful and very scary lol. The meds you take keep your immune system low to stop the flares, something you have to get used to and be prepared for lots of low level infections. Where you can keep yourself in the best possible health by avoiding people with colds etc ( often easier then said). You can safely come off your meds for a couple of weeks without having a flare up, if your wbc gets too low. Your rheumy should advise you of this.
Oh definitely! Has your wbc been very low also! Have you had to see a Hematologist?
Yes. My wbc and neutrophils are constantly low. Two weeks off my meds and they are back to normal 😊. Unfortunately they will go down again very soon. Haven’t seen a hematologist. It is managed by my rheumatology team.
I guess I was so used to everything being normal! So were you on meds that you stayed on for awhile ?
Yes. Was in Enbrel for 10 years, Leflunomide about 8 and Methotrexate 3/4 years. Quite a combo. My Rheumy nurse wants me to come off either Leflonomide or methotrexate. It’s a balancing game , trying to get it right - no sure that will ever happen !
I have B12 injections and would ask about why ?as it may not be related to RA but another auto immune disease. Its so easy to assume everything is down tomeds when it may not be so ask about a Perncous Aenemia.
Yes OH had this too after he’d been on various meds for about 12 months. The GP who does his bloods called him back for a repeat test and kept the frequency at 2 weeks even though it should have dropped to a month, and luckily it seems like the really low result was just a blip.