Knee replacement/shoot me now!: Hi all. It’s been a... - NRAS


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Knee replacement/shoot me now!

EdieB profile image
24 Replies

Hi all.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted but I having been going thru a really hard time.

I had my knee replacement surgery on January 4th. I went in with good health, a strong body from strength exercises and a positive attitude which I knew was the most important.

Since the surgery I have been in extreme pain 24/7. I knew it would be hard but I’m at a point of wanting to saw my leg off.

My Dr. explained that because I have Antiphospholipid syndrome and RA, everything is stacked against me. When they went in my femur was tilted over 25% and the ligaments on both sides of my knee were so stretched they had to cut and shorten.

He also said because I take blood thinners because of the Antiphospholid syndrome the oxygen in my blood going to the knee is very little because my blood is so thin. I have back issues also so that doesn’t help either.

In the last 7 years I have had 6 surgeries because of a fall including putting my elbow back together with screws but none of those surgeries can compare to the pain I’m in right now. Even putting lidocaine patches on the side of my knees hurt!

My surgeon keeps on telling me it’s goong to take time maybe 6-8 months before the pain lessons.

I have a wonderful husband that does everything for me without complaining but it’s so unfair to him.

All I want is for he real me to come back!!!

Sorry for the pity party I just needed to vent.

Thanks for listening!

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EdieB profile image
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24 Replies
Mmrr profile image

EdieB the first thing there is no pity party, just someone having a hard time.

It sounds as if you need to speak with your GP again explaining your pain as you have done to us, requesting that something is done to help you. Possibly a referral back to the surgeon. Don't be fobbed off, be very clear the level of pain you are experiencing is not acceptable. Do you have someone who can be with you, your husband, a friend perhaps ? Someone who is not afraid to stand up to the medics ?

EdieB profile image
EdieB in reply to Mmrr

I go back to the surgeon next Wednesday. Both my husband and I plan on having a very long conversation with him.

Thank you so much for your response!

sylvi profile image

The knee takes all the support of the body and is harder op than a hip operation as the knee is weight bearing.Go back to the surgeon and ask for x-rays and a scan on it to make sure there is nothing wrong just in case and it will put your mind to rest that it is a recovery problem with your knee. Have you started pt. yet as you should have by now. Like Mmrr has see the dr or surgeon about it. Hugs from me.xxxx

vonniesims profile image

Don't forget this is major surgery. I don't think we realise how it affects us. You will have pain for at least 6 months especially when doing excercises.

sorry, but better to be realistic. It seems very slow progress at the time I know.

I have RA and had to have a bone graft. Took Tramadol for first couple of weeks, then paracetamol and codeine. Got them separately so could take one and then the other 2 hours later if nescessary. Good Luck x

EdieB profile image
EdieB in reply to vonniesims

Thank you for your support. Those who don’t have RA can’t understand what we go thru!

stbernhard profile image

Hello Edie, I've had a TKR on 7th January, so I know what you are going through. My op went well and the pain is manageable, but The man ligaments are so painful, I see a GP today to get steroid relief, because the pain stops me from doing anything more than RICE and a few chores. I know that is nothing compared to what you are experiencing, could you maybe get some pain relief this way? All the best and give your real you a big hug, it WILL come back.

EdieB profile image
EdieB in reply to stbernhard

Hi. I do have pain meds but it brings out the psoriatic part of my RA. I know i will get thru this but I’m hoping sooner than later!!

Thanks for your kind words.

Jimbo64 profile image

Hi I have had my both knees replaced I got my left knee replaced in August last year my right knee replaced 2years ago I’m still struggling I went to the Doctors and he gave me a proscription roe Ravol plasters that work wonders try them if you are struggling with pain

EdieB profile image
EdieB in reply to Jimbo64

Hi Jim. Believe it or not just putting Lidocaine patches on each side of my knee is too “heavy” or too much pressure and my knee hurts worse!

I go back to the Surgeon next Wednesday. I’m hoping he will do a MRI on my lower back and knees to see what the connection is. Yikes!

Thank you for your response. It is nice to know there is a whole community out there who understands our dilemmas!

MissMinto profile image

Hi Edie,

I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time.

Are you still using the ice wraps? I know from when I had my knees done it's really important to keep the pain meds topped up so you don't get breakthrough pain. Have you tried oramorph (liquid morphine)?

Homoeopathically speaking, good old Arnica is useful post-operatively to help with internal bruising, swelling and the general shock of it all to your body.

Acupuncture might be worth a try for pain relief and/or a TENS kit?

One final suggestion is maybe using an infrared heat lamp - it increases blood flow, is good for both healing and pain relief.

I do hope you get sorted soon X

Hezekiah profile image
Hezekiah in reply to MissMinto

I'd like to add my vote for Arnica ointment too, although if you can't cope with Lidocaine patches then rubbing in Arnica may be impossible or contra-indicated.

MissMinto profile image
MissMinto in reply to Hezekiah

I actually meant Arnica pills, but either and/or both would help.

Hezekiah profile image
Hezekiah in reply to MissMinto

Sorry I never used anything except the ointment so was unaware about pills. I'll bear them in mind. and thank you

I am so sorry to read of all you are going through Edie and it worries me because I need a TKR as well. I am also waiting for a shoulder replacement and think that if it takes as long as this to get over the operation then I will need to have them well spaced apart. I feel such a mess as I can do virtually nothing. I am in pain non stop from my shoulder and arm and I can't walk because of my knee. Both my shoulder and my knee crunch and grind at every little movement. I am sorry that I can't offer you any advice but I just wanted you to know that I will think about you and pray for you. xx

EdieB profile image
EdieB in reply to

Hi holly-willow. Everyone has a different outcome on their TKR. Having 3 immune issues plus the blood thinners just made mine more difficult.

Sending prayers and good wishes on your surgeries!!

in reply to EdieB

Thank you for taking the time to answer me Edie. I am not on blood thinners but I do have three types of arthritis, rheumatoid, osteo and psoriatic, plus other auto immune conditions. I also have many other health conditions, in fact the auto immune ones have caused me to completely loose my hearing in one ear and it have also affected my eyes. I am now having to take over 30 tablets a day which is not good I know.

I know what you mean when you say about feeling like you could saw your leg off as I often feel like that about my arm. I feel that all these things have taken over my life and taken all away all the things I like doing. Even holding up a book to read it is hard now.

Thank you for your good wishes and I wish the same back to you. Do keep us updated on your progress.

CarolyneJA profile image

Hugs your way Edie! I hope you get support and some relief from your docs, and certainly we have your back here. Thinking of you!

mickeysmom34472 profile image

Hi EdieB, sorry for all the pain you are experiencing. At least you stil have your leg. I had my knee replacement surgery in November last year. The Dr did a wonderful job and up to that point I had no problems. When I went back to have the stitiches removed, one of them ripped out and bled. When I went back in 2 weeks to remove steri strips I had a very bad infection. Dr sent me to another Dr who debrided it and attempted a skin graft using a piece of skin from my thigh and a flap from my calf. Because of my RA nothing happened. The infection was down to the bone so I opted to have leg from just above knee amputated. I am getting along ok, got my prosthetic 3 weeks ago. Cant wear it as long as I would like because of skin graft which is taking forever to heal. Bottom line is be careful what you have done to your body because RA can be a critical factor.If I knew that at the time I would have passed on knee replacement which is what I am doing for my left knee which is just as bad as the right one was. It will get better, just not today,

EdieB profile image
EdieB in reply to mickeysmom34472

My heart breaks for you! My prayers go to you I hope you have relief and a better future. This puts my pain into perspective. Let’s just hope we both get thru this. ((Hugs))

Nanna71 profile image

I feel quite sorry for you regarding the pain you're in. Explanations from the Dr. as to why you have it hasn't helped the pain one bit, I assume. Can he not address the pain with some heavy hitting meds? Pain management is supposed to be a first call for the medical community. I hope you can get some real help with this. 😮

EdieB profile image
EdieB in reply to Nanna71

Hi Nanna71! There are few pain meds that don’t interact with my blood thinners so I am limited to what I can take. I know I will get thru this but as I’m sure you know, sometimes you just get overwhelmed.

Thank you for caring and answering my post!

Jimbo64 profile image

Hi EdieB I had my right knee done 2 years ago and my left done on August last year and I’m in pain all the time my left knee is still swollen my right knee is still num

EdieB profile image

Yikes. Not looking forward to that or having the other one done!

51114 profile image

I am so sorry for you. Please go back to the surgeon and ask for anMRI scan. Don’t be put off, get as much help as you can. Don’t go alone to doctors.i am alone, and I always feel intimidated.

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