Hi all.
It’s been a while since I’ve posted but I having been going thru a really hard time.
I had my knee replacement surgery on January 4th. I went in with good health, a strong body from strength exercises and a positive attitude which I knew was the most important.
Since the surgery I have been in extreme pain 24/7. I knew it would be hard but I’m at a point of wanting to saw my leg off.
My Dr. explained that because I have Antiphospholipid syndrome and RA, everything is stacked against me. When they went in my femur was tilted over 25% and the ligaments on both sides of my knee were so stretched they had to cut and shorten.
He also said because I take blood thinners because of the Antiphospholid syndrome the oxygen in my blood going to the knee is very little because my blood is so thin. I have back issues also so that doesn’t help either.
In the last 7 years I have had 6 surgeries because of a fall including putting my elbow back together with screws but none of those surgeries can compare to the pain I’m in right now. Even putting lidocaine patches on the side of my knees hurt!
My surgeon keeps on telling me it’s goong to take time maybe 6-8 months before the pain lessons.
I have a wonderful husband that does everything for me without complaining but it’s so unfair to him.
All I want is for he real me to come back!!!
Sorry for the pity party I just needed to vent.
Thanks for listening!