Hi and good sunny morning to you all. 6 weeks ago I had a total knee replacement should have been a 3 day stay but I was in hospital for 3 weeks. I developed phumonia and a PE. I'm struggling to recover on top of that I've had no RA drugs for about 10 weeks and won't be allowed back on my biologic drug till my lungs are clear. A week ago my body went into a flare up I'm in so much pain I just sit crying I can't bathe or dress myself I'm so low as I know even when I get the go ahead to take the drug it will take sometime to take affect. As I was too ill for physio on my new knee I have problems there too. So sorry to moan folks but feeling very sorry for myself and can't see an end to this crippling pain 😢 xxxxxxxx
Total knee replacement : Hi and good sunny morning to... - NRAS
Total knee replacement

Oh poor you , I’m so sorry to hear your so poorly and in so much pain . I really feel for you . Do you live on your own ? Can you get any help from social services to help with washing and dressing . Your doctor could have put these services in place when you left the hospital. I was a home carer for 24 years and I’m retired now . I would love to come and help you but sadly I’m sure we live too far apart. Please phone your doctors and tell them your so in need of some help.
Oh you poor soul, I can’t offer any advice but I really feel for you it all sounds awful. When my husband had a hip replacement a few years ago I got a lot of helpful information from this website, they do knees etc too so you might find something encouraging in there. bonesmart.orgIn the mean time I hope you make good progress and can get back onto your RA drugs and some gentle physio soon. 💐
Just checked link and it should be bonesmart.org - the gap between that and the next word has disappeared. Sorry.
You have good reason to feel sorry for yourself darling.. Gentle hugs coming from me to your.xxxxx
I cannot give you any words of advise but empathise with you. Sending virtual hugs and hope you get better soon
So sorry to read this. I had hip replacement some years ago and that was not easy either but I think the knee is more complicated. I do hope you will feel better soon and that all goes well from here on.
Pasjc I really do feel for you. I was in hospital for 4 weeks three years ago with pneumonia and like you was taken off my RA drug ( at the time I was on Benapali and methotrexate and my RA was stable at this point). Youre left in utter pain and everything becomes so difficult and you have the added distress of your knee replacement and I so feel for you I could cry. I went back on meds a bit later but because of ILD I was taken off again. They tried other drugs including rituxumab but that had no effect on me. Was due to have 2nd round and they cancelled it day before because inflammation had shot up. Today I’m starting on abatacept and feeling hopeful. I think all the lockdowns and staying home more hadn’t been kind. I know my mobility is bad and affecting my knees.
Contacting my Rheumatology help desk has been helpful and wished I’d done it while I was in hospital as I felt so alone. I’ve never called NRAS help line but I’m sure that could be useful for you.
I’m not a lot of help I know but just really to let you know ‘you’re not alone ‘ and I wish you a speedy recovery and can get back to normality very soon.
Last thing as difficult as it is try to have a good laugh when you can. I really find it helps. I have a good cry too but laughter feel better.
Take care and all the best xx
HI Pasj, Ohh I feel for you! I was lucky with my TKR, but I have been off my RA drugs for a total of 25 weeks last year and will be off then again for 12 weeks starting now. I'm glad that you have a very supporting husband. My method is to focus on how I was when I was well and on the meds. I know I can get there again. I know this won't help you right now, but you will get back to where you were and hopefully you can catch up on the knee physio soon. All the best.
Oh you poor thing, sending love x
I’m so sorry that read this sending gentle 🤗 x
Hi pet, hope things improve quickly for you. As I've been struggling with pain flare ups recently and waiting for both knees to be replaced, I wonder how ships float, planes fly, they can put people on the moon et al but can't find a cure for our, and other illnesses. Sadly haven't believed in God for years. Have you phoned your RA centre for advice? 🐈🐈
I phoned them today again im now back on Abatacept but they oromised me a steriod injection to bridge the gap as the Abatacept could take 4 weeks to work. The best they offered today was a phone call with a nurse next Monday. I feel so desperate now I'm not sleeping due yo pain but at a loss yo know where to turn. I hope I haven't put you off getting your knee done although I've still got surgical the leg is lovely and strong so strongly recommend it to you 😻
It sounds awful and can’t believe you would’ve been turfed out after only 3 days if all had gone well, hope you start to feel better soon. I am waiting to have a knee replacement too!
That's just really crap. Have a good cry and don't feel bad about doing it. Tomorrow is a new day. Speak to the GP and demand better pain relief. Big hug and you will feel better soon.
I’m sorry to here of your pain but please check with your doctor if you can take Etoricoxib which is an anti inflammatory which I took as I’m waiting on total knee replacement and it has helped me to function again it’s worth asking. Very best of luck
I'm so sorry to hear all this. Sending you positive vibes and blessings and the bestest of luck.
Sometimes a good cry is what you need. Your meds will kick in soon and your super new knee will be sorted. You are getting over the worst so upwards and onwards brave one! We are here to listen and share with you- only a click away. Keep your chin up. RA =ready for adventure 💐
Oh no, so sorry to hear this, wishing you a speedy recovery and never apologise for having a moan that's what we're for; I wish I could make it all go away so I wish you the best, everything crossed Mr. Pain moves out soon. Really hate it when he comes to visit and then gets comfortable and won't take the hint that it's time to leave. 😡 Sending you a huge gentle hug🤗 and sending you lots of love and light.💐
So sorry that you are suffering a double blow.I had both knees replaced ten years ago.I took about six weeks before I could sleep in my bed after first operation.It takes time to recover and exercises were painful but had to be done to get decent bend and straight leg.My second knee was not as good as I got cyst day after physio had put weights on my ankle while trying to straighten my leg.This happened near end of my physio time.I will never know if this happened due to Weights or it was just bad luck.Had hip replacement six months ago went well getting other done in two weeks.You have had a rough time pneumonia takes a lot out of your body.I myself had this two years ago and was in hdu.I hope you will start to feel better soon.Best Wishes.
Hi, sorry but only just read your post and was intrigued. Was it a bakers, back of knee.?
I’m so sorry to hear your news, I hope you will heal rapidly and your meds will work to support you well. Big hugs 🤗
Try to get through it. I went into a spell of severe depression about a month later that lasted for two month and then just vanished over night. I was told by several medical people that it was not unusual, but they don’t know why it occurs.
You give me hope I feel so desperate the only pain relief is paracetamol due to other health factors and warfrin for the PE but I am a strong person so I'm hoping my usual frame of mind will get me through. Thank you for replying xxx
Great, after my replacement I also could only take Paracetamol as every thing else caused problems. But I now take Co-codamol 500//30 for my almost endless RA pain (the replaced knee and elbow are the few places I never get pain), I have tried Tramadol which is a good pain killer but cause me constant sickness.