I have inflammatory arthritis from Crohn's and am interested in people who have found help through dietary changes. I've tried many diets: Specific Carbohydrate, Paleo, AIP (auto-immune paleo), Low Starch Diet, McDougall, enteral nutrition and water fasting. I did find some relief from water fasting, but as soon as I ate again things got really bad, perhaps worse than before the fast. Previous to this flare I was on TPN which is where you get fed through a tube in your arm. I was on it for 4 weeks which as followed by the longest period of remission I've had since I got sick. I am on medication and am currently taking Entyvio, which is gut specific and is keeping gut symptoms at bay, and Imuran and Methotrexate (which I'm currently working up to a higher dose). Right before this current flare, I decided to try and add nuts back into my diet which I hadn't eaten in 3 years right before my current flare, and then all hell broke lose and I've been dealing with inflammatory arthritis and iritis since. I took out the nuts after I realized what I had done, but I can't get back into remission. Methotrexate has been added, previously I was only on Entyvio and Imuran, but I'm hoping Methotrexate will calm the flare.
I'm getting desperate for relief and am willing to try more dietary interventions. I've been looking into the Paddison Program. I know there's been quite a few posts on it. For anyone who has had success, I have a few questions:
1. Did you buy the program? Is it worth buying and if so which one: essential or advanced healing?
2. How important is the celery/cucumber juice? Do you continue that past the first two days?
3. When did you start noticing relief?
4. How long have you been on it?
5. Did you inflammatory markers CRP and ESR go down?
6. Are you allowed any protein powder?
For anyone else who has found help with dietary changes, I'd love to hear what you did and also know the answers to questions 3-5. I'm debating on trying the Paddison Program but I don't want to spend money on another diet that may not work especially since I have Crohn's arthritis and not RA. I wanted to contact Clint to see if he's had success with that, but I can't find an email on his website. Am I being foolish to think trying this diet may work? I'm kind of getting despondent but am tired of spending money on things that don't work. I'd appreciate input from everyone.