Hi guys, anyone have experience of Gold injections, seems the next thing I'm being offered as failed on Sulfasalazine Leflunomide and Hydroxychloroquine not doing much so far! Thanks M x
Gold injections...: Hi guys, anyone have experience of... - NRAS
Gold injections...

Worked for me for 18 months the stopped working and I would like to retry but current rheumy may be not keen? The injection it self hurt me but I had no side effects
There are others who use or have used it. Pop gold in the search box top right and their posts should come up.
Many, many years ago, early 1980's, but injections failed as I had protein in urine and had to stop.
I had no idea these were still used! I had gold injections many years ago but protein in the urine problems stopped it. It seemed reasonably successful at the time. And my grandmother told me that she was one of the first people to have gold injections in Charing Cross Hospital - no NHS then, either.
I haven’t had them but a lady I know who’s mum had them said they changed her life and she had RA but I do remember her saying she could only have them for so long, not sure why. Best of luck 🙂 x
Gold was the first therapy I tried many years ago. Worked very well for 18 months then protein in urine meant I had to stop. I understand it can work well for others for longer. It's an intramuscular injection so a little painful.
Yes i managed to get away with gold injections for 5 years but like everyone else it eventually affected my blood. Good luck with yours though. Take care xxxx
I was on the gold injections years ago worked well on RA but started making me feel very odd they were stopped right away but if they do not cause any symptoms they can work well hope this is the case for you good luck x
Are they still used? Can't remember why, but thought Gold injections had been discontinued, Why has your Rheumy not offered Methotrexate I wonder?
Been on methotrexate can't get higher than 15 before issues. Failed on Sulfasalazine and leflunomide current on 400 hydroxy too. M x
Have you tried the injections...quite a few can cope with a lower dose by injection?
It's a horrible time before you find the meds that suit you...do hope you find something works for you very soon,
I did not think that gold was used anymore. "Myocrisin", very expensive not surprisingly. I do not know how an injection of a heavy-metal is supposed to work. Personally I would decline it! Check out the side-effects.