I have been taking 25mg of methotrexate in tablet form for a while now and my recent visit to the rheumy clinic where I saw a locum. he said that my makers were still raised. he explained the he would like me to try injectable methotrexate as it will work better ; because it does not go via the stomach then the liver it will be more effective going straight into my body. (I fully understand this). So he wrote the prescription and said the nurse will be in touch. after about four weeks waiting the Nurse phoned and I went up to have my first injection. She said I am to collect them from the hospital pharmacy every four weeks.
After my second dose, within a day I was in excruciating pain around all my abdomen. The pain was so severe it took my breath away. As we do not have any way of contacting the rheumy nurse I phoned A &E dept and asked for some help, they told me to take the painkillers I had already but to take them very regularly and to phone my GP. I got an appointment to see my GP in two days. When he saw the state I was in he was very concerned. He examined me and gave me a prescription for Oromorph and gave me an appointment in five days. He told me to rest at home. The analgesia helped and I went back to see him. He said I looked better than I did and I told him the analgesia did help but I am still having the pain although not as severe. He thinks it maybe the methotrexate and wants me to have a liver and kidney scan. so I am awaiting an appointment. The pain has eased and is not constant but I am still having some bouts of severe pain and discomfort mostly in my upper abdominal region.
I don't know what to do; all this pain and the medication I hardly go past the front door anymore and unfortunately my depression has risen its ugly head again. I just wish I had somebody to talk to over this.
Sorry about ranting but I am at the end of my tether.