Pip claim: I am going to tribunal as the pip people... - NRAS


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Pip claim

Nikki70 profile image
9 Replies

I am going to tribunal as the pip people have taken my car off me I was one point off for it but today I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes To go with my other fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis do I have to tell them this now as I am angry how they can say I am suddenly better when I am worse I just don’t want the hassle and upset again ,will it make a difference anyway

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Nikki70 profile image
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9 Replies
Amy65 profile image

I got low rate care on pip .yet on dal got full care I was 2 points off full care .I sent a report in from my eye consultant telling them 're my vision I'm registered visually impaired .they gave me 1point for that so have 11 points but need 12 for full care .their not very helpful .if I was u I'd phone them and send a letter change of circumstances c what they say amy

nablur profile image

Sorry. How frustrating!

Alexann profile image


So sorry to hear this. I would go for change of circumstances, otherwise at the tribunal they will only consider your claim from before. Hope this helps.

dippyd09 profile image

I would go on to the website benefits and work. They have an enormous amount of information and have moderators who can give very good advice. I hope you can get some good advice. All the best

Nikki70 profile image

Thank you everyone lots of good advice I’m going to tell them now of change in circumstances hopefully it goes ok x

Leviset profile image


You have to appeal - over 70% of PIP decisions are being overturned. I know how difficult it all is dealing with this Government Austerity process when you have an autoimmune disease (I've got RA since 1996 - lost both ankles, the left is fused and the right was a total ankle replacement done in 2004 but has recently collapsed. The private company that do PIP (Capita) are under strict orders to get people off disability and/or PIP.

They sometimes have someone medically trained (mainly a private nurse, occasionally a doctor (usually retired) at the tribunal hearing). They have strict Government targets and there tactics are basically amoral.

They will have cameras mounted in the car park monitory your ability getting out of the car and walking to the meeting. They usually make the lift 'out of order' and they have cameras to watch you negotiating the stairs.

My wife did all of the form filling. We insisted on a home visit as I was unable to get out of bed, they'll try and wriggle out of it but you have to persist. Like you I found the whole thing so distressing after working hard for 40 years and then to be treated like a liar. In fact I nearly died before my home visit (which was going to be done by a 20 year old History student trying to earn some holiday money before going back to Uni) - I'm afraid they just made out I was lying and stringing them along, I hate that I let them make me feel like a scrounger and it was all my own fault or that it was fabricated. You have to tell them what it's like on your worst days . Anyway because of this guilt I took too many codeine tablets and drank quite a lot of Oramorph to try and make myself worst. The student came at 9:00 and when they came upstairs they found me fitting violently - this lasted for 4 hours and took 2 ambulance crews to finally take me to hospital. I was dealt with immediately my wife tells me as I was unconscious and then moved to the High Dependency Unit and I was put into a medically induced coma. My wife was told I'd probably not make it through the night but I woke up 3 days later in the HDU totally dumbfounding the medics who'd dealt with me. I had to see a Psychiatrist before being eventually discharged who was convinced I had tried to commit suicide. That was never the intention (lots of PIP cases have committed suicide due to how demoralising this PIP process can be.

How do I know all of this? My wife has an old friend who was a retired GP and sat on a number of this tribunals (they pay £300 an hour). She finally stopped doing this after seeing how bogus the whole process is and that they would never take on board anything, as a GP, that had a medically opinion.

Keep going or get a really good friend to help out with you. Citizens Advice will help out with advising how to fill in the forms and will advise you how to deal with the actual tribunal.

See if your GP or RA consultant will do you a letter on medically how bad your condition.

You take care of yourself


Nikki70 profile image
Nikki70 in reply to Leviset

Thank you I have been assessed already by she said she was a nurse of 20 years but when I read the report we had told her I can not drive a normal car I need adaptions as my feet are to bad to press peddles they are on the steering wheel instead both me and my husband had told her this she had put in the report that I drive a normal car and that I can walk 20 metres easily when all I did was answer the door and sit down I couldn’t get up to see her out after as I was in to much pain

I have a letter from the doctor stating I can’t drive a normal car and I addressed that she had lied on the form we are just waiting for a date for the tribunal but I have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as I’m trying to start with the diet it isn’t going to make a difference to my medication so I don’t know if t liking them now will make a difference or if I leave it until after the tribunal then tell them about the change In circumstances I do t want them to stop the tribunal and have to start all this again.

Nikki70 profile image

No it was 11 and I need 12 for mobility I am on standard for care

Nikki70 profile image

I will have to get it checked then and thank you I will let you know if it changes x

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