PIP and car adaptations: Hi everyone. Hope someone... - NRAS


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PIP and car adaptations

kau1 profile image
36 Replies

Hi everyone. Hope someone might have some information that could help.

I applied for the first time for any benifits, I'm 58, and have been turned down for both elements of PIP.

I live alone so the report said I can do everything myself at home. I have no choice but to do things myself even though it takes me half an hour to get dressed and I live off ready meals as I can no longer chop food etc. to prepare things myself.

I work in an admin job and drive to work. I bought an automatic car about two years ago as I had problems with changing years in a manual car. I have no adaption on the car as I did not know you could get these unless you had a motorbility car. Some days I can only drive for 10 minutes without having to rest as my hands are painful. I was turned down for the mobility part of PIP because my car has no adaptions.

I feel like I've been turned down because I live on my own and because I try to stay working by driving an unadapted car.

I don't want to appeal the decision as I will still live on my own and still drive an unadapted car as I cannot afford to have any adaption done.

I am independent and want to stay that way but I'm not sure what my next move should be.

Any advice would be very welcomed

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kau1 profile image
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36 Replies
Georgiab123 profile image

Hi Kau1 it was my first time applying for pip I didn’t get enough points although WR filled my form in for me, iv since heard nobody get straight though first time, I’m on way to tribunal next you do same get CA or WR to help

kau1 profile image
kau1 in reply to Georgiab123

Thanks for your reply.

It's good to know that others have been refused on first application (not good that we didn't get the help we need). I just don't know how the outcome could be favourable if I try again, as my circumstances will still be the same.

It took me a while to even apply in the first place and now I don't think I want to go through that process again.

Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to kau1

Please don’t give up that’s what they want you to do

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Georgiab123

Good Luck with your appeal at Tribuneral Georgiab123, it's so unfair.

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Georgiab123

That’s not true that nobody gets PIP the first time of applying, I did and I can’t be the only one 😊

Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to KittyJ

It’s much harder now than it was

Pippy25 profile image

Don't give up kau1, I am so sorry to hear you have been turned down on both elements of PIP. Did you have any help filling in the form? I had help from a welfare rights officer when I made my initial application and was successful. Sadly he passed away and when it came to my review I had no one to help me with the form. Thankfully my GP was supportive and I feel if it were not for her support it may have been a different story. So if you have anyone who could help you to appeal don't give up. Have you a Citizens Advice, Welfare Rights or your local MP who could help you appeal? Having an unpredictable illness you are not in control of and wanting to maintain your independence is not and should not be a punishment. Living on your own and having to deal with daily life is no mean feat when your body is in pain, so be proud for this. Sending you my best wishes, good luck.

Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to Pippy25

Yes pippy25 welfare rights filled my form in and wasn’t happy when I didn’t get enough points, I’m still working at 64 and struggling but my daughters going to tribunal with me as well as welfare rights officer

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Georgiab123

Good to have that support Georgiab123. I had to go alone and I was in pieces and in so much pain. Take care.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Pippy25

Tribunal was for ESA not PIP.

I’m the same as you in my fifty’s and applied for benefits for the first time and was refused. I won’t go into detail but the report was inaccurate. No mention that I can now only work one and a half hours a day or my husbands comments on how it effects my life. I’m now going to appeal. I can’t understand why they think we are given dangerous drugs that need monitoring if we aren’t very poorly. ( and we don’t get free prescriptions)stress makes this disease worse and they certainly make things difficult.

Your not on your own keep fighting

kau1 profile image
kau1 in reply to

Thanks for your comments, it helps to know others are in similar situation. Good luck with your appeal.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to

I agree, no one chooses to have this and if there were a cure I think there would be a stampede for it! The whole process is filled with stress unlimited so how does this help anyone. Good Luck with your appeal.

Georgiab123 profile image
Georgiab123 in reply to

I’m the same all my words were turned round, I only work 1 and 1/2 hours a day at a school and even my boss has noticed I’m not doing as good

I went to CAB.

They are vastly experienced and tbis resulted, along with my conditions, in a successful application.

I hope you do appeal and get the right result.

Keep fighting! & good luck! 🤗X

If you can’t afford adaptations to your car in full yourself but feel they would help, whilst you’re still working you could contact Access to Work to help you. They can contribute towards the costs of any car adaptations you need so you can continue to work. Seeking this help may actually help your appeal too.

kau1 profile image
kau1 in reply to

I’ll try them and ask their advice on where to go to see what’s available. Thanks for the information as I was not sure where to try.

Georgina1949 profile image

Hi Kau +441616727444 this number is for fightback for justice. They are brilliant they help you fill the forms give them a call. Hope this helps.

kau1 profile image
kau1 in reply to Georgina1949

Thanks for the info. I’ll certainly give them an CA a call for advice

KittyJ profile image

Don’t give up Kau1, if what they have said in the report is incorrect and you don’t agree you shouldn’t get PIP I would appeal. Good luck

MsTrevelyan profile image


I had to double check that I hadn't written this myself during a brain fog and forgotten 😆 because that describes exactly where I am today.

Re the car, I got rid of my manual (looking back i should have part exchanged it) and bought an automatic with cruise control a pay-for-it-monthly and it's a struggle but it's vital because, like you, I live on my own (and my family are 150 miles away).

Also I bought a steering wheel knob/handle which attaches to the steering wheel allowing you to manoeuvre your car without using both hands. I find it super useful sitting on cruise control, steering with the handle.

kau1 profile image
kau1 in reply to MsTrevelyan

Thanks for the reply. I’ll have to check out the handle that attaches to the wheel. When I got my automatic car I also got one with cruise control as I thought it would help.

kathgallagher profile image

Please appeal and get supporting evidence from your GP and Consultant. When you are declined you are automatically entitled to a mandatory review so don't give up. Good luck

Artfanatic profile image

Hi, I now receive PIP but originally had DLA & then had to re-apply when PIP was brought in. I'm not sure if you can appeal or re-apply if you've been turned down? But the only advice I can give you is that when you answer the questions you must base it on youre worst day & answer how you are at the worst times, but say some days are better than others. The mobility part is awarded on top of the carer part & is only available to those with severe mobility issues it seems. An interesting fact I discovered is that if you opt for the mobility/car pay out you have to use all you're PIP payment on that, so nothing to supplement you're living expenses & help you survive if you can't work. So you're choice is just the lower income award or the higher one, which all youre payment goes to if you choose to get a car on the mobility award. Also, even if you're only awarded the lower part, did you know you can apply for free car tax, but must re-apply each year. I've also found out that once my state pension starts I'm not allowed to re-apply for PIP when it runs out unless it's within less than a year after receiving state pension. So you don't get both & you have to pay tax on state pension but not on PIP. So it seems the government give it with one hand & take it away with another!! Might have guessed it wouldn't last!?

Recorder500L profile image
Recorder500L in reply to Artfanatic

If you are awarded the standard rate for mobility, you can claim for half the amount of your car tax not the full amount. All helps though. Take care.

SmilerWend profile image
SmilerWend in reply to Artfanatic

Yes you can appeal Artfanatic and also reapply for pip if you've been turned down, and when your on your pension you may be able to get attendance allowance instead.

Artfanatic profile image

To all those still paying for prescriptions (I'm not as over 60 now) get a pre-prescription certificate-go online to apply. It's much cheaper-I think you pay £10 or £12 per mth direct debit (check cos not sure how much now) & it covers everything you get prescribed from doctor, so if you have over 2 items per mth it's worth paying for it, as you'll be paying far less than you would per item on prescription fee of £8.20 now?

in reply to Artfanatic

I have one and yes it does save me money.i have a condition that cannot be cured and ever changing medication why can it not be free. My friend had diabetes and got free prescriptions. Her diabetes came about through neglecting her health. I have always looked after myself and kept myself healthy. Yet I’m penalised and have to pay. Where’s the logic???

Paisley58 profile image

I am sorry this is happening to you but from what you have written I say you definately qualify for help. I suggest you contact C.A.B and your local MP they should provide you with support. The disgusting thing about PIP is they are making it out to be a wage for the unemployed disabled but in actually PIP like DLA is to aid your day to day living because as a person living with a disability your expense will be more. It is unfair that you have to suffer like this without the help and support that you need. I would also suggest you call Adult Social Services as well as inform your GP and Rheumy, perhaps they can put you in contact with a Disability Group or a R.A support group as perhaps they can provide some support during this process, trust me it helps.

I was fortunate to get help through my R.A support group. They provided me with a support worker who helped with the forms, contacted the local authority and got a report from the O.T which she attached to my PIP application. She came with me to my assessment which honestly traumatized me, despite everything I have read there, it really doesn't prepare you for being in the room being interrogated and humiliated. Their support has invaluable.

I wish you every success and I hope to hell this helps, please let us know how it goes, all the best.

Leonwp profile image

I was turned down for dla under same circumstances, I was then turned down for mandatory reconsideration, I was then turned down at appeal, then went to court tribunal and got full award on both. Don't give up and living alone and driving unadopted car make no difference for pip claim at all. I still live alone and have full award.

Recorder500L profile image

Please, please do not give up. Did you forward any letters from your Consultant and GP with your application for PIP?. Ask your Consultant for a letter submitting all information re your condition and how it effects your mobility and daily care. Also any reports of scans/MRI's you have had, you will have to pay your Hospital for this information, around (£25) but it is well worth it.

I find it much easier to drive a manual car with no adaptions due to the fact that with a knob on the steering wheel would make it more painful for both my shoulders than not having a knob; using both hands with elbows kept low kept low to the waist. I also need to continually move my feet & legs otherwise they will cease up. I also have my seat at its highest position and steering wheel slightly low. Everyone is different and each have to find their best driving position in the car. The fact you drive an automatic car with no adaptions would not stop you getting PIP, nor the fact that you are working. Explain to the DWP how long it takes you to get washed and dressed in the mornings, the pain it takes in driving to work and even sitting at a desk in administration is so difficult and painful for you. I asked for a telephone headset as I had difficulty in picking the telephone up and was given one the next day.

Go for it, right to the end with a tribunal if necessary. Take Care.

SmilerWend profile image

Hiya Kau1 same thing happened to me 18 months ago no points even though I couldn't move properly!, I got advice and help from Citizens advice, they were brilliant they did all the appeal for me and I sent in more medical evidence reports from consultants and a Gp letter (this I had to pay for), I ended up having it awarded without it going to the appeal. So don't give up yet! since then I have always kept every letter with apps on and prescript proof etc, I have got my medical records from the last couple of years sent to me free of charge ( anyone can do this), if you use any kind of aids to help with day to day living take photo's of them as all this is back up! also keep a diary of how you go on day to day it may seem boring but it's a record of how you are and finally as was said before we take strong meds for our conditions stress this, again don't give up good luck

kau1 profile image
kau1 in reply to SmilerWend

Thanks to you and everyone who has offered their support.

Based on everyone's experience I now feel more confident to appeal the decision.

Again thanks to everyone.

mickam profile image

I would certainly appeal. The problem with the DWP is that they are incompetent and their contracted assessors are often worse. They seem to view applicants for disability benefits as the enemy rather than people who genuinely require help. The system is designed to wear applicants down and put them off appealing. This attitude may also explain why they lose far more appeals than they win. It is an unnecessarily long, drawn out process, first of all there is the mandatory reconsideration by the DWP which you will almost certainly lose as they rarely want to admit to their mistakes, then the appeal which you have a very reasonable chance of winning. Stick with it.

katrina1961 profile image

you need to appeal

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