Sudden knee pain: I was ok when I first got up this... - NRAS


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Sudden knee pain

wishbone profile image
31 Replies

I was ok when I first got up this morning, but as soon as I got out of my chair after tea & toast, I've getting some serious pain in my right knee. I've had knee problems for years but nothing quite like this before. Both knees are swollen, the right being worse. Nothing unusual there but while not hot as such, the right knee is warmer to touch than the left.

I don't want to press the panic button quite yet, but this does seem similar to what happened when I had septic arthritis in my right hip 3+ years ago. I was on immune suppressing meds back then but have since stopped taking them, up until 3 weeks ago that is. Now I'm back on meds I'm concerned that they may have opened me up to infections again. The specialist at the time did think that taking immune suppressing meds, namely enbrel, was the main cause of the infected hip.

I'm sat here in my recliner hoping that the hot water on my knee will cure the problem. If it doesn't then I'm not sure what to do for the best? I really don't want to create a fuss if it's nothing to worry about. Think I'll probably give it a few more hours and see how it goes. If it gets any worse then I think I need to do something... is it best to phone my GP or go to A&E?

All thoughts are welcome, especially from folk familiar with my history.

edit...just got up after a half hour with the hot water bottle and things are no better and it just so happened that rheumy have just this minute phoned me regarding a different issue with the new med and told me that I need to stop the baricitinib for a week. I explained about my knee and he said I need to go straight to my GP. :-(

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wishbone profile image
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31 Replies

Ooh Hope the GP is helpful and can liaise with Rheum and relieve pain.

helixhelix profile image

Yes, with your history I wouldn't worry about crying wolf, but head straight off to doctors in these circumstances. Hope you can see GP instantly, and they treat you effectively.

wishbone profile image

Thanks both,

My knee seems to be easing off a bit. I don't think that would happen if it was an infection, at least it didn't with my hip. Think I'll give it a bit more time before I phone my GP who tend not to let me hang around for too long.

Rheumy stopped the baricitinib because I was having headaches and the odd sore throat, which have ceased this past few days. I would have mentioned this to the rheumy nurse earlier but was too concerned about my knee. I'll still have a break from the baric though, which leaves the body relatively quick according to rheumy. One of the reasons she put me on it.

chavaudret profile image

so sorry to hear that wishbone try some gentle stretching -can you take anti inflammatories? had a burst bakers cyst behind my knee and got rushed to A and e by my rheum last wednesday with suspected DVT , its going down now after brufen and gentle stretching xxxx

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to chavaudret

Can't take anti- inflamms. Don't have an infra-red heat pad, but a good old hot water bottle did help a little.

That cyst must have been painful...hope your knee's feeling better.

Thanks chavaudret.

chavaudret profile image

Use an infra red heat pad on my knees , a bit hot in this weather but it helps x

nomoreheels profile image

I was going to say just what your Rheumy did. I'd see your knee symptoms as a possible warning & urge you to see your GP asap Wishy. The sooner it's seen or at least recorded the better with your history. You don't want to go there again if it's at all possible. Heck, I was so hoping BAR being a different class of immunosuppressant was going to be ok for you. Harrumph. 😠

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to nomoreheels

I decided to phone my GP and have to phone back a bit later to see if there's a space later today or early in the morning. They also asked me if I wanted my GP phone me back.

Knee has definitely improved. There appears to be a small pocket of fluid on the spot that's most painful. I'm wondering if I'm having trouble because I'm on my feet more than I used to be...thanks to baricitinib improving my mobility?

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to wishbone

Good, let us know how it goes. Could possibly be the extra movement causing some synovial inflammation but still, best to have your GP look at it even though it has improved, in the same position I would. I don't think it's unreasonable.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to nomoreheels

Will do. I don't think it's anything serious so I'll probably give it a bit more time and see how things go.

Thanks heelsy

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to wishbone

Call if anything doesn't feel right though, promise. Take care.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to nomoreheels

Will do.....honest! :-)

You take care too.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to wishbone


AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to wishbone

I had similar symptoms recently in both my knee & my hip...Rheumy said I have

Bursars & they would settle down & they do seem to be easing off......

i had to laugh when I looked up 'Bursar' said they usually affect athletes who over train! more marathons for me this year then!

Hope your pain eases!

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to AgedCrone

That must have been a hell of a blow having to stop your marathons, hope you're back burning up the tarmac next year. :-)

Funny enough, I've been having a slight twinge in my right hip this last few days. May be coincidence, but if it is 'Bursar's' then that's fine by me.

My toothache has returned with a vengeance (had a bit last week). Seeing my dentist tomorrow, well not my dentist, she's on holiday. So it's a stand in who can only prescribe pain relief and antibiotics according to receptionist. The former I certainly don't need as I'm on a high dose now, and as I had a check-up not so long ago and all was in good order, then an infection seems likely and possibly fits in with going back on meds. Is there no end to this madness I ask myself!...............:-(

Thanks AC,

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to wishbone

Can't really give up my marathons as they consist of me heaving myself up the stairs to bed each night!

I wonder how some one described as a "Stand in Dentist" can't do Dentistry, but can prescribe anti biotics? Maybe you should see a Vet, they do Dental work?

Or did the receptionist just make that up in the hope you'd wait for your real Dentist?

Sympathy for you though......toothache doesn't seem to be helped by any painkillers does It? Hope the stand in can help you.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to AgedCrone

That sounds fun!...I bet it keeps your muscles well toned though.

I was thinking the same myself and it will be interesting to see what happens when I see this so called stand in dentist. The receptionist said my regular dentist won't be back for about 3 weeks. Still, I don't suppose her patients will mind holding on a couple of weeks for treatment, especially if they have rampaging toothache. I'm not keen on the practice anyway, it's not very personal like previous dentists I've been to. I get the distinct impression it's very money orientated. If I have a problem then I'll ask to be referred to my local dental hospital. I'd probably be better off going there anyway.

Knee's still improving. :-)

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to wishbone

With a lot of regrets I left my dentist who had looked after my teeth for 20+ years, but the 4hr return drive got too tiring.

I had check ups with two dentists here .....who were way would I have let them treat me.

I then started taking a lot of notice of Senior(!) people's teeth,& asked a couple who I thought had nice teeth " for their age" who they went to, & I now have a lovely young lady who cares for my teeth, & I got in on her NHS list.....Result!

Better ask your wife to look at the teeth for you though...don't want you losing your front teeth for peering too closely at lady's mouths! Ha!Ha!

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to AgedCrone

A 4 hour return drive!! must have really enjoyed peering at his mouth, AC. ;-)

Difficult eating solids as tooth's really painful when it comes into contact with anything. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to AgedCrone

Hi AC,

Saw the stand in dentist this afternoon. Strangely my toothache had practically gone. Anyway, had an x-ray which showed a small infection in the gum caused by a small piece of tooth left behind after an adjacent tooth was removed a couple of years ago. As my toothache had eased off the stand in dentist, who seemed like a nice young chap, thought it best left for the time being in the hope that the remnant will eventually work it's way to the surface. Otherwise he would have to dig down for it, which neither of us were keen on. So we are going to play it by ear and see how thing go. Was given a prescription for 5 day course of amoxicillin.

Bit of a coincidence how that infection started shortly after going back on meds. Hope it's not the harbinger of things to come.

Take care

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to wishbone

Glad it all turned out OK in the end...I have a dodgy tooth that twinges now & then but I want to get these wretched hip & knee bursars sorted before I start on trips to the dentist.

Hope it rains here overnight....the novelty of watering the garden is rapidly wearing off!

Best not to leave it. Get advice from your GP as soon as possible. It is not a good idea to wait and see. Any problem will only get worse.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

I know it's better to be safe than sorry. Guess I'm a typical male foolishly holding off from seeing his doctor. If it's still troubling me I will definitely make an appointment just before surgery opens in the morning. That's when they know what slots are available for urgent appointments on that day. I'm taking my temperature on a regular basis, 36.8 at the mo, :-) though you can't always go by that. :-(

kkminton profile image

Oh good-get to the doctor, and go with your gut feeling!! Poor friend- hope you get speedy relief!

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to kkminton

Thanks KK,

Knee has improved some this morning, so it's probably a bad flare rather than an infection.

Will post an update later.

BonnieT profile image

I’ve had this sudden pain in knee that then lasts for days. I know certain meds can do it but I also wonder about certain foods that can cause gout. My bouts with the knee pain come and go. I was told I needed knee surgery when the pain was do bad I couldn’t walk without a cane. That was two years ago. Today I’m walking fine. Not without pain but my knee is pretty good. I did have the gel shots in knee in February and it helped immensely. I think the methotrexate May be helping but I’m not positive yet.

I can’t remember the name of the antibiotic that caused a bout of severe knee pain quite a while ago but the pharmacist told me to stop taking it immediately as the knee pain could evolve into more all over irreversible body pain. He knew this because his aunt in Canada was permanently incapacitated by it. Ah, It is called Levaquil. I’m glad it came to me. The right knee pain is the first telltale sign something isn’t agreeing with you. A while back, I did find an article online that verified this. It is still prescribed regularly.

BonnieT profile image

I did not have surgery.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to BonnieT

That's interesting, and scary, thanks Bonnie.

I've heard there are antibiotics that can be dangerous. Never heard of Levaquil, but I'll be sure to remember it.

My knee is slowly improving, which I don't think would happen if it was an infection. My knees haven't been very good for a long time and I always walk with a limp of some sort, though not as bad as now with it being more of a hobble than a limp. Rest seems to be helping so I'm trying to stay off my feet as much as possible. Thankfully I don't live on my own.

Good that you're walking fine and long may it continue........................................................

Xxelliexx profile image

Does your rheumy have a department at the hospital run by rheumy nurses, mine does and the nurses can access medical records instantly. They give very good advice and will fast track you if needed. Hope it improves x

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Xxelliexx

Thanks Xxelliexx,

I'm not sure. If I'm in trouble or worried about something then I phone the helpline, which is open 3 mornings per week, and leave my details with the answerphone and wait for the rheumy nurse to get back to me in the afternoon. I can't say I can recall having to wait a minute or so for the nurse to access my medical records. More often than not they have to phone or email my rheumy to find out what to to do then phone me back as soon as they know. I have been fast forwarded on a couple of occasions when I've been in serious trouble. It hasn't happened for a good while though and long may it continue.

Xxelliexx profile image

Maybe you could ask the consultant ‘s secretary if they have an urgent care in rheumatology ward. They don’t tend to advertise it but there may be one. Good luck 😉

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