I hope everyone’s as well as they can be today. Just a quick question. Is it common to have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia added to AS/RA- is it just kind of par for the course, so to speak?
I hope everyone’s as well as they can be today. Just a quick question. Is it common to have a diagnosis of fibromyalgia added to AS/RA- is it just kind of par for the course, so to speak?
I have both and have had for a few years now.xxxx
Seems to be.I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia then after being taken in hospital discovered I had both.You seem to go collect anti immune diseases. Not good
Both too
Yeah been in the background for me too. Diagnosed with RA 8 years ago with possible Fibromyalgia. Then 4 years ago put down as a diagnosis. Getting worse as time goes on (not sure if that’s age related or I’m getting worse at dealing with it.) Trying to avoid the usual Fibromyalgia drugs until absolutely necessary
Hi Eiram50
Can you explain your symptoms as I feel I have something else going on.
I didn't have time to mention it to the rheumatologist at my last appointment. I was in and out in what seemed like 5 minutes.
I've looked up the symptoms on nhs choices and it looks like fibromyalgia
Hi Matilda
I have ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Both have proved extremely difficult to control. I’ve had various biological and drug cocktails and significant major surgeries. What I’ve increasingly noticed is that I’m more fatigued than usual and my memory is really poor. I’m a social worker and find I’m really struggling at times to remember things and I have to really concentrate when before, this wasn’t the case.
I also have a huge sensitivity to heat or the cold.
I’d no idea that o had fybromyalgia until my visit with consultant last week and the only thing added to my cocktail of drugs, specifically relating to the fybromyalgia was anitryptoline.
Hi marie
I had the same problem as you. I'm a specialist nurse and found the more stressed I am the more fatigue and pain I was and it started to affect my decision making with patient treatment. In March I went off on long term sick and now waiting for my pension to start. I'm 58 and although I have worked for the NHS for almost 40 years for a lot of this time I was part time so have approximately 27 years in my pension pot.
I feel a lot better now but I noticed that my skin at times feel like it's burning. Also have experience shooting pain like a electric shock through out my body. I also have suffered with terrible cramp too.
A few years ago I changed from 1995 to 2008 pension scheme which will have an affect on how much pension I will receive.
I couldn't continue feeling tired and fatigued together with painful hands and wrists while working. This is an invisible condition and people/colleagues look at you thinking there is nothing wrong with you and push more work at you therefore working beyond my rostered hours.
I was diagnosed with RA 2 years ago and reduced my hours from full time to 22.5 hours and early this year to 16.5 hours which I feel put more stress on me to complete full time work in part time hours.
I feel I have made the right decision and a heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders.
Hi Marie - It just seems to me that the Fibro follows the others - RA, Sjogrens, AS, etc.... In some folks I guess the Fibro is found first, but in many of us the others come along first then the fibro shows up.
I think to me, the major difference is RA = bones and joints (deformation / pain / inflammation) and Fibro = muscles. I do not feel my muscles hurting beyond a low murmur for the most part unless someone pushes on them, then the pain gets higher and sharper..
Yeah, that sounds about right, to me. Last couple of months has felt so tiring and that I’m having to drag my body into moving but it’s the headaches and the memory/ concentration that I find challenging and very quickly, wipes me out.
Och well, just another thing to add to the list, I guess.
Hi Marie
Do know that auto immune diseases can cluster which is a bit worrying: one's bad enough! Bit worried about thyroid at mo: fatigue, brain fog, feel cold when others don't etc. i know v little about fibromyalgia, sorry, but do get lots of muscle pains especially legs, hips arms - keep thinking it's RD bubbling elsewhere as it comes n goes but feels different tbh?? X
Hi Maria
Although I have all the symptons, i haven't been officially diagnosed with it. Although I do know a few people who have. Im guessing that it probably does go with the territory.
Hi eiram50 it is possible to have 'RA AS and fibro I was diagnosed with fibro last RA first then AS also b12 pernicious anaemia on injections for life the joys lol
Hi Eiran I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2005. Give years later i was also diagnosed with RA
Terrible fatigue. When o e flares the other does to. It feels like being burnt from the inside. Stabbing pain all over my body
Can't concentrate sometimes brai fog.
Horrible illness