Skin sores : I have written a post a few weeks back... - NRAS


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Skin sores

EmmaDR profile image
24 Replies

I have written a post a few weeks back talking about skin sores as some of you might have seen my posts before, I have been in a huge flare recently and just had my meds put up and a steroid injection to sort it out, this has been going on a good few months now and I keep getting these awful skin sores. They get really sore then go, heal on their own with nothing left on the skin but then a week later come back with a vengeance again.

It’s driving me crazy, is this usual for Rheumatoid Arthritis? X

Thanks Em

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EmmaDR profile image
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24 Replies
dianekaty profile image

Are you getting the sores before or after the steroids? In either case, I would discuss this with your doctor asap. If it is before the steroids, it could be another autoimmune disease (i.e. lupus or vasculitis). If it is after, it could be a reaction to the medication.

EmmaDR profile image
EmmaDR in reply to dianekaty

Before all this started when I went into my first flare in ages and it was a shocker. All in all had them for about two months now, I was in a flare for ages then had a steroid injection just over a a week ago my hands swelling has gone down a little but they aren’t normal by any stretch still red, stiff and swollen. The steroid hasn’t worked very well and still getting these sores. :(

dianekaty profile image
dianekaty in reply to EmmaDR

I would request a referral to a dermatologist. Maybe they can sort it out and find a better solution.

phil_54 profile image

Hi emmaDR, I have a similar experience i have had skin sores on my upper arm and they eventually cleared up but left fairly unsightly bruising which i still have, I seem to get them quite frequently i think this is down to auto immune rather than meds i just think its all to easy to just blame side affects from medication all the time, Yes the medication can have fairly serious side affects but if it is a case of putting up with them rather than not taking them then its a no brainer for me as they really help me .

Sorry i cant be more helpful

EmmaDR profile image
EmmaDR in reply to phil_54

The worst sore is in the crease of my right hip it doesn’t matter what I do it goes away then comes back a few days later:(

wishbone profile image

Apparently I have a crazy mad form of rosacea that does my 'ed in on times! Along with the typical facial rash I also get 'orrible weeping pustules and spots over my upper body and scalp that keep recurring and take ages to heal. I've noticed my rosacea and RA seem go hand in hand with each other - when one flares the other soon follows. So it looks as if my crazy mad form of rosacea is related to auto immune disease rather than medication.

in reply to wishbone

Eeks Wishbone - Sorry that you get that. It really sounds painful.. Sending gentle hugs

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

Thanks Caeryl, and yes they can sting a bit on times. When my RA was well controlled I used to get just the odd septic spot, usually on my upper torso. Since my RA has got worse then so has my skin problem. Pustules/spots can break out anywhere on me from the waist up, and they're more mean & nasty than they were before!

EmmaDR profile image
EmmaDR in reply to wishbone

I just had to look that up, is this is a flare or just generally is it due to autoimmune issues do you think? Xx

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to EmmaDR

Obviously I can only speak of what's been happening with me.... since having to stop all immune suppressing meds because of complications, both my RA and skin condition have got worse. Also, as previously mentioned, if my RA should flare my skin condition tends to follow, or is it vice versa?? So there does appear to be some sort of link between the two.

Did your sores start after your RA flared?

EmmaDR profile image
EmmaDR in reply to wishbone

Yes 100% my flare started then so did the sores appear.

However I also get this strange mottled colourings all over my body especially when it’s cold which is apparently called livedo reticularis which I have had since a kid which is something to do with autoimmune issues I think xx

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to EmmaDR

Some of these skin problems do seem to be related to our compromised immune systems. Hope that livido reticularis isn't as bad as it sounds!?

edit... your condition could even be stress related I suppose?

Sorry I'm falling a bit behind with my replies but I'm a one finger typist.

EmmaDR profile image
EmmaDR in reply to wishbone

Lol 😂 don’t worry my hands and wrists aren’t what they once were lol

Stress maybe, I have enough of it as we all do :( x

I think they are all linked .. it seems far to coincidental that a lot of people here suffer from RA also suffer skin problems, from what I have read it seems common xx

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to EmmaDR

RA is the pits!! I well remember 15 years ago when I went to see my GP for the results of a blood test I'd had for aching feet & knees following a long walk. She, my GP, looked seriously glum when she told me that my bloods showed positive for RA and she'd be referring me to a rheumatologist...and there was I in my ignorance wondering why there seemed to be so much concern about a bit of arthritis in a couple of my joints? Little did I know what lay ahead and what a life changer it would turn out to be. :-(

EmmaDR profile image
EmmaDR in reply to wishbone

Yep I fully agree and I was only diagnosed in 2015 xx :(

It could possibly be what is known as an RA rash. A lot of folks get a version of this, including me. Mine is nothing as bad as yours though. I agree with the others... get to your doc STAT

Dotty55 profile image

Dotty55Hi EmmaDR I get sores on both my hands and under my feet they look like blisters with puss they look infected and they get very painful then they turn into blood blister and then they go very dry Dr gave me cortisone cream as soon as they go they come right back again I only seem free for a couple of days I don't know if yours are similar


EmmaDR profile image
EmmaDR in reply to Dotty55

I get them in a few places but by far the worse is the crease of my hip, it gets red raw, at first I thought well maybe it’s soap so I changed it, however nope it carried on, so then I stopped using soap, didn’t improve, I have tried everything it clears up looks normal then and then comes back every week. This has happened since my flare started about two months ago plus I am getting loads of bruising it’s a nightmare xx

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to EmmaDR

When I went to see a dermatologist she gave me a medicated scrub and said to be sure to wash the crease of my hips as it was often a problem area. I've never had so much as as itchy pip there though.

EmmaDR profile image
EmmaDR in reply to wishbone

It’s deffo not itchy it’s red raw sore, I have read loads about an different types of fungal sores etc in creases because it’s where bacteria can love and stuff but it doesn’t look like any of them, plus normally that comes from poor hygiene I have a bath everyday without fail as I relax my joints, I wash with soaps that’s why for a while I stopped thinking it was that, that was causing it, to much perfume it’s bizarre it doesn’t seem to make any difference. Plus I get a strange rash over my legs it mainly seems to be lower half of me hip creases, legs, ankles and feet. Xxx

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to EmmaDR

Complicated things these skin conditions. Best thing for you to do is to ask your GP to refer you to dermatology.

Dotty55 profile image


When I went to the doctors he just said it was some kind of exma district nurses said they hadn't seen anything like it it makes you want to just hide away I get it on my hands and under my feet worse when I get them on my torso I just touch them and they just burst I've tried using different soap,and laundry I brought sanex % shower gel to seem if would make any difference it is clearing on one hand and drying up on the other fingers crossed


EmmaDR profile image
EmmaDR in reply to Dotty55

You would think they would tell you or at least start seeing these things are all linked so many people on here seem to have similar skin issues :( they don’t give you enough information ever do they x

Esmereld profile image

Can’t comment on skin but maybe try some compression gloves for swollen hands. I use them sometimes and they help a bit. Loads on the internet. Just like using flight socks for your legs and feet to avoid swelling.

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