Hi, does anybody have any problems with sores on their face from taking methotrexate?
Sores from taking methotrexate: Hi, does anybody have... - NRAS
Sores from taking methotrexate

No I haven’t experienced that and I’ve been on it 3 1/2 years. It’s not a side effect I know of best go to your GP

Thank you, will go to the GP, will post on here if it is methotrexate, have a good weekend!
Took it for 7 years...no sores anywhere. Only odd effect was a metallic taste in my mouth...so I became addicted to mint sweets!
Hi. I tried Mx twice and both times got ulcers and blue/purple pigmentation changes in my mouth and in an intimate area.
My RA nurses said to stop the drug immediately. I don’t know what your sores look like but I would advise you to ask the professionals for help. It’s not the only drug they can prescribe.
Good luck. Lx
I suffer from mouth ulcers with methotrexate which is more common. Maybe you should seek GP for advice.
Hiya Jenniferjuniper, welcome. What dose of folic acid are you taking? You may know but MTX, in the way it works on cells to help our RD, can't determine which good things we need so it may be a folate problem, often helped by increasing the amount of folic acid we replenish. How much were you asked to take? If it's less that 5mg 6 days a week it may help if your Rheumy increases it. Do ask.
Hi nomoreheels .......great name but the way, thanks for that, I am on 6x5mg a week but will ask my Rheumy after i have seen my GP.
I certainly do, but swap the dappled mare with a clapped out bike.......
I have been on MTX , you?
Hi, I've had them quite a few months now, they are like little peeling places, rather than sores really. I have just started putting tea tree oil on them and it seems to be making a difference. I think I will start to take one less mtx a week and see if that improves them. Thank you for asking ☺- have a good day!
Sorry for not replying sooner Jennifer, with the reply not being under mine I didn’t get an alert & only just logged on. I wonder if like me you have mild eczema patches? I have a tendency to get stress eczema (when stressed, 🙄) but do find that when it gets colder & windy I get small patches at the bottom of my cheek, in a line with my mouth. I have a prescribed topical cream I use sparingly if they persist. I do use a daily tea tree oil facial wash which has really helped with any breakouts, haven't had a spot in years. I also use tea tree oil but not neat on my face.
I'd just run it by your rheumy nurse, see if she thinks reducing your MTX may be helpful, just so they know if your bloods take a downward turn. 😉
Thanks for that, that was really helpful, I might try a daily tea tree oil wash........but I hate the smell of it! 😵will just have to splash more Eternity on 😂 I do sometimes miss a week on my mtx, if I go on holiday for instance, so I'm able to have a few wines.....naughty I know but it doesn't seem to affect my bloods, but I will tell my Rheumy nurse if I decide to take one less a week.