I have had a terrible of late. Last week i dropped a breeze block on my toes. They were badly bruised and still are,they swollen and still sore a week later. My back is still causing me a lot of problems as well. I have pre-op this Friday for the operation on my back and next week i get the MRI the surgeon wanted before he operates.
Yesterday was a bad day,had a disagreement with my daughter because i was having a bit of of a pity party because i was in so much pain. I won't into the whole conversation,but she say she said i have to think positive and then i will get brighter and not drag the family down with her. It was very hard and the decision i have made is every time anyone asks i am fine. She had just split up with her boyfriend as well so that maybe because of how she spoke to me.. I was very upset as you can imagine.
I am in a awful lot of pain with the back,RA,Fibro and so exhausted as well. I went into the garden and did some gardening to take my mind of my daughter. Anyway of course i overdid it didn't i,and i have been down here all night and have only had a couple of hours sleep.
I am seeing rheumy this morning then tomorrow the pain clinic and Friday pre-op at another hospital.
I wish you all a painfree day and hugs for you all.xxxxxx