Hi all ,hope you are all having a pain free day or getting some kind of relief,
i wanted to share with you all some good news !!!
I have just had a call direct from my rhuemy consultant who rang me at home to see how i was as when he saw me on Tuesday i was in a really bad way , unable to walk, due to my knees being badly swollen, my wrist, my hands and fingers were extremely swollen,which is how i had been left since Dec 11th after having a very poor consultation for the whole of 3mins with a rhuemy nurse who couldnt be bothered to give me the time of day. He was concerned and wanted to know if the steroid had took effect. I told him i was alot better than i was, just suffered severe pain in the lower part of my back after the injection and that i had pain in my shoulder and neck now.
He said they were going to move fast on getting me sorted on my meds as my bloods had come back with very high activity more than i'd ever had before. He also said he had spoken to the rhuemy nurse whom i had complained to him about on Tuesday when i saw him ref the 3 min consultation she gave me in December ref how i was getting on with meds and my examiniation and telling me to continue on with them even though it should have been quite obvious to her(his words not mine ) i was suffering severe side effects she had sent me away and told me to carry on taking them and it was my poor Gp who had to sort the mess out.He apologised to me and said that i had suffered badly because of the careless attitude of the rhuemy nurse and that i was one of 5 people who were treated in this manner that day. (Could give a girl a complex if i had of been the only one lol :)) that it was not acceptable. He said she claimed she was stressed and over worked and was extremely sorry for her actions. He said she wanted to phone me to apologise but he wouldnt let her till he spoke with me first . He has said that due to her carelessness i have suffered uneccessarily and he was so sorry for this,( Maybe thats why they are moving fast on sorting my meds out?)
To be fair he is a lovely consultant who always gives genrously of hs time. To be honest im glad its been sorted out because i lost total confidence in the nurse. He has given me a telephone number to contact him on if i need to ref any concerns or anything to do with my meds and he will call me back. Maybe i have made noises in the right place at last something got done. To be fair the whole rhuemy dept are brill and very warm and friendly the nurse is not over friendly but never treated me the way she did that day. so just a word to the wise if yo are badly treated as i was complain to your consultant it may get you some where as it did me cant promise tho.,How good it made me feel that some one actually listened,after all we are takinng powerful drugs and not something to be treated lightly, especially if having severe side effects. But at least its been dealt with and wont happen again to me or anyone else in future.
have a pain free day all love lena xxxx ps sorry for going on a bit xxx