Well just feel like saying really , I got offer the anti tnf drug back in July nd then my follow up appointment were forgotten about after many phone calls from me to my rumy nurse they finely got back to me but going to the appointment they said my bloods taken back in July are out of date I had my bloods done and was asked to go back the following week while I wa home I thought hard about the drugs I'm on and how I can still function more so then others I read bout on ere so I ran up the nurse and decided it's not my time yet the £10,000 pound drug can help someone who really needs it at present the flares I get are thanks to my own stupid fault doing to much so I count my self lucky and feel someone that needs it more will benefit more then me right now maybe in the future I will need it that will be when I'm in constant pain like some of you poor soles best wishes xx
Me again: Well just feel like saying really , I got... - NRAS
Me again

Your body your choice, but I wish I’d been put on s anti-tnf sooner as I may not have ended up with all the damage I have, mine was stealth like in it’s attack on my body! Maybe worth having the bloods redone before making your decision but obviously entirely your choice...RA does not discriminate...good luck!!
Same 3littlebirds2, the anti Tnf only became available 10yrs after the RA started and much visible/hidden damage was done.
Loppyloo12 I totally understand your reluctance in going on these powerful biologics as I felt the same as you. Now I don't read the side effects as it tends to put me off starting a new one.
Good luck😎
Hi, very noble of you, however it is always best not to wait until the pain gets too much. Furthermore you will have another long wait to start the therapy and more damage will have occured. If they had decided you could have the biologic then it indicates you need it now. Might be too late to help you if you wait any longer. Your choice of course... but think again.
Best wishes.
I agree with what others have said. They don’t offer the anti tnf lightly, so think seriously before saying no. Again your choice but good luck either way
Oh wow!! I would have to be dying and even then couldn't afford the 10,000 pound drug...

Well we are lucky to have the nhs ere so we get free health care
Oh - Got it - I have insurance that pays for mine too (we pay insurance premiums and taxes too). I thought you meant out of pocket (as in your pocket) - that makes more sense. But Big Pharma has actually raised prices on so many things making them out of reach unless you did have an insurance plan...
What a very considerate thing to do!! Hopefully you will continue as you are and won’t need the new drugs in the future. Well done you x