Can you start back on Enbrel after not taking it for 5 months ? I stopped due to uti s . Now have really bad flare , got appointment with nurse in 3 weeks ......
Enbrel .....start again : Can you start back on Enbrel... - NRAS
Enbrel .....start again

Yes I was of it a few years ago .and was allowed to start it again .takes a while to get into system again amy
I've had had breaks from Humira in the last 3 years for various reasons, the first one being continuous UTI's. And always gone back on it. All the best. X
Hi Abbie,
I was advised to stop taking enbrel for good because of recurring UTIs. Recently started taking a low dose of baricitinib. Early days yet, 4 months, but infection free so far. My rheumy prefers this med because it leaves the body much faster than other immune suppressants, within a couple of days apparently. That should mean my immune system will be back to fighting fit, slight exaggeration there methinks, pretty quick thus more capable of fighting an infection should I get one. Well, that's what we hope will happen anyway.
If like me you are prone to UTIs, it might be worth mentioning baricitinib to your rheumy.
I had to stop due to Breast Cancer and started again after 4 months. Previously it was really effective but not so after restarting. We gave it a go for about 5 weeks the my specialist moved me over to Rituximab.
I had benepali for 3/4 months and went back to enbrel - no problem