Hello everyone...
I have had a total knee replacement operation on 11 December last year and am recovering now. naturally I had to stop injecting Enbrel (Etanercept) 2 weeks before the oeration and wait 2 weeks post operation to start the injections again. My level of inflammation went sky high - it did not help that on top of major surgery, hence shock to the body, my other knee is extremely painful as it too needs to be replaced, so is very swollen, hence inflammation. When I saw my rheumatologist on 16 January she recommended I started injecting with methotrexate once a week (have not started yet) because of high inflammation. I used to take a Methorexate tablet once a week when I first started to inject Enbrel but discontinued the tablets after a while because it did not suit me and really upset my stomack (have problems with reflux,etc...). The Enbrel worked well without the methotrexate tablet, so am wondering whether I really need to add the Methotrexate injection now. Am rather reluctant... Had many blood tests done + X-rays of chest to ensure I can have methotrexate again. Since I have not had any results from hospital I must assume it's all clear for me to have methotrexate in injection form. It has been left with me to phone the rheumatology department to go in and have a first methotrexate injection (will self inject thereafter).
I am just wondering whether I should let the inflammation "settle" post knee operation, and perhaps it is not really necessary to have these injections... Although I am aware a high level of inflammation is not really desirable and can be dangerous. So I have a dilemma regarding methotrexate: to inject or not to inject?... that is the question!
I am not very keen to have methotrexate again... therefore I would really appreciate any feef back from anyone who has or had these injections, telling me whether or not they benefited from them and/or what problems they caused...
Thank you if you are able to give me any feed back or advice.