Hi all,
I have AS and currently experiencing a big flare. Meds not working and just started Methotrexate..
Forgive the rant but I’m struggling,
I don’t know why but I have never felt so alone as I do at the moment.
I keep asking myself Is it the AS that’s dragging me down or is it a bigger issue.
My partner and I have been together 13 years and like any relationship we have our ups and downs. Lately however I don’t feel we are connected anymore and we seem to be drifting apart.
We are set to go on a big holiday in 8 weeks with all her family and that’s creating a lot of tension between us. When she asked if we could go I agreed but asked if we could have a few days just the two of us (we are going to Oz to stay with her family with the rest of her Uk family for 21/2 weeks) she agreed to this but it’s clear that she doesn’t want to do this really so it’s become a bone of contention between the two of us. I have been accused of being stubborn and emotionally blackmailing her because she knows I had also always dreamed of going to Oz with my life partner thus that dream has been replaced with a family holiday to the same location.
As a result of this I have said that it doesn’t matter and it can be all family (even though I don’t know how I will cope with 21/2 weeks of mother in law, sister and brother in law and 3 kids plus all the Oz family without any time to ourself) her comments are really getting to me, she compared me to all our friends and none of it was favourable thus I am left wondering why she is with me?
I always knew this holiday was going to be a big challenge with AS and the pain and fatigue it brings but if things are strained between us now how is it all going to work out, the last thing I’d want is for it to spoil the trip for anyone so want to resolve any issues before we go but fear she’s a lot of resentment to me about all manner of things which isn’t going to go away.
Sorry to vent, it’s all a bit much at the mo,
Take care Lisa x