Hello community! Help please! First, some history, I have had gastric ulcers since the age of 7(my biomom went through the change, my mama got uterine cancer and I developed my first ulcer), so I know very well what it feels like when one is starting(which it is-ouch).My daughter THINKS she understands my pains, emotional and physical. Instead, she contributes to them. Right now, we are having an arguement over a US political issue-which in no way applies to her--her brother, possibly but not her. She doesn't see others points at all. She will tell me to "take it easy. Take a day for yourself " and by afternoon/next day, she will need some form of rescuing- -$$ or driving her somewhere, or "my child won't do this or that", my sister-in-law is soo mean(she'd liked to be paid for practically raising said child). She makes my stomach hurt!!! At this point, my husband is answering all her texts so maybe my stomach will settle down...
How do I deal with her????