What do pain management units do?: My rheumy refereed... - NRAS


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What do pain management units do?

Someonesmother profile image
33 Replies

My rheumy refereed me to the pain management unit at the hospital just over a year ago. I had completely forgotten until I got a letter saying I have to attend a group info session and then they will make an appt. Do they just do group therapy, CBT stuff as I am not interested in that? I also really don't want to change any of my meds after trying lyrica and endep and other stuff that screwed with my head so much, I never want to try any anti convulsive, anti depressant stuff ever, ever again, but do they make you? I am just not interested in wasting my time and taking more time off work than I have to seeing as I am looking down the barrel of 4 to 6 weeks off for surgery on my neck. What experiences have people had?

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Someonesmother profile image
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33 Replies
helixhelix profile image

Nobody can make you take any drug you don't want to! And I doubt they'd try anyway as the purpose of pain clinics is to work with you to develop individual solutions using a mix of techniques - medication, alternative therapies, tens machines and so on.

Here's the NHS link. nhs.uk/Livewell/Pain/Pages/...

But if you feel resistant to it then perhaps it might not be worth it for you? So perhaps cancel and allow someone else can use the place who's more open to exploring options?

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to helixhelix

Thanks for the link. there is nothing I can find about what they do here, lots of stuff about US ones that make you sign agreements that you have to only go there for medications, do urine testing etc. Turned me right off. I am also just not in to touchy, feely naval gazing stuff. I am under enough pressure at work without taking more time off so I was concerned that it would just be a waste of time.I guess I will find out if it is and then someone else can have my spot if it is.

Rasux profile image
Rasux in reply to Someonesmother

I have to take pee tests and can be called in at any point. Just to receive my pain meds. They make you, there’s a trust breaking situation! They use bullying tactics to make you feel like you have to...and if you want the help than you do...

Kai-- profile image


Aside: Merely supplemental Pain Management resources if interested, Someonesmother: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos.... . Scrolling downward toward bottom of page, there’s Tame The Beast’s Lorimer Moseley work & a brief list of ‘Additional Pain Resources’ that might be of curiosity? 🤔

Wishing you speedy relief. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to Kai--

Thanks Kai

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Someonesmother


New supplemental Pain Management resource on ’Chiropractic, Massage, Physical Therapy to Help Manage Pain . . . ‘: healthunlocked.com/cure-art... 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to Kai--

I really hate massage or people touching me. I even hate having my hair washed at the hairdressers when they try and massage my head. Haha so I don't think I would do too well at that. :)

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Someonesmother


Laughing so hard 😆 😂 . . . puzzling over how one becomes ‘SomeonesMother’ 👩‍👦 if one is repelled by touch?? 😳 😌 🤣

(Syringe 💉 ? Turkey 🦃 baster? Immaculate conception 😇 ✝️ 👼 ?! 🤔 😯)

Perhaps I’ve misread, & it’s intended more as an euthanasia-like plea? 🤔

[Please,] ‘SomeoneSmother’ 😵 ⁉️ . . . 😧 🤦‍♂️ 🤷‍♀️

🙃 😳 🤯


Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to Kai--

I was fine up until I was raped. Now I don't like to be touched :(

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Someonesmother


Oh my! That turned dark 🌘 (& unfunny 😧) quickly, horrifically. 😱

I’m so very sorry, Someonesmother, that you’d had such an unspeakable experience. 😔 🙏

If this helps in any way, there’s solid — non-physicial touching resources ( healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... ) that help us work through such awful traumas. If it interests you at all, there may be something there that strikes a chord 🎵 that might be of some use? 🤔

Wishing you the very best, Someonesmother. 😌

🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to Kai--

Thanks Kai. I have pretty much worked my way through it. I just don't like to be touched. It creeps me out and makes me go to flight or fight. I have learned coping mechanisms to cope with the hairdressers and when people have to touch me for medical reasons. I just don't put myself in situations where there is prolonged touching, like massage.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Someonesmother


Just can’t imagine how awful that must be, Someonesmother. 😳 😔 🤭 Thinking there has to be ways to ‘rewire’ ➰ ➰/ ‘reprogram’ our brains 🧠 , so we don’t automatically/ readily trigger ‘flight 🏃‍♀️ or fight 👊’ . . . 🤔 So many techniques/ methods nowadays 🤔 . Excellent that you manage well 😌 & know what works for you & what your ‘tolerances’ are. 👍👍 Wondering if over time, the trigger & 🏃‍♀️/ 👊 response subsides, subdues, fades? 🤔 Hoping🤞 it ‘mutes’ over time & to eventually never troubling you again. 😌 🙏


Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to Kai--

It's been more than 20 years, so I guess this is me. I am comfortable with my life way it is and don't feel the need to re wire anything. Younger people may pursue that course, but I really have no more energy to devote to it .

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to Someonesmother

I hear 👂 ya, I 👂ya . . . acceptance, acceptance 😌🙏 . . .

Rasux profile image
Rasux in reply to Someonesmother

My husbands the same way; shame on the how Imone becomes a mother! We can all be caring individuals and want our personal space too

AgedCrone profile image

"They" cannot force you to take any drug you don't want to take!

Why don't you attend this first appointment to find out if what it offers would be of any use to you?

I quite agree about CBT...I just don't have the patience for it, & I certainly wouldn't want to sit & listen to half a dozen people explain their pain.

Thankfully I'm pain free at the moment....but I know when I hurt I want it dealt with - not talked about!

But different folk have different approaches...go along for a look see, & decide if it's for you!

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to AgedCrone

Thanks Aged Crone, Yeah I have just got on with it and put up with it for the last 6 years and I really don't want to start the navel gazing, it is just not me. :) It was at the instigation of the registrar I had words with late 2016 who tried to tell me there was nothing wrong with me I just had fibro, so I am very hesitant to go as I have no idea what she wrote in the referral. My rheumy who is the head of the unit, on the other hand has a different opinion. I have an appt this Wed at the rheumy clinic at the hospital, I am dreading seeing another registrar, but I have to go to get the biologic script.

I guess I will go to the pain clinic appt, but seriously if all they do is CBT and other navel gazing it definitely won't be for me.

AgedCrone profile image

Good decision! I agree with you...no navel gazing....but that approach appears to help many. But how long do you attend these pain clinics before they - or you- decide if they help?

I am a bit slam,bam,thank you ma'am....I want plain speaking & if that means you just have to get on with it yourself, that is what I have done for the last 18 years.

But every single one if us has different ideas of how we should be treated.

I took the drug route, & I can't tell you how many "friends" knew better than my rheumatologist! They Googled the meds I took...exaggerated all the horrific side effects & ignored the fact I was doing well! And oh how they crowed when I went loopy on Pred, sick on SSZ & worse on Lfl!

But it's my RA & I will deal,with it the way I want!

Sorry...bit of a rant there!

Let us know how the pain clinic turns out....Bon chance!

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to AgedCrone

Haha I am like you. I have been left to manage any pain by myself with my GP for 6 years. I just get on with it as I work full time and just have to suck it up. I don't want my whole focus in life to be thinking about how much pain I am in. I am lucky that no one really cares what meds I take in my family and friend circle and I don't talk about it much because I don't want the whole advice on what would be better for me. Sorry you had to go through that. Very frustrating and not helpful for you.

Well as you say all I can do is see what they offer and if not for me just walk away.

allanah profile image

I didn't attend any groups but just ring them up and ask what they do !

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to allanah

Thanks Allanah I am going to ring, but they seem quite evasive as there is not any info of any value that I can find about what they do.

Trulysad-76 profile image

It’s about managing your pain on daily basis. They can’t prescribe drugs, they help you to try and manage it yourself x

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to Trulysad-76

This one apparently can prescribe. It is based in the hospital. I am just not interested in group therapy sessions and focusing on how much pain I experience. Oh well I guess I will find out if it is for me or not.

Trulysad-76 profile image
Trulysad-76 in reply to Someonesmother

That’s it, my pain clinic isn’t allowed to prescribe but I already have injections in my back, now I got to have them in my foot and I’m on strong painkillers.

I wish you luck and hope something works for you x

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to Trulysad-76

I have had steroid injections in various places over the ywars including ankle, elbow, fingers, toes, lower back and neck. I think the one in my toe joint was the most painful but boy they do work wonders, except my neck ones which made no difference so off to have surgery to fix that. I hope you get some good results with yours. I take 200mg slow release tramadol at night which allows me to get about 4 hours of deep relaxed sleep. Apart from that I live on panadol during the day as I can't take anything else.

Good luck with your injection.

GranAmie profile image
GranAmie in reply to Someonesmother

maybe worth one visit - i was sent for hydrotherapy when i had pmr [for abt 11 years b4 RA appeared]. Did nowt for me as it was more for hip replacement patients - BUT it did remind me how much i liked swimming and went back to it in ?2005. Now in 2017 i do a mile a week [ really, only 20 lengths mon-fri in a 20m pool] but it helps, so maybe ... I wish you all the best

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to GranAmie

Thanks GranAime. Oh I hope they won't suggest that I hate public pools and don't have time off work to do hydrotherapy anyway as they are only open business hours. Other drs suggested them but I nearly vomit thinking about floating bandaids and people weeing in them. Haha I would be like a beached whale stuck there because I couldn't get out!

GranAmie profile image
GranAmie in reply to Someonesmother

Aaahrg - sorry, size 28 feet here, touched a nerve didn't I, so forget my suggestion! Sitting here snowed in so catching up b4 power cuts! can't suggest anything else except seaweed or himalayan salt bath at home... wishing you peace

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to GranAmie

No it's ok, I just hate public pools. I stopped going years ago after seeing some truly gross things in them. Yuk . hahahah.

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to GranAmie

BTW hope the snow isn't too bad. Summer here, but you wouldn't know it as it is very cool. Hoping to be back up in the 30s in the next few days. Yay

GranAmie profile image
GranAmie in reply to Someonesmother

SUMMER!? where are you? Can I visit?? [joke] xox

Someonesmother profile image
Someonesmother in reply to GranAmie

Australia. Better weather today up to 30c. Yay back to summer.

summer32 profile image

Scary picture jumped when I opened the post!!

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