So the song goes!!
So I stopped the sulfasalazine myself, nasty side effects went away, got blessing officially from my RA nurse, and just on MTX now, no side effects, except from the greenhouse effect, which is inconvenient as its costing me a fortune in perfume and deodorant But of course as a result now my fingers are starting to stiffen up and the bases of my left thumb ballooned up for 2 days but settled with a splint, then the other thumb, not to be left out, came out in sympathy but not as bad, and now my feet and ankles a starting to play up, well they see the hands doing it so they, naturally, want to get a piece of the action!
Don't have an appointment until 3 weeks time and feel cheeky just popping in (I work as a nurse in the hospital) and taking advantage of being "staff", but they did say I could (I'm one of those queer folk who feel like I'm taking advantage even when I'm told I can do something!!)
So do I stick it out and get my lovely student nurse doing all the little finite things like unscrewing drip attachments and my coke bottle, or do I admit defeat and go and see her, taking advantage of the fact that she is there and I'm only 2 floors above her office?
I know I'll prob stick it out instead of getting a name for myself as the local "pain in the arse! But......... loads of excuses that would make this essay way to long!!
Got a podietry appointment on Tuesday so maybe he can help "cure" the feet thing, we shall see
Am I being a fool to myself? probably but that's me I guess!!