Hi all, I have PSA, Chrons, Diabetes, and my PSA is very active so I've just been put on Azathioprine 50mg starter dose, I'm already on Stelara, Hydroxy, oral Pred 5mg, Celecoxib, Vit D, Probiotics, vit c. I tend to have bad side effects to most things and having taken it on tues and wed morning, had to spend wed in bed due to dizziness, sickness, violent tummy upsets, the whole world was moving it was so bad and so I didn't take it thursday and haven't as yet today. I took it after breakfast - porridge so it was a reasonable size meal. Today I still feel nauseous and dizzy but am thinking I need to try again - having looked around I see people have started on 25mg rather than 50 - maybe split into morning and night - really my question is how violent to the side effects need to be to not take it! Normally I wouldn't even consider taking it again but I have failed on every other medication for PSA available so not sure how hard I have to try!
thanks for listening!