I finally took the plunge to have Olumiant on Monday 22nd after getting my blood tests/vaccines etc. It's been a bit of an up-and-down story so am wondering what other people's experiences have been like.
This is a draft of what I'm going to email my Rheumatologist but thought it was worth hearing some other people's experiences as well.
30-year-old male diagnosed with RA last year. Have failed MTX and Arava due to reactions/bad side effects. Needing 10mg Pred to keep symptoms at bay and live a normal life.
Side effects
I started it Monday night (22nd). I didn’t have any side effects for a while and then developed some lower abdominal/lower back discomfort overnight. This backed off during the day but then came back on Tuesday afternoon so I didn't take it on Tues/Wed. By Wednesday I was back to normal.
I decided to try it on Thursday morning. This time I didn't have any gut-related side effects but did have tinnitus in my right ear for most of the day. I again was concerned so took Friday off.
I then tried it on Saturday and Sunday. This time I didn't experience any obvious side effects but did feel a little tired/achy in my muscles and had a few pimples. Overnight on Sunday, I again had LLQ abdominal pain when lying down which lasted about 1-2 hours, I then slept and it went away. Monday is a bigger work day so I decided to have another day off.
On Monday I felt my RA symptoms were basically gone so I reduced Prednisolone to 7.5mg with no issues. Tried Olumiant again on Tuesday (today). This time the main effects were that I felt a little spaced out and tired enough in the afternoon to need a nap which isn't normal for me.
RA symptoms
With respect to my RA symptoms, it had a strong positive effect within hours (if that's even possible) and has done so with every dose. I'm essentially symptom-free, even the day after when I take a day off Olumiant so it's clearly working.
1. Have you experienced any of the above side effects? If so, did they reduce with time?
2. Has your rheumatologist advised/allowed you to reduce to 2mg or take olumiant every second day?
3. Please feel free to share any other interesting comments relevant to using Olumiant.